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FvwmIconBox - the fvwm icon box module


FvwmIconBox [name]

FvwmIconBox is spawned by fvwm, so no command line invocation will work.


The FvwmIconBox module provides an icon manager. The user can do operations, like iconify
and de-iconify, for each icon shown in the module via mouse and keyboard.


The FvwmIconBox program is original work of Nobutaka Suzuki.

Copyright 1994, Nobutaka Suzuki. No guarantees or warranties or anything are provided or
implied in any way whatsoever. Use this program at your own risk. Permission to use this
program for any purpose is given, as long as the copyright is kept intact.


During initialization, FvwmIconBox gets config info from fvwm's module configuration
database (see fvwm(1), section MODULE COMMANDS).

If the FvwmIconBox executable is linked to another name, i.e. ln -s FvwmIconBox
MoreIconBox, then another module called MoreIconBox can be started, with a completely
different configuration than FvwmIconBox, simply by changing the keyword FvwmIconBox to
MoreIconBox. This way multiple clutter-reduction programs can be used.


FvwmIconBox can be invoked by binding the action 'Module FvwmIconBox' to a menu or key-
stroke in the .fvwm2rc file. Fvwm will search directory specified in the ModulePath
configuration option to attempt to locate FvwmIconBox.


FvwmIconBox shows icons only if NoIcon is applied. Note that the NoIcon attribute should
be set after the Icon attribute specification. Otherwise the icon-box module might become
nothing but an empty-box module. The module reads the same .fvwm2rc file as fvwm reads
when it starts up, and looks for lines as listed below:

*FvwmIconBox: Fore color
Tells the module to use color instead of white for the window foreground. This
option affects only the foreground color of background_bitmap specified in
*FvwmIconBox: Pixmap option described below.

*FvwmIconBox: Colorset colorset
Tells the module to use colorset (See FvwmTheme) in place of Fore and Back.

*FvwmIconBox: IconColorset colorset
Tells the module to use colorset (See FvwmTheme) in place of IconFore and IconBack.

*FvwmIconBox: IconHiColorset colorset
Tells the module to use colorset (See FvwmTheme) in place of IconHiFore and

*FvwmIconBox: Back color
Tells the module to use color instead of black for the window background.

*FvwmIconBox: IconFore color
Tells the module to use color instead of black for non-selected icon text.

*FvwmIconBox: IconBack color
Tells the module to use color instead of white for the non-selected icon

*FvwmIconBox: IconHiFore color
Tells the module to use color instead of black for selected icon text.

*FvwmIconBox: IconHiBack color
Tells the module to use color instead of white for the selected icon background.

*FvwmIconBox: Pixmap pixmap
Tells the module to use pixmap for the window background_pixmap.

*FvwmIconBox: Font fontname
Tells the module to use fontname instead of fixed for text.

*FvwmIconBox: SortIcons option
Tells the module to sort all icons in the icon box in alphabetical order. option
can be WindowName, IconName, ResClass, and ResName. For example, specifying
ResClass means that icons are sorted by using their resource-class strings. If
option is ResClass or ResName, an icon having no XA_WM_CLASS property is considered
to be the "smallest" element.

*FvwmIconBox: Padding number
Specifies the number of pixels between icons. The default value is 5.

*FvwmIconBox: SBWidth number
Specifies the width of horizontal and vertical scrollbars. The default value is 9.

*FvwmIconBox: Placement primary secondary
Specifies icon placement policy. primary and secondary can be Top, Bottom, Left and
Right. The following eight combinations are available:

primary secondary

Left Top
Left Bottom
Right Top
Right Bottom
Top Left
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Right

Top: Icons are placed from top to bottom.

Bottom: Icons are placed from bottom to top.

Left: Icons are placed from left to right.

Right: Icons are placed from right to left.

For example, when the placement is "Left Top", icons are placed from left to right,
and new rows are added from top to bottom. The default vale is "Left Bottom".

*FvwmIconBox: UseSkipList
Tells FvwmIconBox to not show the windows that are listed on a WindowListSkip line
in the configuration file.

*FvwmIconBox: Lines
Specifies the number of icons placed in a line. If primary is Left or Right, this
value specifies the number of columns. If primary is Top or Bottom, this value
specifies the number of rows. For example, seven icons are placed in a row if
*FvwmIconBox: Lines is 7 and *FvwmIconBox: Placement is "Left Top". The default
value is 6.

*FvwmIconBox: HideSC direction
Specifies the un-displayed scroll bar . Direction can be either Horizontal or

*FvwmIconBox: Geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<X>{+-}<Y>
Specifies the location and/or size of FvwmIconBox. width and height are measured
in icons, not pixels. The default value is 6x1+0+0.

*FvwmIconBox: MaxIconSize <width>x<height>
Specifies the maximum size of icon bitmap. A bitmap larger than this size is
clipped to this size. The default value is 48x48. In particular, if the height is
0, then icon bitmaps are not displayed and only icon labels are drawn.

*FvwmIconBox: Mouse Button Action Response[, Response]
Tells the module to do Response when Action is done on button Button. Available
Responses are built-in commands in Fvwm (e.g. Iconify, Delete, Focus) and available
Actions are Click and DoubleClick.

