gem2deb-test-runner - Online in the Cloud

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gem2deb-test-runner - runs test suite contained in Debian Ruby packages


gem2deb-test-runner [--autopkgtest]


gem2deb-test-runner runs the tests shipped inside a source Debian Ruby package. The way
the tests are run is configured in one of the three files: debian/ruby-test-files.yaml,
debian/ruby-tests.rake, debian/ruby-tests.rb. See the FILES section in dh_ruby(1) for

If called without argument in the root of the source package after the package is built
and installed under debian/package_name, then the tests will be run using the files of the
package installed under debian/package_name. This call is part of the dh_ruby(1) sequence
when building a Ruby package with gem2deb.

If the option --autopkgtest is used, the package needs to be installed on the system.
gem2deb-test-runner will not try to load files under debian/ and will move away
temporarily the lib/ and ext/ directory to ensure the test suite is run against the
installed package. This is used in the context of automatic as-installed package testing,
through the autopkgtest framework.


Run the tests against the installed package for automatic as-installed package
testing. Useful in conjunction with adt-run(1).

-c, --check-dependencies
Before running the tests, checks whether all dependencies of the package, as declared
in the Rubygems metadata, are present. Makes the program exit with a non-zero status
code (i.e. fails) if they aren't.

If you want to check dependencies during the build, you can add something like this to

export GEM2DEB_TEST_RUNNER = --check-dependencies


Used to pass options to gem2deb-test-runner via the environment.

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