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gmerlin-record - Online in the Cloud

Run gmerlin-record in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command gmerlin-record that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gmerlin-record - commandline audio/video recorder


gmerlin-record [options]


Commandline recorder


-aud <audio_options>

Set audio recording options
do_audio=[1|0] (default: 1)

Record audio


Supported options: i_alsa i_oss i_esd i_pulse i_audiofile

Default: i_alsa


Suboptions for plugin=i_alsa


Supported strings: default hw:0,0 hw:0,1 hw:0,2 hw:0,3

Default: default



Supported strings: mono stereo

Default: stereo

Channel Mode


Supported strings: 8 16

Default: 16


samplerate=<number> (8000..96000, default: 44100)

Samplerate [Hz]

buffer_time=<number> (10..10000, default: 1000)

Buffer time

Set the buffer time (in milliseconds). Larger values improve recording performance on
slow systems under load.


User device

Enter a custom device to use for recording. Leave empty to use the settings above

Suboptions for plugin=i_oss

device=<string> (Default: /dev/dsp)



Supported strings: Mono Stereo

Default: Stereo

Channel Mode


Supported strings: 8 16

Default: 16


samplerate=<number> (8000..96000, default: 44100)

Samplerate [Hz]

Suboptions for plugin=i_esd


Host (empty: local)


Supported strings: record monitor

Default: record

Input Mode

Suboptions for plugin=i_pulse


Supported strings: mono stereo

Default: stereo

Channel Mode


Supported strings: 8 16

Default: 16


samplerate=<number> (8000..96000, default: 44100)

Samplerate [Hz]



Server to connect to. Leave empty for default.



Source to open. Use the PulseAudio manager for available Sources.

Suboptions for plugin=i_audiofile


Supported strings: mono stereo

Default: stereo

Channel Mode

samplerate=<number> (8000..96000, default: 44100)

Samplerate [Hz]



shuffle=[1|0] (default: 0)



Supported strings: aar abk ace ach ada afa afh afr aka akk ale alg amh ang apa ara arc
arn arp art arw asm ath aus ava ave awa aym aze bad bai bak bal bam ban bas bat bej bel
bem ben ber bho bih bik bin bis bla bnt tib bos bra bre btk bua bug bul cad cai car cat
cau ceb cel cze cha chb che chg chk chm chn cho chp chr chu chv chy cmc cop cor cos cpe
cpf cpp cre crp cus wel dak dan day del den ger dgr din div doi dra dua dum dyu dzo efi
egy eka gre elx eng enm epo est baq ewe ewo fan fao per fat fij fin fiu fon fre frm fro
fry ful fur gaa gay gba gem gez gil gla gle glg glv gmh goh gon gor got grb grc grn guj
gwi hai hau haw heb her hil him hin hit hmn hmo scr hun hup arm iba ibo ijo iku ile ilo
ina inc ind ine ipk ira iro ice ita jav jpn jpr kaa kab kac kal kam kan kar kas geo kau
kaw kaz kha khi khm kho kik kin kir kmb kok kom kon kor kos kpe kro kru kum kur kut lad
lah lam lao lat lav lez lin lit lol loz ltz lua lub lug lui lun luo lus mad mag mah mai
mak mal man map mar mas mdr men mga mic min mis mac mkh mlg mlt mnc mni mno moh mol mon
mos mao may mul mun mus mwr bur myn nah nai nau nav nbl nde ndo nds nep new nia nic niu
dut nno nob non nor nso nub nya nym nyn nyo nzi oci oji ori orm osa oss ota oto paa pag
pal pam pan pap pau peo phi pli pol pon por pra pro pus que raj rap rar roa rom rum run
rus sad sag sah sai sal sam san sas sat sco sel sem sga sgn shn sid sin sio sit sla slo
slv sme smi smo sna snd snk sog som son sot spa alb srd scc srr ssa ssw suk sun sus sux
swa swe syr tah tai tam tat tel tem ter tet tgk tgl tha tig tir tiv tkl tli tmh tog ton
tpi tsi tsn tso tuk tum tur tut tvl twi tyv uga uig ukr umb und urd uzb vai ven vie vol
vot wak wal war was wen wol xho yao yap yid yor ypk zap zen zha chi znd zul zun

Default: eng


-vid <video_options>

Set video recording options
do_video=[1|0] (default: 1)

Record video


Supported options: i_v4l i_v4l2 i_x11

Default: i_v4l


Suboptions for plugin=i_v4l

device=<string> (Default: /dev/video0)

V4L Device


Supported strings: QSIF (160x112) QCIF (176x144) QVGA (320x240) SIF(352x240) CIF
(352x288) VGA (640x480) User defined

Default: QVGA (320x240)


user_width=<number> (160..1024, default: 720)

User defined width

user_height=<number> (112..768, default: 576)

User defined height

brightness=<number> (0..65535, default: 40000)


hue=<number> (0..65535, default: 65535)


colour=<number> (0..65535, default: 30000)


contrast=<number> (0..65535, default: 30000)


whiteness=<number> (0..65535, default: 30000)


Suboptions for plugin=i_v4l2


Supported options: /dev/video0

Default: /dev/video0

V4L2 Device

force_rw=[1|0] (default: 1)

Force read

Don't use memory mapping


Supported strings: QSIF (160x112) QCIF (176x144) QVGA (320x240) SIF(352x240) CIF
(352x288) VGA (640x480) User defined

Default: QVGA (320x240)


user_width=<number> (160..1024, default: 720)

User defined width

user_height=<number> (112..768, default: 576)

User defined height

Suboptions for plugin=i_x11

root=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grab from root window

draw_cursor=[1|0] (default: 1)

Draw cursor

win_ontop=[1|0] (default: 1)

Keep grab window on top

win_sticky=[1|0] (default: 1)

Make grab window sticky

disable_screensaver=[1|0] (default: 1)

Disable screensaver

Disable screensaver and energy saving mode

do_limit_fps=[1|0] (default: 1)

Limit fps

Limit frames per second. By default, the maximum possible framerate will be used.

limit_fps=<number> (1.00..100.00, default: 25.00)

fps limit

Specify the maximum framerate for input plugins, which can capture images really fast

-af <audio filter options>

Set audio filter options

Supported options: fa_ladspa_lp4pole_fcrcia_oa fa_ladspa_fourByFourPole fa_ladspa_adsr
fa_ladspa_amPitchshift fa_ladspa_alias fa_ladspa_allpass_c fa_ladspa_allpass_l
fa_ladspa_allpass_n fa_ladspa_amp_gcia_oa fa_ladspa_amp_mono fa_ladspa_amp_stereo
fa_ladspa_artificialLatency fa_ladspa_divider fa_ladspa_autoPhaser
fa_ladspa_sawtooth_fa_oa fa_ladspa_square_fa_oa fa_ladspa_triangle_fasc_oa
fa_ladspa_triangle_fcsa_oa fa_ladspa_pulse_fapc_oa fa_ladspa_pulse_fcpa_oa
fa_ladspa_satanMaximiser fa_ladspa_canyon_delay fa_ladspa_chebstortion
fa_ladspa_syncsquare_fcga_oa fa_ladspa_syncpulse_fcpcga_oa fa_ladspa_comb
fa_ladspa_comb_c fa_ladspa_comb_l fa_ladspa_comb_n fa_ladspa_const
fa_ladspa_crossoverDist fa_ladspa_dcRemove fa_ladspa_dj_eq fa_ladspa_dj_eq_mono
fa_ladspa_djFlanger fa_ladspa_decimator fa_ladspa_declip fa_ladspa_delayorama
fa_ladspa_diode fa_ladspa_disintegrator fa_ladspa_dysonCompress fa_ladspa_delay_0,01s
fa_ladspa_delay_0,1s fa_ladspa_delay_1s fa_ladspa_delay_5s fa_ladspa_delay_60s
fa_ladspa_decay fa_ladspa_fmOsc fa_ladspa_fastLookaheadLimiter fa_ladspa_foverdrive
fa_ladspa_fbdelay_0,01s fa_ladspa_fbdelay_0,1s fa_ladspa_fbdelay_1s fa_ladspa_fbdelay_5s
fa_ladspa_fbdelay_60s fa_ladspa_flanger fa_ladspa_foldover fa_sampleformat
fa_ladspa_fadDelay fa_ladspa_freeverb3 fa_ladspa_freqTracker fa_ladspa_fmod_famc_oa
fa_ladspa_fmod_fcma_oa fa_ladspa_butthigh_iir fa_ladspa_buttlow_iir fa_ladspa_gsm
fa_ladspa_gate fa_ladspa_giantFlange fa_ladspa_bandpass_a_iir fa_ladspa_bandpass_iir
fa_ladspa_highpass_iir fa_ladspa_lowpass_iir fa_ladspa_gongBeater fa_ladspa_gong
fa_ladspa_grain_scatter fa_ladspa_hard_gate fa_ladspa_hardLimiter fa_ladspa_harmonicGen
fa_ladspa_hermesFilter fa_ladspa_hpf fa_ladspa_pitchScaleHQ fa_ladspa_identity_audio
fa_ladspa_imp fa_ladspa_inv fa_ladspa_karaoke fa_ladspa_lcrDelay fa_ladspa_lfoPhaser
fa_ladspa_lsFilter fa_ladspa_lofi fa_ladspa_lpf fa_ladspa_notch_iir
fa_ladspa_matrixSpatialiser fa_ladspa_matrixMSSt fa_ladspa_matrixStMS fa_ladspa_mbeq
fa_ladspa_multivoiceChorus fa_ladspa_pitchScale fa_ladspa_pointerCastDistortion
fa_ladspa_random_fasc_oa fa_ladspa_random_fcsa_oa fa_ladspa_rateShifter
fa_ladspa_retroFlange fa_ladspa_revdelay fa_ladspa_ringmod_1i1o1l fa_ladspa_sc1
fa_ladspa_sc4 fa_ladspa_sc4m fa_ladspa_se4 fa_ladspa_difference_iamc_oa
fa_ladspa_difference_icma_oa fa_ladspa_product_iaic_oa fa_ladspa_ratio_nadc_oa
fa_ladspa_ratio_ncda_oa fa_ladspa_sum_iaic_oa fa_ladspa_sifter fa_ladspa_compress_peak
fa_ladspa_compress_rms fa_ladspa_expand_peak fa_ladspa_expand_rms fa_ladspa_limit_peak
fa_ladspa_limit_rms fa_ladspa_amp fa_ladspa_delay_c fa_ladspa_delay_l fa_ladspa_delay_n
fa_ladspa_sine_faac fa_ladspa_sine_fcaa fa_ladspa_singlePara fa_ladspa_sinusWavewrapper
fa_ladspa_smoothDecimate fa_ladspa_svf fa_ladspa_tap_autopan fa_ladspa_tap_chorusflanger
fa_ladspa_tap_deesser fa_ladspa_tap_dynamics_m fa_ladspa_tap_dynamics_st
fa_ladspa_tap_equalizer fa_ladspa_tap_equalizer_bw fa_ladspa_tap_doubler
fa_ladspa_tap_pinknoise fa_ladspa_tap_pitch fa_ladspa_tap_reflector fa_ladspa_tap_reverb
fa_ladspa_tap_rotspeak fa_ladspa_tap_limiter fa_ladspa_tap_sigmoid
fa_ladspa_tap_stereo_echo fa_ladspa_tap_tremolo fa_ladspa_tap_tubewarmth
fa_ladspa_tap_vibrato fa_ladspa_tapeDelay fa_ladspa_transient fa_ladspa_triplePara
fa_ladspa_vcf303 fa_ladspa_valveRect fa_ladspa_valve fa_volume fa_ladspa_vynil
fa_ladspa_wshape_sine fa_ladspa_shaper fa_ladspa_zm1

