
gbkreg2d - Online in the Cloud

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gbkreg2d - Kernel non linear regression for bivariate data


gbkreg2d [options]


2D kernel estimation of conditional moments. Data are read from standard input as triplet
(x,y,z). The moments of z are computed on a regular grid in x and y The kernel bandwidth
if not provided with the option -H is set automatically. Different bandwidths can be
specified for x and y. Different moments are given in different data block. Options -n,
-f, -H and -S accept comma separated values to specify different values for x and y


-n number of points where the estimation is computed (default 10)

-f fraction of the support for which to print the result (default .9)

-H set the kernel bandwidth explicitly

-S scale the kernel bandwidth with respect to heuristic 'optimal'

-K choose the kernel: 0 Epanenchnikov, 1 Rectangular, 2 Silverman type I 3 Silverman
type II (default 0)

-O set the output, comma separated list of m mean, v standard deviation, s skewness
and k kurtosis (default m)

-D switch off data de-variation procedure

-v verbose mode

-F specify the input fields separators (default " \t")

-h this help

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