file2sm - Online in the Cloud

This is the command file2sm that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



file2sm - shared-memory linked list data ingestion test program


file2sm fileName


file2sm stress-tests shared-memory linked list data ingestion by repeatedly writing all
text lines of the file named fileName to a shared-memory linked list that is the root
object of a PSM partition named "file2sm".

After writing each line to the linked list, file2sm gives a semaphore to indicate that the
list is now non-empty. This is mainly for the benefit of the complementary test program

The operation of file2sm is cyclical. After copying all text lines of the source file to
the linked list, file2sm appends an EOF line to the linked list, containing the text "***
End of the file ***", and prints a brief performance report:

Processing I<lineCount> lines per second.

Then it reopens the source file and starts appending the file's text lines to the linked
list again.


"0" file2sm has terminated.

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