ec2-run-instances - Online in the Cloud

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ec2-run-instances - Launch instances of an image


ec2run ([ec2-run-instances])


Any command option/parameter may be passed a value of '-' to indicate
that values for that option should be read from stdin.


Launch a number of instances of a specified AMI.
The AMI parameter is the AMI ID of the AMI to launch.


-O, --aws-access-key KEY
AWS Access Key ID. Defaults to the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY
environment variable (if set).

-W, --aws-secret-key KEY
AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to the value of the AWS_SECRET_KEY
environment variable (if set).

-T, --security-token TOKEN
AWS delegation token. Defaults to the value of the AWS_DELEGATION_TOKEN
environment variable (if set).

-K, --private-key KEY
[DEPRECATED] Specify KEY as the private key to use. Defaults to the value of the
EC2_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (if set). Overrides the default.

-C, --cert CERT
[DEPRECATED] Specify CERT as the X509 certificate to use. Defaults to the value
of the EC2_CERT environment variable (if set). Overrides the default.

-U, --url URL
Specify URL as the web service URL to use. Defaults to the value of
'' (us-east-1) or to that of the
EC2_URL environment variable (if set). Overrides the default.

--region REGION
Specify REGION as the web service region to use.
This option will override the URL specified by the "-U URL" option
and EC2_URL environment variable.
This option defaults to the region specified by the EC2_URL environment variable
or us-east-1 if this environment variable is not set.

-D, --auth-dry-run
Check if you can perform the requested action rather than actually performing it.

-v, --verbose
Verbose output.

-?, --help
Display this help.

-H, --headers
Display column headers.

Display additional debugging information.

Indicate empty fields.

Do not display tags for tagged resources.

--connection-timeout TIMEOUT
Specify a connection timeout TIMEOUT (in seconds).

--request-timeout TIMEOUT
Specify a request timeout TIMEOUT (in seconds).


-b, --block-device-mapping MAPPING
Defines a block device mapping for the image, in the form
'<device>=<block-device>', where 'block-device' can be one of the

- 'none': indicates that a block device that would be exposed at the
specified device should be suppressed. For example: '/dev/sdb=none'

- 'ephemeral[0-3]': indicates that the Amazon EC2 ephemeral store
(instance local storage) should be exposed at the specified device.
For example: '/dev/sdc=ephemeral0'.

that an Amazon EBS volume, created from the specified Amazon EBS
snapshot, should be exposed at the specified device. The following
combinations are supported:

- '<snapshot-id>': the ID of an Amazon EBS snapshot, which must
be owned by the caller. May be left out if a <size> is
specified, creating an empty Amazon EBS volume of the specified

- '<size>': the size (GiBs) of the Amazon EBS volume to be
created. If a snapshot was specified, this may not be smaller
than the size of the snapshot itself.

- '<delete-on-termination>': indicates whether the Amazon EBS
volume should be deleted on instance termination. If not
specified, this will default to 'true' and the volume will be

- '<type>': specifies the volume type. This can be either
'standard' or 'io1'. Defaults to standard.

- '<iops>': The requested number of I/O operations per
second that the volume can support.

- 'encrypted': Indicates that the volume should be encrypted.

For example: '/dev/sdb=snap-7eb96d16'

See the latest Developer's Guide for further information.

-d, --user-data DATA
Specifies the user data to be made available to the instance(s) in
this reservation.

-f, --user-data-file DATA-FILE
Specifies the file containing user data to be made available to the
instance(s) in this reservation.

-g, --group GROUP [--group GROUP...]
Specifies the security group (or groups if specified multiple times)
within which the instance(s) should be run. Determines the ingress
firewall rules that will be applied to the launched instances.
Defaults to the user's default group if not supplied.

-k, --key KEYPAIR
Specifies the name of the key pair to use when launching the instance(s).

-m, --monitor
Enables monitoring of the specified instance(s).

-n, --instance-count MIN[-MAX]
The number of instances to attempt to launch. May be specified as a
single integer or as a range (min-max). This specifies the minimum
and maximum number of instances to attempt to launch. If a single
integer is specified min and max are both set to that value.

-s, --subnet SUBNET
The ID of the Amazon VPC subnet in which to launch the instance(s).

-t, --instance-type TYPE
Specifies the type of instance to be launched. Refer to the latest
Developer's Guide for valid values.

-z, --availability-zone ZONE
Specifies the availability zone to launch the instance(s) in. Run the
'ec2-describe-availability-zones' command for a list of values, and
see the latest Developer's Guide for their meanings.

--addressing ADDRESSING
Specifies the addressing type to use for the instance(s). Refer to the
latest Developer's Guide for valid values.

Indicates that the instance(s) may not be terminated using the
TerminateInstances API call.

--instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior BEHAVIOR
Indicates what the instance(s) should do if an on instance shutdown
is issued. The following values are supported

- 'stop': indicates that the instance should move into the stopped
state and remain available to be restarted.

- 'terminate': indicates that the instance should move into the
terminated state.

--kernel KERNEL
Specifies the ID of the kernel to launch the instance(s) with.

--license-pool LICENSE_POOL
Specifies the license pool to use when launching the instance(s).

--ramdisk RAMDISK
Specifies the ID of the ramdisk to launch the instance(s) with.

--placement-group GROUP_NAME
Specifies the placement group into which the instances
should be launched.

--private-ip-address IP_ADDRESS
Specifies the private IP address to use when launching an
Amazon VPC instance.

-p, --iam-profile ARN
Specifies the IAM profile to associate with the launched instance(s).
IAM profiles enable you to manage permissions for applications running on EC2.
This is either the ARN of the profile or the name of the role.

--client-token TOKEN
Client token for idempotency.

--tenancy TENANCY
Specifies the tenancy of an instance, which can be default or dedicated.
- default: The default tenancy.
- dedicated: The instance does not share hardware with instances
launched from other accounts (additional charges apply).
This option is only available for VPC instances.

Provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and a software
stack optimized for EBS I/O. Additional usage charges apply
when using this option.

-a, --network-attachment NETWORKATTACHMENT
Specifies the network attachment for the instance to launch.
The format of the attachment definition is as follows:
<nic>:<dev index>[:<subnet>[:<description>[:<priv IP>[:<SGs>[:<DOT>
[:SIP count[:<SIPs>]]]]]]], where:
- SGs is a comma separated list of security group IDs.
- DOT is either true or false, denoting whether to delete the interface
on termination.
- SIP count is the count of secondary private IP addresses.
- SIPs is a list of secondary private IP addresses.
Specify only one of SIP count or SIPs.

--secondary-private-ip-address SECONDARY-PRIVATE-IP-ADDRESS
The secondary private IP address to assign to the specified network
interface of the instance to be launched.

--secondary-private-ip-address-count SECONDARY-PRIVATE-ADDRESS-COUNT
The number of secondary private IP addresses to be automatically
assigned to the specified network interface of the instance to
be launched.

--associate-public-ip-address BOOLEAN
Specify whether or not an AWS public IP address should be assigned to the eth0
of the instances to be launched. Instances launched into a default subnet are
assigned a public IP address by default.

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