*FvwmIconBox: Key Key Response[, Response]
Tells the module to do Response when Key is pressed. Available Responses are,
besides Fvwm built-in commands, the following six FvwmIconBox built-in commands:
Next, Prev, Left, Right, Up, and Down.

Next: Change the hilighted icon to the next.

Prev: Change the hilighted icon to the previous.

Left: Move the slider of the horizontal scrollbar to left. Icons move to right

Right: Move the slider of the horizontal scrollbar to right. Icons move to left

Up: Move the slider of the vertical scrollbar to up. Icons move to down

Down: Move the slider of the vertical scrollbar to down. Icons move to up

*FvwmIconBox: windowname bitmap-file
Specifies the bitmap to be displayed in the icon box for windowname. This option
"overrides" bitmap files specified in Style command. Windowname can be window
name, class name, or resource name. Windowname can contain "*" and "?" like Fvwm
configuration file. The bitmap-file is either the full path name to a bitmap
file, or a file in the ImagePath. If bitmap-file is specified to be "-", the icon
for a window corresponding to windowname is not shown in the icon box.

*FvwmIconBox: SetWMIconSize
Tells the module to set XA_WM_ICON_SIZE property of the root window at the size
which the module want icon windows to have. If you show icon windows on not the
root window but the module, it would be better to specify this option.

*FvwmIconBox: HilightFocusWin
Tells the module to hilight the icon of the window which has the keyboard focus.
The fore/back colors of the hilighted icon are those specified in the *FvwmIconBox:
IconHiFore and *FvwmIconBox: IconHiBack commands, respectively.

*FvwmIconBox: Resolution resolution
If resolution is Desk, then the module shows only the icons on the current desk.
Currently, Desk is the only value resolution can take :)

*FvwmIconBox: FrameWidth width1 width2
Specifies the frame-width of the module. Width1 corresponds to the width from the
outer-border to the scroll-bar, and, width2 corresponds to the width from the
scroll-bar to the internal-window displaying icons. The default values are 8 and 6,

*FvwmIconBox: NoIconAction action
Tells FvwmIconBox to do action is when a NoIcon style window is iconified or de-
iconified. Relevant coordinates are appended to action so that the icon can be
traced to an FvwmIconBox button. An example action is "*FvwmIconBox: NoIconAction
SendToModule FvwmAnimate animate". A blank or null action turns this feature off.

*FvwmIconBox: NoIconifiedParentheses
Tells FvwmIconBox to not enclose the title of an iconified window within

*FvwmIconBox: NormalTitleRelief num
Sets the width in pixels of the relief that is put around icon titles for windows
that are not iconified. The default if this option is not specified is 2 pixels.

*FvwmIconBox: IconifiedTitleRelief num
Sets the width in pixels of the relief that is put around icon titles for windows
that are iconified. The default if this option is not specified is 2 pixels.

*FvwmIconBox: NormalTitleInvertedRelief
This option makes the relief around titles of uniconified windows to appear pressed
in. The default is a relief that makes the label look raised from the background
(unless a relief width of 0 pixels is specified, see above).

*FvwmIconBox: IconifiedTitleInvertedRelief
This option makes the relief around titles of iconified windows to appear pressed


The following are excepts from a .fvwm2rc file which describe FvwmIconBox initialization

# Note that icons are shown in the module
# only if NoIcon attribute is applied.
Style "*" NoIcon

*FvwmIconBox: IconBack #cfcfcf
*FvwmIconBox: IconHiFore black
*FvwmIconBox: IconHiBack LightSkyBlue
*FvwmIconBox: Back #5f9ea0
#*FvwmIconBox: Fore blue
*FvwmIconBox: Geometry 5x1+0+0
*FvwmIconBox: MaxIconSize 64x38
*FvwmIconBox: Font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmIconBox: SortIcons IconName
#*FvwmIconBox: SortIcons ResClass
*FvwmIconBox: Padding 4
*FvwmIconBox: FrameWidth 9 7
*FvwmIconBox: Lines 10
*FvwmIconBox: SBWidth 11
*FvwmIconBox: Placement Left Top
*FvwmIconBox: Pixmap fvwm.xpm
#*FvwmIconBox: HideSC Horizontal
*FvwmIconBox: SetWMIconSize
*FvwmIconBox: HilightFocusWin
#*FvwmIconBox: Resolution Desk

*FvwmIconBox: NoIconAction SendToModule FvwmAnimate animate

# mouse bindings
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 1 Click RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 1 DoubleClick Iconify
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 2 Click Iconify -1, Focus
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 3 Click Module FvwmIdent
# Key bindings
*FvwmIconBox: Key r RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBox: Key space Iconify
*FvwmIconBox: Key d Close
# FvwmIconBox built-in functions
*FvwmIconBox: Key n Next
*FvwmIconBox: Key p Prev
*FvwmIconBox: Key h Left
*FvwmIconBox: Key j Down
*FvwmIconBox: Key k Up
*FvwmIconBox: Key l Right
# Icon file specifications
# Mostly, you don't have to specify icon files, as FvwmIconBox now
# reads icon files specified in Style commands.
*FvwmIconBox: "Fvwm*" -

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