This is the command gatling-bench that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
bench - http benchmark
bench [-n requests] [-c concurrency] [-t timeout] [-k] [-K count]
[-C cookie-file] [http://]host[:port]/uri
bench is a HTTP benchmark program that can fetch the same URL over and over again, or
fetch several URLs (coming in from stdin).
If you specify a URL on the command line, this URL will be fetch many times (specify with
-n, default: 10000) with several connections open in parallen (specify with -c, default:
You can specify a timeout (per request) in seconds with -t.
The -k switch activates keep-alive mode. In keep-alive mode, the TCP connection is not
closed between requests. You also have to specify how many HTTP requests can go over one
TCP connection with -K.
bench can also send one HTTP cookie per connection, as specified using a cookie file. The
cookie file is read line by line, and each request gets the next line inserted into it.
So each line should look something like this:
Cookie: foo=bar
If the end of the file is reached, bench restarts it at the beginning.
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