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gbnlprobit - Non linear probit regression
gbnlprobit [options] <function definition>
Non linear probit estimation. Minimize the negative log-likelihood
sum_{i in N_0} log(1-F(g(X_i))) + sum_{i in N_1} log(F(g(X_i)))
where N_0 and N_1 are the sets of 0 and 1 observations, g is a generic function of the
independent variables and F is the normal CDF. It is also possible to minimize the score
w_0 sum_{i in N_0} theta(F(g(X_i))-t) +
w_1 sum_{i in N_1} theta(t-F(g(X_i)))
where theta is the Heaviside function and t a threshold level. Weights w_0 and w_1 scale
the contribution of the two subpopulations. The first column of data contains 0/1 entries.
Successive columns are independent variables. The model is specified by a function
g(x1,x2...) where x1,.. stands for the first,second .. N-th column independent variables.
-O type of output (default 0)
0 parameters
1 parameters and errors
2 <variables> and probabilities
3 parameters and variance matrix
4 marginal effects
-V variance matrix estimation (default 0)
0 <gradF gradF^t>
1 < J^{-1} >
2 < H^{-1} >
3 < H^{-1} J H^{-1} >
-z take zscore (not of 0/1 dummies)
-F input fields separators (default " \t")
-v verbosity level (default 0)
0 just results
1 comment headers
2 summary statistics
3 covariance matrix
4 minimization steps (default 10)
5 model definition
-g set number of point for global optimal threshold identification
-h this help
-t set threshold value (default 0)
0 ignore threshold
(0,1) user provided threshold
1 compute optimal only global
2 compute optimal
-M estimation method
0 maximum likelihood
1 min. score (w0=w1=1)
2 min. score (w0=1/N0, w1=1/N1)
-A MLL optimization options (default 0.01,0.1,100,1e-6,1e-6,5) fields are
step,tol,iter,eps,msize,algo. Empty fields for default
step initial step size of the searching algorithm
tol line search tolerance iter: maximum number of iterations
eps gradient tolerance : stopping criteria ||gradient||<eps
algo optimization methods: 0 Fletcher-Reeves, 1 Polak-Ribiere, 2
Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno, 3 Steepest descent, 4 simplex
-B score optimization options (default 0.1,100,1e-6) fields are step,iter,msize. Empty
fields for default
step initial step size of the searching algorithm
iter maximum number of iterations
msize max size, stopping criteria simplex dim. <max size optimization method is simplex
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