fixproc - Online in the Cloud

This is the command fixproc that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



fixproc - Fixes a process by performing the specified action.


fixproc [-min n] [-max n] [-check | -kill | -restart | -exist | -fix] proc ...


Fixes a process named "proc" by performing the specified action. The actions can be
check, kill, restart, exist, or fix. The action is specified on the command line or is
read from a default database, which describes the default action to take for each process.
The database format and the meaning of each action are described below.


-min n minimum number of processes that should be running, defaults to 1

-max n maximum number of processes that should be running, defaults to 1

-check check process against database /local/etc/fixproc.conf.

-kill kill process, wait 5 seconds, kill -9 if still exist

kill process, wait 5 seconds, kill -9 if still exist, then start again

-exist checks if proc exists in ps && (min <= num. of processes <= max)

-fix check process against database /local/etc/fixproc.conf. Perform defined action, if
check fails.

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