Audio Filters

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lp4pole_fcrcia_oa

CutoffFrequency=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 0.500)

Cutoff Frequency

Resonanz=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fourByFourPole

Frequency1=<number> (1.000..20000.000, default: 5000.750)

Frequency 1

Feedback1=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 5000.750)

Feedback 1

Frequency2=<number> (1.000..20000.000, default: 10000.500)

Frequency 2

Feedback2=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 10000.500)

Feedback 2

Frequency3=<number> (1.000..20000.000, default: 15000.250)

Frequency 3

Feedback3=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 15000.250)

Feedback 3

Frequency4=<number> (1.000..20000.000, default: 20000.000)

Frequency 4

Feedback4=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 20000.000)

Feedback 4

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_adsr

TriggerThreshold=<number> (default: 0.000)

Trigger Threshold

Einschwingzeit(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Einschwingzeit (s)

Abklingzeit(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Abklingzeit (s)

Haltewert=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)


Ausklingzeit(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Ausklingzeit (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_amPitchshift

Pitchshift=<number> (0.250..4.000, default: 0.000)

Pitch shift

Buffersize=<number> (1..7, default: 4)

Buffer size

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_alias

Aliasinglevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Aliasing level

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_allpass_c

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_allpass_l

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_allpass_n

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_amp_gcia_oa

Verstärkung(dB)=<number> (-96.000..96.000, default: 0.000)

Verstärkung (dB)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_amp_mono

Gain=<number> (default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_amp_stereo

Gain=<number> (default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_artificialLatency

Delay(ms)=<number> (0.000..10000.000, default: 2500.000)

Delay (ms)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_divider

Denominator=<number> (1..8, default: 0)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_autoPhaser

Attacktime(s)=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Attack time (s)

Decaytime(s)=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Decay time (s)

Modulationdepth=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Modulation depth

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.250)


Spread(octaves)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 0.250)

Spread (octaves)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_triangle_fasc_oa

Slope=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_triangle_fcsa_oa

Frequenz=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_pulse_fapc_oa

PulseWidth=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Pulse Width

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_pulse_fcpa_oa

Frequenz=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_satanMaximiser

Decaytime(samples)=<number> (2.000..30.000, default: 30.000)

Decay time (samples)

Kneepoint(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: 30.000)

Knee point (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_canyon_delay

LefttoRightTime(Seconds)=<number> (0.010..0.990, default: 0.000)

Left to Right Time (Seconds)

LefttoRightFeedback(Percent)=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Left to Right Feedback (Percent)

RighttoLeftTime(Seconds)=<number> (0.010..0.990, default: 0.000)

Right to Left Time (Seconds)

RighttoLeftFeedback(Percent)=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Right to Left Feedback (Percent)

Low-PassCutoff(Hz)=<number> (1.000..5000.000, default: 0.000)

Low-Pass Cutoff (Hz)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_chebstortion

Distortion=<number> (0.000..3.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_syncsquare_fcga_oa

Frequency=<number> (0.000..64.000, default: 16.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_syncpulse_fcpcga_oa

Frequenz=<number> (0.000..64.000, default: 16.000)


PulseWidth=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Pulse Width

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_comb

Bandseparation(Hz)=<number> (16.000..640.000, default: 172.000)

Band separation (Hz)

Feedback=<number> (-0.990..0.990, default: 172.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_comb_c

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_comb_l

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_comb_n

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_const

Signalamplitude=<number> (-1.000..1.100, default: 0.000)

Signal amplitude

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_crossoverDist

Crossoveramplitude=<number> (0.000..0.100, default: 0.000)

Crossover amplitude

Smoothing=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_dcRemove

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_dj_eq

Logain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..6.000, default: 0.000)

Lo gain (dB)

Midgain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..6.000, default: 0.000)

Mid gain (dB)

Higain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..6.000, default: 0.000)

Hi gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_dj_eq_mono

Logain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..6.000, default: 0.000)

Lo gain (dB)

Midgain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..6.000, default: 0.000)

Mid gain (dB)

Higain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..6.000, default: 0.000)

Hi gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_djFlanger

LFOsync=<number> (default: 0.000)

LFO sync

LFOperiod(s)=<number> (0.100..32.000, default: 0.000)

LFO period (s)

LFOdepth(ms)=<number> (1.000..5.000, default: 4.000)

LFO depth (ms)

Feedback(%)=<number> (-100.000..100.000, default: 4.000)

Feedback (%)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_decimator

Bitdepth=<number> (1.000..24.000, default: 24.000)

Bit depth

Samplerate(Hz)=<number> (0.001..1.000, default: 1.000)

Sample rate (Hz)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_declip

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delayorama

Randomseed=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Random seed

Inputgain(dB)=<number> (-96.000..24.000, default: 0.000)

Input gain (dB)

Feedback(%)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 0.000)

Feedback (%)

Numberoftaps=<number> (2..128, default: 2)

Number of taps

Firstdelay(s)=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 2.000)

First delay (s)

Delayrange(s)=<number> (0.000..6.000, default: 6.000)

Delay range (s)

Delaychange=<number> (0.200..5.000, default: 6.000)

Delay change

Delayrandom(%)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 6.000)

Delay random (%)

Amplitudechange=<number> (0.200..5.000, default: 6.000)

Amplitude change

Amplituderandom(%)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 6.000)

Amplitude random (%)

Dry/wetmix=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 6.000)

Dry/wet mix

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_diode

Mode(0fornone,1forhalfwave,2forfullwave)=<number> (0.000..3.000, default: 0.000)

Mode (0 for none, 1 for half wave, 2 for full wave)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_disintegrator

Probability=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Multiplier=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_dysonCompress

Peaklimit(dB)=<number> (-30.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Peak limit (dB)

Releasetime(s)=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Release time (s)

Fastcompressionratio=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Fast compression ratio

Compressionratio=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Compression ratio

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_0,01s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..0.010, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_0,1s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..0.100, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_1s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_5s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_60s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..60.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_decay

DecayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Decay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fmOsc

Waveform(1=sin,2=tri,3=squ,4=saw)=<number> (1..4, default: 0)

Waveform (1=sin, 2=tri, 3=squ, 4=saw)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fastLookaheadLimiter

Inputgain(dB)=<number> (-20.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Input gain (dB)

Limit(dB)=<number> (-20.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Limit (dB)

Releasetime(s)=<number> (0.010..2.000, default: 0.507)

Release time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_foverdrive

Drivelevel=<number> (1.000..3.000, default: 1.000)

Drive level

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fbdelay_0,01s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..0.010, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fbdelay_0,1s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..0.100, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fbdelay_1s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fbdelay_5s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fbdelay_60s

Delay(Seconds)=<number> (0.000..60.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (Seconds)

Dry/WetBalance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Dry/Wet Balance

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_flanger

Delaybase(ms)=<number> (0.100..25.000, default: 6.325)

Delay base (ms)

Maxslowdown(ms)=<number> (0.000..10.000, default: 2.500)

Max slowdown (ms)

LFOfrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.050..100.000, default: 0.334)

LFO frequency (Hz)

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.334)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_foldover

Drive=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Skew=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_sampleformat


Supported strings: Unsigned 8 bit Signed 8 bit Unsigned 16 bit Signed 16 bit Signed 32
bit Floating point Double precision

Default: YUV 420 Planar


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fadDelay

Delay(seconds)=<number> (0.100..10.000, default: 0.000)

Delay (seconds)

Feedback(dB)=<number> (-70.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Feedback (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_freeverb3

FreezeMode=[1|0] (default: 0)

Freeze Mode

RoomSize=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Room Size

Damping=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


WetLevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Wet Level

DryLevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)

Dry Level

Width=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_freqTracker

Trackingspeed=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Tracking speed

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fmod_famc_oa

Modulation(Octaves)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Modulation (Octaves)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_fmod_fcma_oa

Frequenz(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)

Frequenz (Hz)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_butthigh_iir

CutoffFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.001)

Cutoff Frequency (Hz)

Resonance=<number> (0.100..1.410, default: 0.755)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_buttlow_iir

CutoffFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.001)

Cutoff Frequency (Hz)

Resonance=<number> (0.100..1.410, default: 0.755)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_gsm

Dry/wetmix=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Dry/wet mix

Numberofpasses=<number> (0..10, default: 0)

Number of passes

Errorrate(bits/block)=<number> (0.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

Error rate (bits/block)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_gate

LFkeyfilter(Hz)=<number> (0.001..0.100, default: 0.001)

LF key filter (Hz)

HFkeyfilter(Hz)=<number> (0.005..0.490, default: 0.490)

HF key filter (Hz)

Threshold(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

Threshold (dB)

Attack(ms)=<number> (0.010..1000.000, default: 250.008)

Attack (ms)

Hold(ms)=<number> (2.000..2000.000, default: 1500.500)

Hold (ms)

Decay(ms)=<number> (2.000..4000.000, default: 2001.000)

Decay (ms)

Range(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: -90.000)

Range (dB)

Outputselect(-1=keylisten,0=gate,1=bypass)=<number> (-1..1, default: -90)

Output select (-1 = key listen, 0 = gate, 1 = bypass)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_giantFlange

Doubledelay=<number> (default: 0.000)

Double delay

LFOfrequency1(Hz)=<number> (0.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

LFO frequency 1 (Hz)

Delay1range(s)=<number> (0.000..10.500, default: 2.625)

Delay 1 range (s)

LFOfrequency2(Hz)=<number> (0.000..30.000, default: 2.625)

LFO frequency 2 (Hz)

Delay2range(s)=<number> (0.000..10.500, default: 2.625)

Delay 2 range (s)

Feedback=<number> (-100.000..100.000, default: 2.625)


Dry/Wetlevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 2.625)

Dry/Wet level

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_bandpass_a_iir

CenterFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.001)

Center Frequency (Hz)

Bandwidth(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.007)

Bandwidth (Hz)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_bandpass_iir

CenterFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.007)

Center Frequency (Hz)

Bandwidth(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.007)

Bandwidth (Hz)

Stages(2polesperstage)=<number> (1..10, default: 0)

Stages(2 poles per stage)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_highpass_iir

CutoffFrequency=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.001)

Cutoff Frequency

Stages(2polesperstage)=<number> (1..10, default: 0)

Stages(2 poles per stage)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lowpass_iir

CutoffFrequency=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.055)

Cutoff Frequency

Stages(2polesperstage)=<number> (1..10, default: 0)

Stages(2 poles per stage)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_gongBeater

Impulsegain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..0.000, default: -70.000)

Impulse gain (dB)

Strikegain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Strike gain (dB)

Strikeduration(s)=<number> (0.001..0.200, default: 0.101)

Strike duration (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_gong

Innerdamping=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner damping

Outerdamping=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer damping

Micposition=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Mic position

Innersize1=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner size 1

Innerstiffness1+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 1 +

Innerstiffness1-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 1 -

Innersize2=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner size 2

Innerstiffness2+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 2 +

Innerstiffness2-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 2 -

Innersize3=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner size 3

Innerstiffness3+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 3 +

Innerstiffness3-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 3 -

Innersize4=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner size 4

Innerstiffness4+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 4 +

Innerstiffness4-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Inner stiffness 4 -

Outersize1=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer size 1

Outerstiffness1+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 1 +

Outerstiffness1-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 1 -

Outersize2=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer size 2

Outerstiffness2+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 2 +

Outerstiffness2-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 2 -

Outersize3=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer size 3

Outerstiffness3+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 3 +

Outerstiffness3-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 3 -

Outersize4=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer size 4

Outerstiffness4+=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 4 +

Outerstiffness4-=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Outer stiffness 4 -

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_grain_scatter

Density(Grains/s)=<number> (default: 10.000)

Density (Grains/s)

Scatter(s)=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 2.500)

Scatter (s)

GrainLength(s)=<number> (default: 0.200)

