fosread - Online in the Cloud

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fosread - FOS reader


fosread [options] device mode [node] [path]


Tool for a read-only access on Smaky FOS.

-h --help
Display help message.

-v --version
Show version.

-a --harddisk
Force an hard disk instead of the autodetection.

-f --floppydisk
Force a floppy disk instead of the autodetection.

-l --fos-logger
Turn ON the FOS logger.

-u --undelete
enable the undelete mode, even deleted files will be listed and sometimes
restorable with get mode.

device /dev/fd0 for floppy disk
/dev/sda for hard disk, etc, ...

mode list : list the content of a node
get : copy a file from the Smaky disk in a local directory

node The tree with the file (or folder) for get or list.
example: foo/bar/toto.text

path You can specify a path for save the file (with get mode).

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