This is the command g2root that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
g2root - convert GEANT geomtry files to ROOT files
g2rootd [-f map_name] geant_name macro_name
You can convert a GEANT (see fore more on
GEANT) geometry to ROOT geometry with the following steps
1 Run the interactive version of GEANT and produce a Zebra RZ file detector.geom, by
typing the command:
Geant > rz/file 21 detector.geom on
2 Run the g2root program to convert the Zebra RZ file into a ROOT macro detector.C:
g2root detector.geom detector.C
3 Run the following ROOT session;
root [1] .x detector.C
root [2] detector.Draw()
root [3] c1.x3d() // (this invokes the 3-d Root viewver)
root [4] TFile f("detector.root","NEW") //open a new root file
root [5] detector.Write() //Write the geometry structure
root [6] f.Write()
Note that the TNode structure currently in ROOT was not designed as a replacement for a
true geometry package. The idea was mainly to draw simple geometries in event display
programs. We are currently investigating several alternatives for a true & efficient
geometry package supporting;
- a disk data base with storage of multiple geometry versions
- an interactive editor and viewer
- with 3-d views
- but also 2-d cut views
- with interfaces to existing or future MC such as GEANT3 or GEANT4
A second program called gh2root (see generates
automatically C++ code corresponding to the GEANT3 Zebra structures JSET, JVERTX, JKINE,
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