Grain Length (s)

GrainAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.050)

Grain Attack (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_hard_gate

Threshold=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_hardLimiter

dBlimit=<number> (-50.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

dB limit

Wetlevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Wet level

Residuelevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Residue level

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_harmonicGen

Fundamentalmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Fundamental magnitude

2ndharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

2nd harmonic magnitude

3rdharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

3rd harmonic magnitude

4thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

4th harmonic magnitude

5thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

5th harmonic magnitude

6thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

6th harmonic magnitude

7thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

7th harmonic magnitude

8thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

8th harmonic magnitude

9thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

9th harmonic magnitude

10thharmonicmagnitude=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

10th harmonic magnitude

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_hermesFilter

LFO1freq(Hz)=<number> (0.000..1000.000, default: 250.000)

LFO1 freq (Hz)

LFO1wave(0=sin,1=tri,2=saw,3=squ,4=s&h)=<number> (0..4, default: 250)

LFO1 wave (0 = sin, 1 = tri, 2 = saw, 3 = squ, 4 = s&h)

LFO2freq(Hz)=<number> (0.000..1000.000, default: 250.000)

LFO2 freq (Hz)

LFO2wave(0=sin,1=tri,2=saw,3=squ,4=s&h)=<number> (0..4, default: 250)

LFO2 wave (0 = sin, 1 = tri, 2 = saw, 3 = squ, 4 = s&h)

Osc1freq(Hz)=<number> (0.000..4000.000, default: 440.000)

Osc1 freq (Hz)

Osc1wave(0=sin,1=tri,2=saw,3=squ,4=noise)=<number> (0..4, default: 440)

Osc1 wave (0 = sin, 1 = tri, 2 = saw, 3 = squ, 4 = noise)

Osc2freq(Hz)=<number> (0.000..4000.000, default: 440.000)

Osc2 freq (Hz)

Osc2wave(0=sin,1=tri,2=saw,3=squ,4=noise)=<number> (0..4, default: 440)

Osc2 wave (0 = sin, 1 = tri, 2 = saw, 3 = squ, 4 = noise)

Ringmod1depth(0=none,1=AM,2=RM)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 440.000)

Ringmod 1 depth (0=none, 1=AM, 2=RM)

Ringmod2depth(0=none,1=AM,2=RM)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 440.000)

Ringmod 2 depth (0=none, 1=AM, 2=RM)

Ringmod3depth(0=none,1=AM,2=RM)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 440.000)

Ringmod 3 depth (0=none, 1=AM, 2=RM)

Osc1gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

Osc1 gain (dB)

RM1gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

RM1 gain (dB)

Osc2gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

Osc2 gain (dB)

RM2gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

RM2 gain (dB)

Inputgain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

Input gain (dB)

RM3gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: -70.000)

RM3 gain (dB)

Xoverlowerfreq=<number> (50.000..6000.000, default: 1537.500)

Xover lower freq

Xoverupperfreq=<number> (1000.000..10000.000, default: 7750.000)

Xover upper freq

Dist1drive=<number> (0.000..3.000, default: 7750.000)

Dist1 drive

Dist2drive=<number> (0.000..3.000, default: 7750.000)

Dist2 drive

Dist3drive=<number> (0.000..3.000, default: 7750.000)

Dist3 drive

Filt1type(0=none,1=LP,2=HP,3=BP,4=BR,5=AP)=<number> (0..5, default: 7750)

Filt1 type (0=none, 1=LP, 2=HP, 3=BP, 4=BR, 5=AP)

Filt1freq=<number> (0.000..8000.000, default: 440.000)

Filt1 freq

Filt1q=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Filt1 q

Filt1resonance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Filt1 resonance

Filt1LFO1level=<number> (-500.000..500.000, default: 440.000)

Filt1 LFO1 level

Filt1LFO2level=<number> (-500.000..500.000, default: 440.000)

Filt1 LFO2 level

Filt2type(0=none,1=LP,2=HP,3=BP,4=BR,5=AP)=<number> (0..5, default: 440)

Filt2 type (0=none, 1=LP, 2=HP, 3=BP, 4=BR, 5=AP)

Filt2freq=<number> (0.000..8000.000, default: 440.000)

Filt2 freq

Filt2q=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Filt2 q

Filt2resonance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Filt2 resonance

Filt2LFO1level=<number> (-500.000..500.000, default: 440.000)

Filt2 LFO1 level

Filt2LFO2level=<number> (-500.000..500.000, default: 440.000)

Filt2 LFO2 level

Filt3type(0=none,1=LP,2=HP,3=BP,4=BR,5=AP)=<number> (0..5, default: 440)

Filt3 type (0=none, 1=LP, 2=HP, 3=BP, 4=BR, 5=AP)

Filt3freq=<number> (0.000..8000.000, default: 440.000)

Filt3 freq

Filt3q=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Filt3 q

Filt3resonance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Filt3 resonance

Filt3LFO1level=<number> (-500.000..500.000, default: 440.000)

Filt3 LFO1 level

Filt3LFO2level=<number> (-500.000..500.000, default: 440.000)

Filt3 LFO2 level

Delay1length(s)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 440.000)

Delay1 length (s)

Delay1feedback=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Delay1 feedback

Delay1wetness=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Delay1 wetness

Delay2length(s)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 440.000)

Delay2 length (s)

Delay2feedback=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Delay2 feedback

Delay2wetness=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Delay2 wetness

Delay3length(s)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 440.000)

Delay3 length (s)

Delay3feedback=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Delay3 feedback

Delay3wetness=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Delay3 wetness

Band1gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: 440.000)

Band 1 gain (dB)

Band2gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: 440.000)

Band 2 gain (dB)

Band3gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: 440.000)

Band 3 gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_hpf

CutoffFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)

Cutoff Frequency (Hz)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_pitchScaleHQ

Pitchco-efficient=<number> (0.500..2.000, default: 0.000)

Pitch co-efficient

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_imp

ImpulseID=<number> (1..21, default: 0)

Impulse ID

Highlatencymode=<number> (0..1, default: 0)

High latency mode

Gain(dB)=<number> (-90.000..24.000, default: 0.000)

Gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_inv

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_karaoke

Vocalvolume(dB)=<number> (-70.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Vocal volume (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lcrDelay

Ldelay(ms)=<number> (0.000..2700.000, default: 675.000)

L delay (ms)

Llevel=<number> (0.000..50.000, default: 25.000)

L level

Cdelay(ms)=<number> (0.000..2700.000, default: 675.000)

C delay (ms)

Clevel=<number> (0.000..50.000, default: 25.000)

C level

Rdelay(ms)=<number> (0.000..2700.000, default: 675.000)

R delay (ms)

Rlevel=<number> (0.000..50.000, default: 25.000)

R level

Feedback=<number> (-100.000..100.000, default: 25.000)


Highdamp(%)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 50.000)

High damp (%)

Lowdamp(%)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 50.000)

Low damp (%)

Spread=<number> (0.000..50.000, default: 25.000)


Dry/Wetlevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 25.000)

Dry/Wet level

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lfoPhaser

LFOrate(Hz)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 25.000)

LFO rate (Hz)

LFOdepth=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

LFO depth

Feedback=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.250)


Spread(octaves)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Spread (octaves)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lsFilter

Filtertype(0=LP,1=BP,2=HP)=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

Filter type (0=LP, 1=BP, 2=HP)

Cutofffrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.002..0.500, default: 0.032)

Cutoff frequency (Hz)

Resonance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.032)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lofi

Crackling(%)=<number> (0..100, default: 0)

Crackling (%)

PowersupplyOverloading(%)=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 0.000)

Powersupply Overloading (%)

OpampBandwidthLimiting(Hz)=<number> (1.000..10000.000, default: 0.000)

Opamp Bandwidth Limiting (Hz)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_lpf

CutoffFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)

Cutoff Frequency (Hz)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_notch_iir

CenterFrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.007)

Center Frequency (Hz)

Bandwidth(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.450, default: 0.007)

Bandwidth (Hz)

Stages(2polesperstage)=<number> (1..10, default: 0)

Stages(2 poles per stage)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_matrixSpatialiser

Width=<number> (-512..512, default: 0)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_matrixMSSt

Width=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_matrixStMS

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_mbeq

50Hzgain(lowshelving)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

50Hz gain (low shelving)

100Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

100Hz gain

156Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

156Hz gain

220Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

220Hz gain

311Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

311Hz gain

440Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

440Hz gain

622Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

622Hz gain

880Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

880Hz gain

1250Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

1250Hz gain

1750Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

1750Hz gain

2500Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

2500Hz gain

3500Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

3500Hz gain

5000Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

5000Hz gain

10000Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

10000Hz gain

20000Hzgain=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

20000Hz gain

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_multivoiceChorus

Numberofvoices=<number> (1..8, default: 0)

Number of voices

Delaybase(ms)=<number> (10.000..40.000, default: 10.000)

Delay base (ms)

Voiceseparation(ms)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 0.500)

Voice separation (ms)

Detune(%)=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 0.500)

Detune (%)

LFOfrequency(Hz)=<number> (2.000..30.000, default: 9.000)

LFO frequency (Hz)

Outputattenuation(dB)=<number> (-20.000..0.000, default: 9.000)

Output attenuation (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_pitchScale

Pitchco-efficient=<number> (0.500..2.000, default: 0.000)

Pitch co-efficient

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_pointerCastDistortion

Effectcutofffreq(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.300, default: 0.001)

Effect cutoff freq (Hz)

Dry/wetmix=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.001)

Dry/wet mix

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_random_fasc_oa

WaveSmoothness=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)

Wave Smoothness

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_random_fcsa_oa

Frequenz(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)

Frequenz (Hz)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_rateShifter

Rate=<number> (-4.000..4.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_retroFlange

Averagestall(ms)=<number> (0.000..10.000, default: 2.500)

Average stall (ms)

Flangefrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.500..8.000, default: 2.500)

Flange frequency (Hz)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_revdelay

DelayTime(s)=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

DryLevel(dB)=<number> (-70.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Dry Level (dB)

WetLevel(dB)=<number> (-70.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Wet Level (dB)

Feedback=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Crossfadesamples=<number> (0..5000, default: 1250)

Crossfade samples

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_ringmod_1i1o1l

Modulationdepth(0=none,1=AM,2=RM)=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Modulation depth (0=none, 1=AM, 2=RM)

Frequency(Hz)=<number> (1.000..1000.000, default: 440.000)

Frequency (Hz)

Sinelevel=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Sine level

Trianglelevel=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Triangle level

Sawtoothlevel=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Sawtooth level

Squarelevel=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 440.000)

Square level

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sc1

Attacktime(ms)=<number> (2.000..400.000, default: 101.500)

Attack time (ms)

Releasetime(ms)=<number> (2.000..800.000, default: 401.000)

Release time (ms)

Thresholdlevel(dB)=<number> (-30.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Threshold level (dB)

Ratio(1:n)=<number> (1.000..10.000, default: 0.000)

Ratio (1:n)

Kneeradius(dB)=<number> (1.000..10.000, default: 3.250)

Knee radius (dB)

Makeupgain(dB)=<number> (0.000..24.000, default: 3.250)

Makeup gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sc4

RMS/peak=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Attacktime(ms)=<number> (1.500..400.000, default: 101.125)

Attack time (ms)

Releasetime(ms)=<number> (2.000..800.000, default: 401.000)

Release time (ms)

Thresholdlevel(dB)=<number> (-30.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Threshold level (dB)

Ratio(1:n)=<number> (1.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Ratio (1:n)

Kneeradius(dB)=<number> (1.000..10.000, default: 3.250)

Knee radius (dB)

Makeupgain(dB)=<number> (0.000..24.000, default: 3.250)

Makeup gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sc4m

RMS/peak=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Attacktime(ms)=<number> (1.500..400.000, default: 101.125)

