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epm - create software packages.


epm [ -a architecture ] [ -f format ] [ -g ] [ -k ] [ -m name ] [ -n[mrs] ] [ -s setup.xpm
] [ --depend ] [ --help ] [ --keep-files ] [ --output-dir directory ] [ --setup-image
setup.xpm ] [ --setup-program /foo/bar/setup ] [ --setup-types setup.types ] [ -v ] [
... name=value ] product [ listfile ]


epm generates software packages complete with installation, removal, and (if necessary)
patch scripts. Unless otherwise specified, the files required for product are read from a
file named "product.list".

The -a option ("architecture") specifies the actual architecture for the software. Without
this option the generic processor architecture is used ("intel", "sparc", "mips", etc.)

The -f option ("format") specifies the distribution format:

Generate an AIX distribution suitable for installation on an AIX system.

Generate a BSD distribution suitable for installation on a FreeBSD, NetBSD, or
OpenBSD system.

Generate a Debian distribution suitable for installation on a Debian Linux system.

inst, tardist
Generate an IRIX distribution suitable for installation on an system running IRIX.

lsb, lsb-signed
Generate RPM packages for LSB-conforming systems. The lsb-signed format uses the GPG
private key you have defined in the ~/.rpmmacros file.

Generate an native distribution. This uses rpm for Linux, inst for IRIX, pkg for
Solaris, swinstall for HP-UX, bsd for FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, and osx for MacOS
X. All other operating systems default to the portable format.

Generate a MacOS X software package.

Generate an AT&T software package. These are used primarily under Solaris.

Generate a portable distribution based on shell scripts and tar files. The resulting
distribution is installed and removed the same way on all operating systems.

rpm, rpm-signed
Generate a Red Hat Package Manager ("RPM") distribution suitable for installation on
a Red Hat Linux system. The rpm-signed format uses the GPG private key you have
defined in the ~/.rpmmacros file.

Generate a Tru64 (setld) software distribution.

Generate a Slackware Linux software distribution.

swinstall, depot
Generate a HP-UX software distribution.

Executable files in the distribution are normally stripped of debugging information when
packaged. To disable this functionality use the -g option.

Intermediate (spec, etc.) files used to create the distribution are normally removed after
the distribution is created. The -k option keeps these files in the distribution

The -s and --setup-image options ("setup") include the ESP Software Wizard with the
specified GIF or XPM image file with the distribution. This option is currently only
supported by portable and RPM distributions.

The --setup-program option specifies the setup executable to use with the distribution.
This option is currently only supported by portable distributions.

The --setup-types option specifies the setup.types file to include with the distribution.
This option is currently only supported by portable distributions.

The --output-dir option specifies the directory to place output file into. The default
directory is based on the operating system, version, and architecture.

The -v option ("verbose") increases the amount of information that is reported. Use
multiple v's for more verbose output.

The --depend option lists the dependent (source) files for all files in the package.

Distributions normally are named "product-version-system-release-machine.ext" and
"product-version-system-release-machine-patch.ext" (for patch distributions.) The "system-
release-machine" information can be customized or eliminated using the -n option with the
appropriate trailing letters. Using -n by itself will remove the "system-release-machine"
string from the filename entirely. The "system-release-machine" information can also be
customized by using the -m option with an arbitrary string.

Debian, IRIX, portable, and Red Hat distributions use the extensions ".deb", ".tardist",
"tar.gz", and ".rpm" respectively.


The EPM list file format is now described in the epm.list(5) man page.


EPM does not currently support generation of IRIX software patches.

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