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freeplane - Online in the Cloud

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freeplane - Program for working with Mind Maps.


freeplane [-X menukey] [-S] [-N] [-h] [-U] [--help] [file1] [file2] [...]


freeplane is a free and open source software application that supports thinking, sharing
information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of the
software is tools for mind mapping (also known as concept mapping or information mapping)
and using mapped information.

Occupying the middle ground between an editor and a diagramming tool, Freeplane allows the
user to add content as quickly and naturally as they would in a text editor, yet producing
structured content that can be manipulated as easily as a diagram.

Features include ordering ideas in nodes and freely positionable nodes, connecting nodes,
automatic/conditional styles, scripting, add-ons, LaTeX, search/filtering, different
export features, printing, password protection of nodes/maps and more.

See http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page for a full list of
applications and features.

This manual page was written for the Debian(TM) distribution because the original program
does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in the Help menu and the
Freeplane wiki (http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page).


-X menukey
execute menu item with key menukey. Use devtools add-on to find the menu keys

stop after executing menu items

set the 'nonInteractive' system property to 'true'

-U userdir
set the freeplane user config directory

-h --help
Show summary of options.

You can find more detailed descriptions of all command line options and environment
variables as well as help for batch execution commands (-X/-S/-N) in the Wiki page:


Set Java Properties, e.g. set the freeplane user config directory:
JAVA_OPTS=-Dorg.freeplane.userfpdir=$HOME/.myfp freeplane

Start Freeplane in debug mode (if you have problems starting): DEBUG=true freeplane


Docking windows
You can rearrange and (un-)dock Mindmap windows.

LaTeX integration
You can make use of LaTeX formulas within each node by using a \latex prefix or by
setting Format=LaTeX. Automatic linebreaks as well as syntax highlighting is
supported. Read more here:

Openstreetmap integration
You can associate a geographical location with a node. See more information in the
wiki: http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Open_Street_Map_Plugin

Scripting and Add-on improvements
See the list of available add-ons:

If you want to get started developing add-ons, post in the forum:

Many more improvements...
Please see the changelog at /usr/share/doc/freeplane/changelog.gz.


· There are rendering issues (probably due to OpenJDK), i.e. distortions when scrolling
horizontally or vertically. Possible workarounds are described on a wiki page:

· Sometimes keypresses get lost when running ibus-daemon:

· The Debian package does not include the signed applet code. That's why most applets
won't run[1] after creating an applet export from the Debian package. You can ask for
the signed applet in the open discussion forum: http://www.freeplane.org/discussion

· The Freeplane flash export has been excluded, because Debian devs (among them the
flash compiler package maintainer) prefer free technologies. You can ask for the
'freeplane-flash-browser' deb in the open discussion forum:

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