Attack time (ms)

Releasetime(ms)=<number> (2.000..800.000, default: 401.000)

Release time (ms)

Thresholdlevel(dB)=<number> (-30.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Threshold level (dB)

Ratio(1:n)=<number> (1.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Ratio (1:n)

Kneeradius(dB)=<number> (1.000..10.000, default: 3.250)

Knee radius (dB)

Makeupgain(dB)=<number> (0.000..24.000, default: 3.250)

Makeup gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_se4

RMS/peak=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Attacktime(ms)=<number> (1.500..400.000, default: 101.125)

Attack time (ms)

Releasetime(ms)=<number> (2.000..800.000, default: 401.000)

Release time (ms)

Thresholdlevel(dB)=<number> (-30.000..0.000, default: 0.000)

Threshold level (dB)

Ratio(1:n)=<number> (1.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Ratio (1:n)

Kneeradius(dB)=<number> (1.000..10.000, default: 3.250)

Knee radius (dB)

Attenuation(dB)=<number> (-24.000..0.000, default: 3.250)

Attenuation (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_difference_iamc_oa

InputtoSubtract=<number> (default: 0.000)

Input to Subtract

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_difference_icma_oa

Input=<number> (default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_product_iaic_oa

SecondInput=<number> (default: 0.000)

Second Input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_ratio_nadc_oa

Denominator=<number> (default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_ratio_ncda_oa

Numerator=<number> (default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sum_iaic_oa

SecondInput=<number> (default: 0.000)

Second Input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sifter

Siftsize=<number> (1.000..1000.000, default: 0.000)

Sift size

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_compress_peak

Threshold=<number> (default: 0.000)


CompressionRatio=<number> (default: 0.500)

Compression Ratio

OutputEnvelopeAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Attack (s)

OutputEnvelopeDecay(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Decay (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_compress_rms

Threshold=<number> (default: 0.000)


CompressionRatio=<number> (default: 0.500)

Compression Ratio

OutputEnvelopeAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Attack (s)

OutputEnvelopeDecay(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Decay (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_expand_peak

Threshold=<number> (default: 0.000)


ExpansionRatio=<number> (default: 0.500)

Expansion Ratio

OutputEnvelopeAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Attack (s)

OutputEnvelopeDecay(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Decay (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_expand_rms

Threshold=<number> (default: 0.000)


ExpansionRatio=<number> (default: 0.500)

Expansion Ratio

OutputEnvelopeAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Attack (s)

OutputEnvelopeDecay(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Decay (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_limit_peak

Threshold=<number> (default: 0.000)


OutputEnvelopeAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Attack (s)

OutputEnvelopeDecay(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Decay (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_limit_rms

Threshold=<number> (default: 0.000)


OutputEnvelopeAttack(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Attack (s)

OutputEnvelopeDecay(s)=<number> (default: 0.100)

Output Envelope Decay (s)

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_amp

Ampsgain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..70.000, default: 0.000)

Amps gain (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_c

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_l

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_delay_n

MaxDelay(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Max Delay (s)

DelayTime(s)=<number> (default: 0.000)

Delay Time (s)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sine_faac

Amplitude=<number> (default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sine_fcaa

Frequency=<number> (0.000..0.500, default: 440.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_singlePara

Gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

Gain (dB)

Frequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.400, default: 440.000)

Frequency (Hz)

Bandwidth(octaves)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 440.000)

Bandwidth (octaves)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_sinusWavewrapper

Wrapdegree=<number> (0.000..10.000, default: 0.000)

Wrap degree

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_smoothDecimate

Resamplerate=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)

Resample rate

Smoothing=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_svf

Filtertype(0=none,1=LP,2=HP,3=BP,4=BR,5=AP)=<number> (0..5, default: 0)

Filter type (0=none, 1=LP, 2=HP, 3=BP, 4=BR, 5=AP)

Filterfreq=<number> (0.000..6000.000, default: 440.000)

Filter freq

FilterQ=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Filter Q

Filterresonance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.250)

Filter resonance

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_autopan

Frequency[Hz]=<number> (0.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Frequency [Hz]

Depth[%]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 0.000)

Depth [%]

Gain[dB]=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Gain [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_chorusflanger

Frequency[Hz]=<number> (0.000..5.000, default: 1.250)

Frequency [Hz]

L/RPhaseShift[deg]=<number> (0.000..180.000, default: 90.000)

L/R Phase Shift [deg]

Depth[%]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 75.000)

Depth [%]

Delay[ms]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 25.000)

Delay [ms]

Contour[Hz]=<number> (20.000..20000.000, default: 100.000)

Contour [Hz]

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 100.000)

Dry Level [dB]

WetLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 100.000)

Wet Level [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_deesser

ThresholdLevel[dB]=<number> (-50.000..10.000, default: 0.000)

Threshold Level [dB]

Frequency[Hz]=<number> (2000.000..16000.000, default: 5500.000)

Frequency [Hz]

SidechainFilter=<number> (0..1, default: 5500)

Sidechain Filter

Monitor=<number> (0..1, default: 5500)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_dynamics_m

Attack[ms]=<number> (4.000..500.000, default: 128.000)

Attack [ms]

Release[ms]=<number> (4.000..1000.000, default: 502.000)

Release [ms]

OffsetGain[dB]=<number> (-20.000..20.000, default: 502.000)

Offset Gain [dB]

MakeupGain[dB]=<number> (-20.000..20.000, default: 502.000)

Makeup Gain [dB]

Function=<number> (0..14, default: 502)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_dynamics_st

Attack[ms]=<number> (4.000..500.000, default: 128.000)

Attack [ms]

Release[ms]=<number> (4.000..1000.000, default: 502.000)

Release [ms]

OffsetGain[dB]=<number> (-20.000..20.000, default: 502.000)

Offset Gain [dB]

MakeupGain[dB]=<number> (-20.000..20.000, default: 502.000)

Makeup Gain [dB]

StereoMode=<number> (0..2, default: 502)

Stereo Mode

Function=<number> (0..14, default: 502)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_equalizer

Band1Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 1 Gain [dB]

Band2Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 2 Gain [dB]

Band3Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 3 Gain [dB]

Band4Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 4 Gain [dB]

Band5Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 5 Gain [dB]

Band6Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 6 Gain [dB]

Band7Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 7 Gain [dB]

Band8Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 8 Gain [dB]

Band1Freq[Hz]=<number> (40.000..280.000, default: 100.000)

Band 1 Freq [Hz]

Band2Freq[Hz]=<number> (100.000..500.000, default: 200.000)

Band 2 Freq [Hz]

Band3Freq[Hz]=<number> (200.000..1000.000, default: 400.000)

Band 3 Freq [Hz]

Band4Freq[Hz]=<number> (400.000..2800.000, default: 1000.000)

Band 4 Freq [Hz]

Band5Freq[Hz]=<number> (1000.000..5000.000, default: 3000.000)

Band 5 Freq [Hz]

Band6Freq[Hz]=<number> (3000.000..9000.000, default: 6000.000)

Band 6 Freq [Hz]

Band7Freq[Hz]=<number> (6000.000..18000.000, default: 12000.000)

Band 7 Freq [Hz]

Band8Freq[Hz]=<number> (10000.000..20000.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 8 Freq [Hz]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_equalizer_bw

Band1Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 1 Gain [dB]

Band2Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 2 Gain [dB]

Band3Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 3 Gain [dB]

Band4Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 4 Gain [dB]

Band5Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 5 Gain [dB]

Band6Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 6 Gain [dB]

Band7Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 7 Gain [dB]

Band8Gain[dB]=<number> (-50.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Band 8 Gain [dB]

Band1Freq[Hz]=<number> (40.000..280.000, default: 100.000)

Band 1 Freq [Hz]

Band2Freq[Hz]=<number> (100.000..500.000, default: 200.000)

Band 2 Freq [Hz]

Band3Freq[Hz]=<number> (200.000..1000.000, default: 400.000)

Band 3 Freq [Hz]

Band4Freq[Hz]=<number> (400.000..2800.000, default: 1000.000)

Band 4 Freq [Hz]

Band5Freq[Hz]=<number> (1000.000..5000.000, default: 3000.000)

Band 5 Freq [Hz]

Band6Freq[Hz]=<number> (3000.000..9000.000, default: 6000.000)

Band 6 Freq [Hz]

Band7Freq[Hz]=<number> (6000.000..18000.000, default: 12000.000)

Band 7 Freq [Hz]

Band8Freq[Hz]=<number> (10000.000..20000.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 8 Freq [Hz]

Band1Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 1 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band2Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 2 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band3Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 3 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band4Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 4 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band5Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 5 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band6Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 6 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band7Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 7 Bandwidth [octaves]

Band8Bandwidth[octaves]=<number> (0.100..5.000, default: 15000.000)

Band 8 Bandwidth [octaves]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_doubler

TimeTracking=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Time Tracking

PitchTracking=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Pitch Tracking

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 0.500)

Dry Level [dB]

DryLeftPosition=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Dry Left Position

DryRightPosition=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)

Dry Right Position

WetLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 1.000)

Wet Level [dB]

WetLeftPosition=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Wet Left Position

WetRightPosition=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)

Wet Right Position

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_pinknoise

FractalDimension=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Fractal Dimension

SignalLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 0.500)

Signal Level [dB]

NoiseLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Noise Level [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_pitch

SemitoneShift=<number> (-12.000..12.000, default: 0.000)

Semitone Shift

RateShift[%]=<number> (-50.000..100.000, default: 0.000)

Rate Shift [%]

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Dry Level [dB]

WetLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Wet Level [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_reflector

FragmentLength[ms]=<number> (20.000..1600.000, default: 415.000)

Fragment Length [ms]

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Dry Level [dB]

WetLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Wet Level [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_reverb

Decay[ms]=<number> (0.000..10000.000, default: 2500.000)

Decay [ms]

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-70.000..10.000, default: 2500.000)

Dry Level [dB]

WetLevel[dB]=<number> (-70.000..10.000, default: 2500.000)

Wet Level [dB]

CombFilters=[1|0] (default: 1)

Comb Filters

AllpassFilters=[1|0] (default: 1)

Allpass Filters

BandpassFilter=[1|0] (default: 1)

Bandpass Filter

EnhancedStereo=[1|0] (default: 1)

Enhanced Stereo

ReverbType=<number> (0..42, default: 2500)

Reverb Type

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_rotspeak

RotorFrequency[Hz]=<number> (0.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

Rotor Frequency [Hz]

HornFrequency[Hz]=<number> (0.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

Horn Frequency [Hz]

MicDistance[%]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 25.000)

Mic Distance [%]

Rotor/HornMix=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Rotor/Horn Mix

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_limiter

LimitLevel[dB]=<number> (-30.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Limit Level [dB]

OutputVolume[dB]=<number> (-30.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Output Volume [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_sigmoid

PreGain[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Pre Gain [dB]

PostGain[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Post Gain [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_stereo_echo

LDelay[ms]=<number> (0.000..2000.000, default: 100.000)

L Delay [ms]

LFeedback[%]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 100.000)

L Feedback [%]

R/HaasDelay[ms]=<number> (0.000..2000.000, default: 100.000)

R/Haas Delay [ms]

R/HaasFeedback[%]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 100.000)

R/Haas Feedback [%]

LEchoLevel[dB]=<number> (-70.000..10.000, default: 100.000)

L Echo Level [dB]

REchoLevel[dB]=<number> (-70.000..10.000, default: 100.000)

R Echo Level [dB]

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-70.000..10.000, default: 100.000)

Dry Level [dB]

CrossMode=[1|0] (default: 1)

Cross Mode

HaasEffect=[1|0] (default: 1)

Haas Effect

SwapOutputs=[1|0] (default: 1)

Swap Outputs

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_tremolo

Frequency[Hz]=<number> (0.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Frequency [Hz]

