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FvwmDragWell - A XDND drag well



FvwmDragWell is a Xdnd drag well. The user sends the data and type to the drag well via a
fvwm SendToModule command. The drag well indicates that it received the information via a
crude animation. The user may then drag the information from the well to other
applications that support the Xdnd standard. The fvwm module FvwmWharf accepts drops of
type "text/uri-list".


During initialization, FvwmDragWell gets config info from fvwm's module configuration
database (see fvwm(1), section MODULE COMMANDS). If the FvwmDragWell executable is linked
to another name, i.e. ln -s FvwmDragWell OtherDragWell, then another module called
OtherDragWell can be started, with a completely different configuration than FvwmDragWell,
simply by changing the keyword FvwmDragWell to OtherDragWell. This way multiple
FvwmDragWell programs may be used.


Data is sent to the module from fvwm using the SendToModule Command. The form of the send
to module command is:

SendToModule modulename dragtype type-string, dragdata data

type-string is a quoted string that declares the type of "data" and how the data will be
exported. The "typestring" string is converted to an XAtom. The user should use standard
Mime type strings, all in lower case. Note that the module does no data conversion.

There is one exception to the above format. If the datatype string is omitted, the module
assumes that the user is passing a file or directory path. In this case, the string
"file://$hostname/" is prepended to the data, and the data is exported as type "text/uri-


SendToModule FvwmDragWell dragdata /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.4.0

On hostname saturn, the drag well will convert the data to
"file://saturn/usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.4.0" and will export the data as type "text/uri-
list". The long form of this command would be

SendToModule FvwmDragWell dragtype text/uri-list,
dragdata file://saturn/usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.3.8


FvwmDragWell must be invoked from fvwm, so no command line invocation will work.


FvwmDragWell reads the same .fvwm2rc file as fvwm reads when it starts up, and looks for
certain configuration options:

*FvwmDragWell: Geometry geometry
Completely or partially specifies the Fvwm window location and geometry, in
standard X11 notation. The default size is 48x48.

*FvwmDragWell: DragWellGeometry geometry
Specifies the geometry of the drag box in the FvwmDragWell window, in the standard
X11 notation. Default is 30x30+9+9

*FvwmDragWell: Colorset colorset
The colorset is used for the background and shading of the drag well. See the man
page of FvwmTheme for a description of colorsets.

*FvwmDragWell: Fore Color
The foreground color. The default foreground color is grey60.

*FvwmDragWell: Back Color
The background color. The default background color is black.

*FvwmDragWell: Shadow Color
The shadow color of the button relief. The default foreground relief color is

*FvwmDragWell: Hilite Color
The hilight color of the button relief. The default background relief color is

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