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eenc - perform password encryption for RefDB clients


eenc [-p ABC-DE-FG-HI] password


RefDB(7) clients send passwords to refdbd(1) in an encrypted form. Programmers that
implement custom clients in languages other than C or Perl may use this program to perform
the password encryption if implementing the algorithm in the target language is too
cumbersome. The program writes the encoded password to stdout. As the encoding algorithm
is symmetrical, you can use this utility to encode plain text passwords as well as to
decode encrypted passwords.

The algorithm used by eenc is derived from the ENIGMA algorithm. Security is limited but
should be sufficient for the purposes of a reference management software. Please see the
RefDB manual (see below) for further information about the client-server protocol.


The slot and rotor position string sent back by refdbd(1) during the first stage of
the client-server protocol. ABC denotes which wheel goes into which slot, and the
remaining digits encode the positions of the wheels in slots 0 through 2.

The plain-text password when encrypting, or the encoded password when decrypting.

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