Depth[%]=<number> (0.000..100.000, default: 0.000)

Depth [%]

Gain[dB]=<number> (-70.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Gain [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_tubewarmth

Drive=<number> (0.100..10.000, default: 2.575)


Tape--TubeBlend=<number> (-10.000..10.000, default: 10.000)

Tape--Tube Blend

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tap_vibrato

Frequency[Hz]=<number> (0.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

Frequency [Hz]

Depth[%]=<number> (0.000..20.000, default: 0.000)

Depth [%]

DryLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Dry Level [dB]

WetLevel[dB]=<number> (-90.000..20.000, default: -90.000)

Wet Level [dB]

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_tapeDelay

Tapespeed(inches/sec,1=normal)=<number> (0.000..10.000, default: 0.000)

Tape speed (inches/sec, 1=normal)

Drylevel(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: -90.000)

Dry level (dB)

Tap1distance(inches)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: -90.000)

Tap 1 distance (inches)

Tap1level(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: -90.000)

Tap 1 level (dB)

Tap2distance(inches)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 1.000)

Tap 2 distance (inches)

Tap2level(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: -90.000)

Tap 2 level (dB)

Tap3distance(inches)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 2.000)

Tap 3 distance (inches)

Tap3level(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: -90.000)

Tap 3 level (dB)

Tap4distance(inches)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 3.000)

Tap 4 distance (inches)

Tap4level(dB)=<number> (-90.000..0.000, default: -90.000)

Tap 4 level (dB)

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_transient

Attackspeed=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Attack speed

Sustaintime=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Sustain time

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_triplePara

Low-shelvinggain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.000)

Low-shelving gain (dB)

Low-shelvingfrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.490, default: 0.000)

Low-shelving frequency (Hz)

Low-shelvingslope=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Low-shelving slope

Band1gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.500)

Band 1 gain (dB)

Band1frequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.490, default: 0.001)

Band 1 frequency (Hz)

Band1bandwidth(octaves)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 0.001)

Band 1 bandwidth (octaves)

Band2gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.001)

Band 2 gain (dB)

Band2frequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.490, default: 0.007)

Band 2 frequency (Hz)

Band2bandwidth(octaves)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 0.007)

Band 2 bandwidth (octaves)

Band3gain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.007)

Band 3 gain (dB)

Band3frequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.490, default: 0.059)

Band 3 frequency (Hz)

Band3bandwidth(octaves)=<number> (0.000..4.000, default: 0.059)

Band 3 bandwidth (octaves)

High-shelvinggain(dB)=<number> (-70.000..30.000, default: 0.059)

High-shelving gain (dB)

High-shelvingfrequency(Hz)=<number> (0.000..0.490, default: 0.490)

High-shelving frequency (Hz)

High-shelvingslope=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

High-shelving slope

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_vcf303

Trigger=[1|0] (default: 0)


Cutoff=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Resonance=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


EnvelopeModulation=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Envelope Modulation

Decay=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_valveRect

Saglevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Sag level

Distortion=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_valve

Distortionlevel=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Distortion level

Distortioncharacter=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Distortion character

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_volume

volume=<number> (-90.00..20.00, default: 0.00)


Suboptions for fa_ladspa_vynil

Year=<number> (1900.000..1990.000, default: 1990.000)


RPM=<number> (33.000..78.000, default: 33.000)


Surfacewarping=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 33.000)

Surface warping

Crackle=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 33.000)


Wear=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 33.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_wshape_sine

LimitingAmplitude=<number> (default: 0.000)

Limiting Amplitude

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_shaper

Waveshape=<number> (-10.000..10.000, default: 0.000)


$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

Suboptions for fa_ladspa_zm1

$run_adding=[1|0] (default: 0)

Add effect to input data

$run_adding_gain=<number> (-70.00..0.00, default: 0.00)

Add gain (dB)

Overall gain for this filter. This is only valid if you add the effect to the input

-vf <video filter options>

Set video filter options

Supported options: fv_onedtv fv_agingtv fv_baltantv fv_blur fv_brokentv fv_burningtv
fv_chameleontv fv_colorbalance fv_colstreaktv fv_cropscale fv_cycletv fv_decimate
fv_deinterlace fv_dicetv fv_difftv fv_tcdisplay fv_displaywalltv fv_dottv fv_edgetv
fv_edgeblurtv fv_equalizer fv_firetv fv_flip fv_framerate fv_pixelformat fv_interlace
fv_invert fv_lenstv fv_lifetv fv_matrixtv fv_mosaictv fv_halftv fv_nervoustv fv_noisetv
fv_oldcolor fv_optv fv_puptv fv_quarktv fv_colormatrix_rgb fv_rdstv fv_revtv fv_rippletv
fv_rndmtv fv_shagadelictv fv_shift fv_simuratv fv_slofasttv fv_sparktv fv_spiraltv
fv_streaktv fv_tlp fv_timedisttv fv_transform fv_transformtv fv_tctweak fv_vertigotv
fv_warholtv fv_warptv fv_colormatrix_yuv fv_zoom bg_f0r_3 point color balance
bg_f0r_3dflippo bg_f0r_B bg_f0r_Baltan bg_f0r_Brightness bg_f0r_Cartoon bg_f0r_Color
Distance bg_f0r_Contrast0r bg_f0r_Curves bg_f0r_Defish0r bg_f0r_Delaygrab
bg_f0r_Distort0r bg_f0r_Edgeglow bg_f0r_Equaliz0r bg_f0r_Flippo bg_f0r_G bg_f0r_Gamma
bg_f0r_Glow bg_f0r_Hueshift0r bg_f0r_Invert0r bg_f0r_K-Means Clustering bg_f0r_Lens
Correction bg_f0r_LetterB0xed bg_f0r_Levels bg_f0r_Luminance bg_f0r_Mask0Mate
bg_f0r_Nervous bg_f0r_Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix bg_f0r_Perspective bg_f0r_R
bg_f0r_RGB-Parade bg_f0r_SOP/Sat bg_f0r_Saturat0r bg_f0r_Scale0Tilt bg_f0r_Sobel
bg_f0r_Squareblur bg_f0r_TehRoxx0r bg_f0r_Threshold0r bg_f0r_Tint0r bg_f0r_Transparency
bg_f0r_Twolay0r bg_f0r_Vectorscope bg_f0r_Vertigo bg_f0r_Water bg_f0r_White Balance
bg_f0r_alpha0ps bg_f0r_alphagrad bg_f0r_alphaspot bg_f0r_bluescreen0r bg_f0r_bw0r
bg_f0r_c0rners bg_f0r_coloradj_RGB bg_f0r_delay0r bg_f0r_nosync0r bg_f0r_pixeliz0r
bg_f0r_pr0be bg_f0r_pr0file bg_f0r_primaries bg_f0r_scanline0r bg_f0r_select0r

Video Filters

Suboptions for fv_blur


Supported strings: gauss triangular box

Default: gauss


radius_h=<number> (0.5..50.0, default: 0.5)

Horizontal radius

radius_v=<number> (0.5..50.0, default: 0.5)

Vertical radius

blur_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Blur chroma planes

correct_nonsquare=[1|0] (default: 0)

Correct radii for nonsquare pixels

Suboptions for fv_burningtv


Supported strings: fg all

Default: all


Suboptions for fv_chameleontv


Supported strings: app disapp

Default: disapp


Suboptions for fv_colorbalance

r=<number> (0.00..2.00, default: 1.00)

Red gain

g=<number> (0.00..2.00, default: 1.00)

Green gain

b=<number> (0.00..2.00, default: 1.00)

Blue gain

n=[1|0] (default: 0)


Normalize for constant luminance.

Suboptions for fv_colstreaktv

blendnum=<number> (1..10, default: 4)

Blend num

Suboptions for fv_cropscale

crl=<number> (0.000..100000.000, default: 0.000)

Crop left

Cut this many pixels from the left border of the source images.

crr=<number> (0.000..100000.000, default: 0.000)

Crop right

Cut this many pixels from the right border of the source images.

crt=<number> (0.000..100000.000, default: 0.000)

Crop top

Cut this many pixels from the top border of the source images.

crb=<number> (0.000..100000.000, default: 0.000)

Crop bottom

Cut this many pixels from the bottom border of the source images.


Supported strings: from_input user_defined pal_d1 pal_d1_wide pal_dv pal_dv_wide
pal_cvd pal_vcd pal_svcd pal_svcd_wide ntsc_d1 ntsc_d1_wide ntsc_dv ntsc_dv_wide
ntsc_cvd ntsc_vcd ntsc_svcd ntsc_svcd_wide 720 1080 vga qvga sqcif qcif cif 4cif 16cif

Default: from_input

Image size

Set the output image size. For a user defined size, you must specify the width and
height as well as the pixel width and pixel height.

w=<number> (1..100000, default: 640)

User defined width

User defined width in pixels. Only meaningful if you selected "User defined" for the
image size.

h=<number> (1..100000, default: 480)

User defined height

User defined height in pixels. Only meaningful if you selected "User defined" for the
image size.

sw=<number> (1..100000, default: 1)

User defined pixel width

User defined pixel width. Only meaningful if you selected "User defined" for the image

sh=<number> (1..100000, default: 1)

User defined pixel height

User defined pixel height. Only meaningful if you selected "User defined" for the
image size.

ka=[1|0] (default: 1)

Maintain aspect ratio

Let the aspect ratio appear the same as in the source, probably resulting in
additional borders.

bc=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Border color

Color of the image borders.

squeeze=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)


zoom=<number> (20..180, default: 100)



Supported strings: auto nearest bilinear quadratic cubic_bspline cubic_mitchell
cubic_catmull sinc_lanczos

Default: auto

Scale mode

Choose scaling method. Auto means to choose based on the conversion quality. Nearest
is fastest, Sinc with Lanczos window is slowest.

so=<number> (4..1000, default: 4)

Scale order

Order for sinc scaling


Supported strings: auto none wide gauss

Default: auto

Antialiasing for downscaling

Specifies the antialiasing filter to be used when downscaling images.

downscale_blur=<number> (0.00..2.00, default: 1.00)

Blur factor for downscaling

Specifies how much blurring should be applied when downscaling. Smaller values can
speed up scaling, but might result in strong aliasing.


Supported strings: from_input 444 422 420mpeg1 420mpeg2 420paldv 411

Default: from_input

Chroma output

Set the output chroma format to that of the destination. This can save one chroma
scaling operation at a later stage. It only works if the input pixelformat is
otherwise compatible to the output.


Supported strings: never auto always

Default: never



Supported strings: top bottom

Default: top

Drop mode

Specifies which field the deinterlacer should drop.

Suboptions for fv_decimate

threshold_block=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Block threshold

Specifies how much a block may differ from the last non-skipped block. 0 means
identical blocks, 1 means completely different blocks. Note that the meaning of
"completely different" depends on the colorspace.

threshold_total=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Total threshold

Specifies how much a frame may differ from the last non-skipped frame. 0 means
identical frames, 1 means completely different frames. Note that the meaning of
"completely different" depends on the colorspace.

skip_max=<number> (1..500, default: 10)

Maximum skipped frames

Maximum number of consecutive skipped frames

do_log=[1|0] (default: 0)

Report results

Log reports about skipped frames

Suboptions for fv_deinterlace


Supported strings: none copy scale_hw scale_sw blend yadif yadif_fast

Default: none


force=[1|0] (default: 0)

Force deinterlacing

Always perform deinterlacing even if the source format pretends to be progressive


Supported strings: top bottom first second both

Default: top

Output mode

Specify which field to output. Outputting both fields is not always supported.


