This is the command expchkp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
expchk - Check a keyrec file for expired zones
expchk -all -expired -valid -warn numdays -zone zonename -count -help keyrec_files
expchk checks a set of keyrec files to determine if the zone keyrecs are valid or expired.
The type of zones displayed depends on the options chosen; if no options are given the
expired zones will be listed.
Display expiration information on all zones, expired or valid, in the specified keyrec
Display expiration information on the expired zones in the specified keyrec files.
This is the default action.
Display expiration information on the valid zones in the specified keyrec files.
-warn numdays
A warning will be given for each valid zone that will expire in numdays days. This
option has no effect on expired zones.
-zone zonename
Display expiration information on the zone specified in zonename.
Only the count of matching zones (valid or expired) will be given. If both types of
zones are selected, then the count will be the number of zones in the specified keyrec
Display a usage message.
Displays the version information for expchk and the DNSSEC-Tools package.
Copyright 2004-2014 SPARTA, Inc. All rights reserved. See the COPYING file included with
the DNSSEC-Tools package for details.
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