ecryptfs-verify - Online in the Cloud

This is the command ecryptfs-verify that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ecryptfs-verify - validate an eCryptfs encrypted home or encrypted private configuration


ecryptfs-verify [-h|--home] [-p|--private] [-e|--filenames-encrypted] [-n|--filenames-not-
encrypted] [-u|--user USER] [--help]


-h, --home
True if HOME is correctly configured for encryption, False otherwise

-p, --private
True if a non-HOME directory is correctly configured for encryption, False

-e, --filenames-encrypted
True if filenames are set for encryption, False otherwise

-n, --filenames-not-encrypted
True if filenames are not encrypted, False otherwise

-u, --user USER
By default, the current user's configuration is checked, override with this option

--help This usage information


Note that options are additive. ALL checks must pass in order for this program to exit 0.
Any failing check will cause this program to exit non-zero.

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