Supported strings: auto nearest bilinear quadratic cubic_bspline cubic_mitchell
cubic_catmull sinc_lanczos

Default: auto

Scale mode

Choose scaling method. Auto means to choose based on the conversion quality. Nearest
is fastest, Sinc with Lanczos window is slowest.

so=<number> (4..1000, default: 4)

Scale order

Order for sinc scaling

Suboptions for fv_dicetv

g_cube_bits=<number> (0..5, default: 4)

Square Size

Suboptions for fv_difftv

tolerance=<number> (0..255, default: 10)


Suboptions for fv_tcdisplay

interpolate=[1|0] (default: 1)

Interpolate missing

Interpolate missing timecodes

color=<r>,<g>,<b>,<a> (default: 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g>, <b> and <a> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Text color

border_color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Border color

border_width=<number> (0.00..10.00, default: 2.00)

Border width

font=<string> (Default: Courier-20)



Supported strings: center left right

Default: right

Horizontal justify


Supported strings: center top bottom

Default: top

Vertical justify

border_left=<number> (0..65535, default: 10)

Left border

Distance from the left text border to the image border

border_right=<number> (0..65535, default: 10)

Right border

Distance from the right text border to the image border

border_top=<number> (0..65535, default: 10)

Top border

Distance from the top text border to the image border

border_bottom=<number> (0..65535, default: 10)

Bottom border

Distance from the bottom text border to the image border

Suboptions for fv_displaywalltv

scale=<number> (1..9, default: 3)


speedx=<number> (-100..100, default: 10)

Horizontal scroll speed

speedy=<number> (-100..100, default: 10)

Vertical scroll speed

Suboptions for fv_dottv


Supported strings: dots hearts

Default: dots


Suboptions for fv_edgeblurtv

color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 1.000,1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


Suboptions for fv_equalizer

brightness=<number> (-10.0..10.0, default: 0.0)


contrast=<number> (-10.0..10.0, default: 0.0)


saturation=<number> (-10.0..10.0, default: 0.0)


hue=<number> (-180.0..180.0, default: 0.0)


Suboptions for fv_firetv


Supported strings: fg light dark

Default: all


Suboptions for fv_flip

flip_h=[1|0] (default: 0)

Flip horizontally

flip_v=[1|0] (default: 0)

Flip vertically

Suboptions for fv_framerate


Supported strings: from_source user_defined 23_976 24 25 29_970 30 50 59_940 60

Default: from_source


Output framerate. For user defined framerate, enter the timescale and frame duration
below (framerate = timescale / frame duration).

timescale=<number> (1..100000, default: 25)


Timescale for user defined output framerate (Framerate = timescale / frame duration).

frame_duration=<number> (1..100000, default: 1)

Frame duration

Frame duration for user defined output framerate (Framerate = timescale / frame

Suboptions for fv_pixelformat


Supported strings: 8 bpp gray 16 bpp gray Float gray 16 bpp gray + alpha 32 bpp gray +
alpha Float gray + alpha 15 bpp RGB 15 bpp BGR 16 bpp RGB 16 bpp BGR 24 bpp RGB 24 bpp
BGR 32 bpp RGB 32 bpp BGR 32 bpp RGBA 48 bpp RGB 64 bpp RGBA Float RGB Float RGBA YUV
422 (YUY2) YUV 422 (UYVY) YUVA 4444 (8 bit) YUVA 4444 (16 bit) YUVA 4444 (float) YUV
444 (float) YUV 420 Planar YUV 410 Planar YUV 411 Planar YUV 422 Planar YUV 422 Planar
(16 bit) YUV 444 Planar YUV 444 Planar (16 bit) YUVJ 420 Planar YUVJ 422 Planar YUVJ
444 Planar

Default: YUV 420 Planar


Suboptions for fv_interlace


Supported strings: top bottom

Default: top

Output field order

Suboptions for fv_invert

r=[1|0] (default: 1)

Invert red

g=[1|0] (default: 1)

Invert green

b=[1|0] (default: 1)

Invert blue

a=[1|0] (default: 1)

Invert alpha

Suboptions for fv_lenstv

x=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.25)


y=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.25)


lens_width=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.25)


lens_zoom=<number> (5..200, default: 30)


Suboptions for fv_matrixtv

mode=[1|0] (default: 0)


Suboptions for fv_halftv


Supported strings: delay scratch nervous

Default: delay



Supported strings: left right top bottom

Default: right



Supported strings: normal mirror copy

Default: mirror


delay=<number> (0..31, default: 10)


Suboptions for fv_nervoustv


Supported strings: random scratch

Default: random


Suboptions for fv_oldcolor


Supported strings: bw tech1 tech2

Default: tech1


strength=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 1.000)


r_gain=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Red gain

g_gain=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Green gain

b_gain=<number> (0.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Blue gain

Suboptions for fv_optv


Supported strings: maelstrom radiation perspective vertical

Default: maelstrom


speed=<number> (-64..64, default: 16)


Suboptions for fv_puptv


Supported strings: horizontal vertical diagonal dissolution random raster

Default: horizontal


strength=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.20)


Suboptions for fv_colormatrix_rgb

r_to_r=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Red -> Red

g_to_r=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Green -> Red

b_to_r=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Blue -> Red

a_to_r=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha -> Red

off_r=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Red offset

r_to_g=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Red -> Green

g_to_g=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Green -> Green

b_to_g=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Blue -> Green

a_to_g=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha -> Green

off_g=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Green offset

r_to_b=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Red -> Blue

g_to_b=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Green -> Blue

b_to_b=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Blue -> Blue

a_to_b=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha -> Blue

off_b=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Blue offset

r_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Red -> Alpha

g_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Green -> Alpha

b_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Blue -> Alpha

a_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Alpha -> Alpha

off_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha offset

force_alpha=[1|0] (default: 0)

Force alpha

Create video with alpha channel even if the input format has no alpha channel. Use
this to generate the alpha channel from other channels using the colormatrix.

Suboptions for fv_rdstv


Supported strings: wall cross

Default: wall


Suboptions for fv_revtv

fg_color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 1.000,1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Line color

bg_color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


spacing=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.100)


amplitude=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.10)


vgrabtime=<number> (1..10, default: 1)

Grab interval

Suboptions for fv_rippletv


Supported strings: motion rain

Default: motion


loopnum=<number> (1..5, default: 2)


strength=<number> (1..10, default: 8)


decay_cfg=<number> (1..15, default: 8)


Suboptions for fv_rndmtv

rmode=[1|0] (default: 1)


Suboptions for fv_shagadelictv

mask_r=[1|0] (default: 1)

Red mask

mask_g=[1|0] (default: 1)

Green mask

mask_b=[1|0] (default: 1)

Blue mask

Suboptions for fv_shift

shift=<number> (0..8, default: 0)

Bits to shift

Suboptions for fv_simuratv

color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0



Supported strings: no l r d dl dr u ul ur

Default: no

Mirror mode

Suboptions for fv_sparktv


Supported strings: fg light dark

Default: all


Suboptions for fv_spiraltv


Supported strings: Concentric A Sawtooth Up Sawtooth Down Triangle Sinusoidal
Concentric B Lens Flat

Default: Concentric A


g_focus_interval=<number> (0..60, default: 6)

Focus interval

center_x=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Center x

center_y=<number> (0.000..1.000, default: 0.500)

Center y

g_depth_shift=<number> (0..5, default: 0)

Depth shift

Suboptions for fv_tlp

factor=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)


0 means no effect, 1 means maximum (= still image)

quality=<number> (1..5, default: 2)


Suboptions for fv_transform


Supported strings: rotate affine perspective lens_effect whirl

Default: rotate

Transformation mode

Choose Transformation method. Each method can be configured in it's section.


Supported strings: auto nearest bilinear quadratic cubic_bspline

Default: auto

Interpolation mode

Choose interpolation method. Auto means to choose based on the conversion quality.
Nearest is fastest, Bicubic is slowest.

bg_color=<r>,<g>,<b>,<a> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000)

<r>, <g>, <b> and <a> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Background color

rotate_angle=<number> (-360.00..360.00, default: 0.00)


affine_xx=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

X -> X

affine_xy=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

X -> Y

affine_yx=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Y -> X

affine_yy=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Y -> Y

affine_ox=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

X Offset

Normalized X offset. 1 corresponds to image with.

affine_oy=<number> (-1.000..1.000, default: 0.000)

Y Offset

Normalized Y offset. 1 corresponds to image height.

perspective_tl=<x>,<y> (default: 0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Top left

Top left corner in normalized image coordinates

perspective_tr=<x>,<y> (default: 1.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Top right

Top right corner in normalized image coordinates

perspective_bl=<x>,<y> (default: 0.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Bottom left

Bottom left corner in normalized image coordinates

perspective_br=<x>,<y> (default: 1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Bottom right

Bottom right corner in normalized image coordinates

lens_effect_pos=<x>,<y> (default: 0.500,0.500)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


Center of the lens

lens_effect_diameter=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.25)


Diamater of the lens (1 is image size)

lens_effect_zoom=<number> (5.00..200.00, default: 20.00)


Zoom factor

whirl_center=<x>,<y> (default: 0.500,0.500)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


whirl_radius=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)


whirl_pinch=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)


whirl_angle=<number> (0.00..360.00, default: 30.00)


Suboptions for fv_transformtv

transform=<number> (0..5, default: 0)


Suboptions for fv_tctweak


Supported strings: off interpolate remove_redundant remove_all add add_first

Default: off


int_framerate=<number> (1..999, default: 25)

Integer framerate

Set the integer framerate used when adding new timecodes

drop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Drop frame

Set the if drop frame is used when adding new timecodes

hours=<number> (0..23, default: 0)

Start hour

Set the start hours used when adding new timecodes

minutes=<number> (0..59, default: 0)

Start minute

Set the start minutes used when adding new timecodes

seconds=<number> (0..59, default: 0)

Start second

Set the start seconds used when adding new timecodes

frames=<number> (0..999, default: 0)

Start frames

Set the start frames used when adding new timecodes

Suboptions for fv_vertigotv

phase_increment=<number> (0.01..1.00, default: 0.02)

Phase increment

zoomrate=<number> (1.01..1.10, default: 1.01)

Zoom rate

Suboptions for fv_colormatrix_yuv

y_to_y=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Luminance -> Luminance

u_to_y=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cb -> Luminance

v_to_y=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cr -> Luminance

a_to_y=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha -> Luminance

off_y=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Luminance offset

r_to_u=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Luminance -> Cb

u_to_u=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Cb -> Cb

b_to_u=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cr -> Cb

a_to_u=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha -> Cb

off_u=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cb offset

y_to_v=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Luminance -> Cr

u_to_v=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cb -> Cr

v_to_v=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Cr -> Cr

a_to_v=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha -> Cr

off_v=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cr offset

y_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Luminance -> Alpha

u_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cb -> Alpha

v_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Cr -> Alpha

a_to_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 1.000)

Alpha -> Alpha

off_a=<number> (-2.000..2.000, default: 0.000)

Alpha offset

force_alpha=[1|0] (default: 0)

Force alpha

Create video with alpha channel even if the input format has no alpha channel. Use
this to generate the alpha channel from other channels using the colormatrix.

Suboptions for fv_zoom

zoom_h=<number> (0.50..2.00, default: 1.00)

Zoom horizontally

zoom_v=<number> (0.50..2.00, default: 1.00)

Zoom vertically


Supported strings: auto nearest bilinear quadratic cubic_bspline cubic_mitchell
cubic_catmull sinc_lanczos

Default: auto

Scale mode

Choose scaling method. Auto means to choose based on the conversion quality. Nearest
is fastest, Sinc with Lanczos window is slowest.

so=<number> (4..1000, default: 4)

Scale order

Order for sinc scaling


Supported strings: auto none wide gauss

Default: auto

Antialiasing for downscaling

Specifies the antialiasing filter to be used when downscaling images.

downscale_blur=<number> (0.00..2.00, default: 1.00)

Blur factor for downscaling

Specifies how much blurring should be applied when downscaling. Smaller values can
speed up scaling, but might result in strong aliasing.

quality=<number> (1..5, default: 2)


bg_color=<r>,<g>,<b>,<a> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000)

<r>, <g>, <b> and <a> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Background color

Suboptions for bg_f0r_3 point color balance

Blackcolor=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Black color

Black color

Graycolor=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.500,0.500,0.500)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Gray color

Gray color

Whitecolor=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 1.000,1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

White color

White color

Splitpreview=[1|0] (default: 1)

Split preview

Split privew

Sourceimageonleftside=[1|0] (default: 1)

Source image on left side

Source image on left side

Suboptions for bg_f0r_3dflippo

Xaxisrotation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

X axis rotation

Rotation on the X axis

Yaxisrotation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Y axis rotation

Rotation on the Y axis

Zaxisrotation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Z axis rotation

Rotation on the Z axis

Xaxisrotationrate=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

X axis rotation rate

Rotation rate on the X axis

Yaxisrotationrate=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Y axis rotation rate

Rotation rate on the Y axis

Zaxisrotationrate=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Z axis rotation rate

Rotation rate on the Z axis

Centerposition(X)=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Center position (X)

Position of the center of rotation on the X axis

Centerposition(Y)=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Center position (Y)

Position of the center of rotation on the Y axis

Invertrotationassignment=[1|0] (default: 0)

Invert rotation assignment

If true, when mapping rotation, make inverted (wrong) assignment

Don'tblankmask=[1|0] (default: 0)

Don't blank mask

Mask for frame transposition is not blanked, so a trace of old transpositions is

Fillwithimageorblack=[1|0] (default: 0)

Fill with image or black

If true, pixels that are not transposed are black, otherwise, they are copied with the

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Brightness

Brightness=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


The brightness value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Cartoon

triplevel=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1000.0000)


level of trip: use high numbers, incremented by 100

diffspace=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


difference space: a value from 0 to 256

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Color Distance

Color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.500,0.500,0.500)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


The Source Color

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Contrast0r

Contrast=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


The contrast value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Curves

Channel=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Channel to adjust levels (1 = RED; 2 = GREEN; 3 = BLUE; 4 = LUMA)

Showcurves=[1|0] (default: 1)

Show curves

Draw curve graph on output image

Graphposition=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 3.0000)

Graph position

Output image corner where curve graph will be drawn (1 = TOP,LEFT; 2 = TOP,RIGHT; 3 =

Curvepointnumber=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 2.0000)

Curve point number

Number of point to use to build curve

Point1inputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 1 input value

Point 1 input value

Point1outputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 1 output value

Point 1 output value

Point2inputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 2 input value

Point 2 input value

Point2outputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 2 output value

Point 2 output value

Point3inputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 3 input value

Point 3 input value

Point3outputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 3 output value

Point 3 output value

Point4inputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 4 input value

Point 4 input value

Point4outputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 4 output value

Point 4 output value

Point5inputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 5 input value

Point 5 input value

Point5outputvalue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Point 5 output value

Point 5 output value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Defish0r

Amount=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Focal Ratio

DeFish=[1|0] (default: 0)


Fish or Defish

Type=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.6667)


Mapping function

Scaling=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.6667)


Scaling method

ManualScale=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Manual Scale

Manual Scale

Interpolator=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.1667)


Quality of interpolation

Aspecttype=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Aspect type

Pixel aspect ratio presets

ManualAspect=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Manual Aspect

Manual Pixel Aspect ratio

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Distort0r

Amplitude=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


The amplitude of the plasma signal

Frequency=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0050)


The frequency of the plasma signal

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Edgeglow

lthresh=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


threshold for edge lightening

lupscale=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


multiplier for upscaling edge brightness

lredscale=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


multiplier for downscaling non-edge brightness

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Flippo

Xaxis=[1|0] (default: 0)

X axis

Flipping on the horizontal axis

Yaxis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Y axis

Flipping on the vertical axis

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Gamma

Gamma=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


The gamma value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Glow

Blur=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Blur of the glow

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Hueshift0r

Hue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


The shift value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_K-Means Clustering

Num=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


The number of clusters

Distweight=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Dist weight

The weight on distance

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Lens Correction

xcenter=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


ycenter=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


correctionnearcenter=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


correctionnearedges=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


brightness=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Suboptions for bg_f0r_LetterB0xed

BorderWidth=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.4000)

Border Width

Transparency=[1|0] (default: 0)


Suboptions for bg_f0r_Levels

Channel=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Channel to adjust levels

Inputblacklevel=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Input black level

Input black level

Inputwhitelevel=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

Input white level

Input white level

Gamma=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2500)



Blackoutput=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Black output

Black output

Whiteoutput=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)

White output

White output

Showhistogram=[1|0] (default: 1)

Show histogram

Show histogram

Histogramposition=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 3.0000)

Histogram position

Histogram position

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Mask0Mate

Left=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)


Right=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)


Top=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)


Bottom=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)


Invert=[1|0] (default: 0)


Invert the mask, creates a hole in the frame.

Blur=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Blur the outline of the mask

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Perspective

TopLeft=<x>,<y> (default: 0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Top Left

TopRight=<x>,<y> (default: 1.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Top Right

BottomLeft=<x>,<y> (default: 0.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Bottom Left

BottomRight=<x>,<y> (default: 1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Bottom Right

Suboptions for bg_f0r_SOP/Sat

rSlope=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Slope of the red color component

gSlope=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Slope of the green color component

bSlope=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Slope of the blue color component

aSlope=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Slope of the alpha component

rOffset=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Offset of the red color component

gOffset=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Offset of the green color component

bOffset=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Offset of the blue color component

aOffset=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Offset of the alpha component

rPower=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Power (Gamma) of the red color component

gPower=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Power (Gamma) of the green color component

bPower=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Power (Gamma) of the blue color component

aPower=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Power (Gamma) of the alpha component

saturation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 200.0000)


Overall saturation

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Saturat0r

Saturation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


The saturation value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Scale0Tilt

Clipleft=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Clip left

Clipright=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Clip right

Cliptop=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Clip top

Clipbottom=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Clip bottom

ScaleX=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Scale X

ScaleY=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Scale Y

TiltX=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Tilt X

TiltY=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Tilt Y

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Squareblur

Kernelsize=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Kernel size

The size of the kernel, as a proportion to its coverage of the image

Suboptions for bg_f0r_TehRoxx0r

Interval=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0100)


Changing speed of small blocks

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Threshold0r

Threshold=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


The threshold

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Tint0r

Mapblackto=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Map black to

The color to map source color with null luminance

Mapwhiteto=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.500,1.000,0.500)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Map white to

The color to map source color with full luminance

Tintamount=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2500)

Tint amount

Amount of color

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Transparency

Transparency=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


The transparency value

Suboptions for bg_f0r_Vertigo

PhaseIncrement=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0200)


Phase increment

Zoomrate=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0100)



Suboptions for bg_f0r_Water

splash=<x>,<y> (default: 0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


make a big splash in the center

physics=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


water density: from 1 to 4

rain=[1|0] (default: 0)


rain drops all over

distort=[1|0] (default: 0)


distort all surface like dropping a bucket to the floor

smooth=[1|0] (default: 0)


smooth up all perturbations on the surface

surfer=[1|0] (default: 0)


surf the surface with a wandering finger

swirl=[1|0] (default: 0)


swirling whirpool in the center

randomize_swirl=[1|0] (default: 0)


randomize the swirling angle

Suboptions for bg_f0r_White Balance

NeutralColor=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 1.000,1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Neutral Color

Choose a color from the source image that should be white.

GreenTint=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.2000)

Green Tint

Adjust the level of green.

Suboptions for bg_f0r_alpha0ps

Display=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Displayinputalpha=[1|0] (default: 0)

Display input alpha

Operation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Threshold=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Shrink/growamount=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3333)

Shrink/grow amount

Invert=[1|0] (default: 0)


Suboptions for bg_f0r_alphagrad

Position=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Transitionwidth=[1|0] (default: 0)

Transition width

Tilt=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Min=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Max=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Operation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Suboptions for bg_f0r_alphaspot

Shape=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


PositionX=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Position X

PositionY=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Position Y

SizeX=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.1000)

Size X

SizeY=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.1000)

Size Y

Tilt=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Transitionwidth=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)

Transition width

Min=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Max=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


Operation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


Suboptions for bg_f0r_bluescreen0r

Color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,240.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0


The color to make transparent (B G R)

Distance=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 127.0000)


Distance to Color (127 is good)

Suboptions for bg_f0r_c0rners

Corner1X=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3333)

Corner 1 X

X coordinate of corner 1

Corner1Y=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3333)

Corner 1 Y

Y coordinate of corner 1

Corner2X=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.6667)

Corner 2 X

X coordinate of corner 2

Corner2Y=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3333)

Corner 2 Y

Y coordinate of corner 2

Corner3X=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.6667)

Corner 3 X

X coordinate of corner 3

Corner3Y=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.6667)

Corner 3 Y

Y coordinate of corner 3

Corner4X=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3333)

Corner 4 X

X coordinate of corner 4

Corner4Y=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.6667)

Corner 4 Y

Y coordinate of corner 4

EnableStretch=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable Stretch

Enable stretching

StretchX=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Stretch X

Amount of stretching in X direction

StretchY=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Stretch Y

Amount of stretching in Y direction

Interpolator=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.1667)


Quality of interpolation

TransparentBackground=[1|0] (default: 0)

Transparent Background

Makes background transparent

FeatherAlpha=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0100)

Feather Alpha

Makes smooth transition into transparent

Suboptions for bg_f0r_coloradj_RGB

R=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Amount of red

G=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Amount of green

B=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Amount of blue

Action=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3333)


Type of color adjustment

Keepluma=[1|0] (default: 1)

Keep luma

Don't change brightness

Alphacontrolled=[1|0] (default: 0)

Alpha controlled

Adjust only areas with nonzero alpha

Lumaformula=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)

Luma formula

Suboptions for bg_f0r_delay0r

DelayTime=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


the delay time

Suboptions for bg_f0r_nosync0r

HSync=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


the hsync offset

Suboptions for bg_f0r_pixeliz0r

BlockSizeX=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.4375)


Horizontal size of one "pixel"

BlockSizeY=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.4375)


Vertical size of one "pixel"

Suboptions for bg_f0r_pr0be

Measurement=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


What measurement to display

X=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


X position of probe

Y=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Y position of probe

Xsize=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2500)

X size

X size of probe

Ysize=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2500)

Y size

Y size of probe

256scale=[1|0] (default: 0)

256 scale

use 0-255 instead of 0.0-1.0

Showalpha=[1|0] (default: 0)

Show alpha

Display alpha value too

Bigwindow=[1|0] (default: 0)

Big window

Display more data

Suboptions for bg_f0r_pr0file

X=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


X position of profile

Y=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Y position of profile

Tilt=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.5000)


Tilt of profile

Length=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.1584)


Length of profile

Channel=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.3750)


Channel to numerically display

Marker1=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: -0.2000)

Marker 1

Position of marker 1

Marker2=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: -0.2000)

Marker 2

Position of marker 2

Rtrace=[1|0] (default: 1)

R trace

Show R trace on scope

Gtrace=[1|0] (default: 1)

G trace

Show G trace on scope

Btrace=[1|0] (default: 1)

B trace

Show B trace on scope

Ytrace=[1|0] (default: 0)

Y trace

Show Y' trace on scope

Prtrace=[1|0] (default: 0)

Pr trace

Show Pr trace on scope

Pbtrace=[1|0] (default: 0)

Pb trace

Show Pb trace on scope

Alphatrace=[1|0] (default: 0)

Alpha trace

Show Alpha trace on scope

Displayaverage=[1|0] (default: 1)

Display average


DisplayRMS=[1|0] (default: 1)

Display RMS

Displayminimum=[1|0] (default: 0)

Display minimum

Displaymaximum=[1|0] (default: 0)

Display maximum

256scale=[1|0] (default: 0)

256 scale

use 0-255 instead of 0.0-1.0

Color=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


rec 601 or rec 709

Crosshaircolor=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Crosshair color

Color of the profile marker

Suboptions for bg_f0r_primaries

Factor=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 1.0000)


influence of mean px value. > 32 = 0

Suboptions for bg_f0r_select0r

Colortoselect=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.800,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Color to select

Invertselection=[1|0] (default: 0)

Invert selection

DeltaR/A/Hue=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)

Delta R / A / Hue

DeltaG/B/Chroma=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)

Delta G / B / Chroma

DeltaB/I/I=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.2000)

Delta B / I / I

Selectionsubspace=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Selection subspace

Subspaceshape=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Subspace shape

Edgemode=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)

Edge mode

Operation=<number> (0.0000..1.0000, default: 0.0000)


-vm <video monitor options>

Set video monitor options
do_monitor=[1|0] (default: 1)

Enable monitor


Supported options: ov_x11 ov_v4l2

Default: ov_x11


Suboptions for plugin=ov_x11

auto_resize=[1|0] (default: 1)

Auto resize window

disable_xscreensaver_normal=[1|0] (default: 0)

Disable Screensaver for normal playback

disable_xscreensaver_fullscreen=[1|0] (default: 1)

Disable Screensaver for fullscreen playback

force_hw_scale=[1|0] (default: 1)

Force hardware scaling

Use hardware scaling even if it involves more CPU intensive pixelformat conversions

background_color=<r>,<g>,<b> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000)

<r>, <g> and <b> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Background color

Specify the background color for videos with alpha channel. This is only used by the
OpenGL driver.


Supported strings: auto nearest bilinear quadratic cubic_bspline cubic_mitchell
cubic_catmull sinc_lanczos

Default: auto

Scale mode

Choose scaling method. Auto means to choose based on the conversion quality. Nearest
is fastest, Sinc with Lanczos window is slowest.

scale_order=<number> (4..1000, default: 4)

Scale order

Order for sinc scaling

scale_quality=<number> (1..5, default: 2)

Scale quality

Scale quality

Suboptions for plugin=ov_v4l2


Supported options: /dev/video0

Default: /dev/video0

V4L2 Device

force_rw=[1|0] (default: 1)

Force write

Don't use memory mapping

-m <metadata_options>

Set metadata options

Supported strings: static input player

Default: static

Metadata mode







track=<number> (default: 0)










Complete date or year only



-enc <encoding_options>

Set encoding options
encode_audio_to_video=[1|0] (default: 0)

Write audio stream to video file if possible


Supported options: e_wav e_vorbis e_speex e_flacogg e_flac e_lame e_faac e_mpegaudio
e_ffmpeg_audio b_lame

Default: e_wav


Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_wav

write_info_chunk=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write info chunk


Supported strings: 8 16 24 32

Default: 16

Bits per sample

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_vorbis


Supported strings: vbr vbr_bitrate managed

Default: VBR

Bitrate mode

Bitrate mode: VBR: You specify a quality and (optionally) a minimum and maximum
bitrate VBR (bitrate): The specified nominal bitrate will be used for selecting the
encoder mode. Managed: You specify a nominal bitrate and (optionally) a minimum and
maximum bitrate VBR is recommended, managed bitrate might result in a worse quality

nominal_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 128)

Nominal bitrate (kbps)

Nominal bitrate (in kbps) for managed mode

quality=<number> (0.0..10.0, default: 3.0)

VBR Quality (10: best)

Quality for VBR mode 10: best (largest output file) 0: worst (smallest output file)

min_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Optional minimum bitrate (in kbps) 0 = unspecified

max_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Optional maximum bitrate (in kbps) 0 = unspecified

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_speex


Supported strings: auto nb wb uwb

Default: auto

Speex mode

Encoding mode. If you select Auto, the mode will be taken from the samplerate.

quality=<number> (0..10, default: 3)

Quality (10: best)

complexity=<number> (0..10, default: 3)

Encoding complexity

nframes=<number> (1..10, default: 1)

Frames per Ogg packet

bitrate=<number> (0..128, default: 8)

Bitrate (kbps)

Bitrate (in kbps). Set to 0 for seleting the standard bitrates for the encoding mode.

vbr=[1|0] (default: 0)

Variable bitrate

abr_bitrate=<number> (0..128, default: 0)

Average bitrate (kbps)

Average bitrate (in kbps). Set to 0 for disabling ABR.

vad=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use voice activity detection

dtx=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable file-based discontinuous transmission

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_flacogg


Supported strings: 8 12 16 20 24

Default: 16


compression_level=<number> (0..8, default: 5)

Compression Level

0: Fastest encoding, biggest files 8: Slowest encoding, smallest files

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_flac

use_vorbis_comment=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write vorbis comment

Write Vorbis comment containing metadata to the file

use_seektable=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write seek table

Write seektable (strongly recommended)

num_seektable_entries=<number> (1..1000000, default: 100)

Entries in the seektable

Maximum number of entries in the seek table. Default is 100, larger numbers result in
shorter seeking times but also in larger files.


Supported strings: 8 12 16 20 24

Default: 16


compression_level=<number> (0..8, default: 5)

Compression Level

0: Fastest encoding, biggest files 8: Slowest encoding, smallest files

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_lame

do_id3v1=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write ID3V1.1 tag

do_id3v2=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write ID3V2 tag


Supported strings: 0 1 2 3

Default: 3

ID3V2 Encoding


Supported strings: CBR ABR VBR

Default: CBR

Bitrate mode


Supported strings: Stereo Joint stereo Auto

Default: Auto

Stereo mode

Stereo: Completely independent channels Joint stereo: Improve quality (save bits) by
using similarities of the channels Auto (recommended): Select one of the above
depending on quality or bitrate setting

quality=<number> (0..9, default: 2)

Encoding speed

0: Slowest encoding, best quality 9: Fastest encoding, worst quality

cbr_bitrate=<number> (8..320, default: 128)

Bitrate (kbps)

Bitrate in kbps. If your selection is no valid mp3 bitrate, we'll choose the closest

vbr_quality=<number> (0..9, default: 4)

VBR Quality

VBR Quality level. 0: best, 9: worst

abr_bitrate=<number> (8..320, default: 128)

ABR overall bitrate (kbps)

Average bitrate for ABR mode

abr_min_bitrate=<number> (0..320, default: 0)

ABR min bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate for ABR mode. 0 means let lame decide. If your selection is no valid
mp3 bitrate, we'll choose the closest value.

abr_max_bitrate=<number> (0..320, default: 0)

ABR max bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate for ABR mode. 0 means let lame decide. If your selection is no valid
mp3 bitrate, we'll choose the closest value.

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_faac

do_id3v1=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write ID3V1.1 tag

do_id3v2=[1|0] (default: 1)

Write ID3V2 tag


Supported strings: 0 1 2 3

Default: 3

ID3V2 Encoding


Supported strings: mpeg2_main mpeg2_lc mpeg4_main mpeg4_lc mpeg4_ltp

Default: mpeg4_main

Object type

bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Bitrate (kbps)

Average bitrate (0: VBR based on quality)

quality=<number> (10..500, default: 100)


Quantizer quality


Supported strings: Both No short No long

Default: Both

Block types

tns=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use temporal noise shaping

no_midside=[1|0] (default: 0)

Don't use mid/side coding

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_mpegaudio

bitrate=<number> (32..448, default: 224)

Bitrate (kbps)

layer=<number> (1..2, default: 2)

Layer (1 or 2)

Audio layer

vcd=[1|0] (default: 1)

VCD Compatible

Make VCD compliant output. This forces layer II, 224 kbps and 44.1 KHz stereo

Suboptions for audio_encoder=e_ffmpeg_audio


Supported strings: au ac3 aiff mp2 asf

Default: au



Supported options: pcm_mulaw pcm_s16be pcm_alaw ac3 pcm_s8 mp2 wma2 wma1

Default: pcm_mulaw


Suboptions for codec=ac3


Supported strings: 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320 384 448 512 576

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=mp2


Supported strings: 32 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320 384

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=wma2


Supported strings: 24 48 64 96 128

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=wma1


Supported strings: 24 48 64 96 128

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for audio_encoder=b_lame

server=<string> (Default: localhost)


port=<number> (1..65535, default: 8000)


mount=<string> (Default: /stream.ogg)


user=<string> (Default: source)




name=<string> (Default: Test stream)


description=<string> (Default: Brought to you by gmerlin)



Supported strings: Stereo Joint stereo Auto

Default: Auto

Stereo mode

Stereo: Completely independent channels Joint stereo: Improve quality (save bits) by
using similarities of the channels Auto (recommended): Select one of the above
depending on quality or bitrate setting

quality=<number> (0..9, default: 2)

Encoding speed

0: Slowest encoding, best quality 9: Fastest encoding, worst quality

cbr_bitrate=<number> (8..320, default: 128)

Bitrate (kbps)

Bitrate in kbps. If your selection is no valid mp3 bitrate, we'll choose the closest


Supported options: e_lqt e_y4m e_mpegvideo e_singlepic e_theora e_mpeg e_ffmpeg_video
e_ffmpeg b_ogg

Default: e_lqt


Suboptions for video_encoder=e_lqt


Supported strings: quicktime avi avi_opendml mp4 m4a 3gp

Default: quicktime


make_streamable=[1|0] (default: 0)

Make streamable

Make the file streamable afterwards (uses twice the diskspace)

max_riff_size=<number> (1..1024, default: 1024)

Maximum RIFF size

Maximum RIFF size (in MB) for OpenDML AVIs. The default (1GB) is reasonable and should
only be changed by people who know what they do.


Supported options: ima4 rawaudio twos ulaw sowt alaw in24 in32 fl32 fl64 lpcm vorbis
vorbis_qt ffmpeg_mp2 ffmpeg_ac3 lame faac

Default: ima4


Suboptions for codec=in24

pcm_little_endian=[1|0] (default: 0)

Little endian

Suboptions for codec=in32

pcm_little_endian=[1|0] (default: 0)

Little endian

Suboptions for codec=fl32

pcm_little_endian=[1|0] (default: 0)

Little endian

Suboptions for codec=fl64

pcm_little_endian=[1|0] (default: 0)

Little endian

Suboptions for codec=lpcm


Supported strings: Integer (16 bit) Integer (24 bit) Integer (32 bit) Float (32 bit)
Float (64 bit)

Default: Integer (16 bit)


pcm_little_endian=[1|0] (default: 0)

Little endian

Suboptions for codec=vorbis

vorbis_bitrate=<number> (default: 128000)

Nominal Bitrate

vorbis_vbr=[1|0] (default: 1)

Use variable bitrate

vorbis_max_bitrate=<number> (default: -1)

Maximum Bitrate (-1 = no limit)

vorbis_min_bitrate=<number> (default: -1)

Minimum Bitrate (-1 = no limit)

Suboptions for codec=vorbis_qt

vorbis_bitrate=<number> (default: 128000)

Nominal Bitrate

vorbis_vbr=[1|0] (default: 1)

Use variable bitrate

vorbis_max_bitrate=<number> (default: -1)

Maximum Bitrate (-1 = no limit)

vorbis_min_bitrate=<number> (default: -1)

Minimum Bitrate (-1 = no limit)

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_mp2

bit_rate_audio=<number> (default: 128)

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_ac3

bit_rate_audio=<number> (default: 128)

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=lame


Supported strings: CBR ABR VBR

Default: CBR

Bitrate mode

CBR: Constant bitrate VBR: Variable bitrate ABR: Average bitrate

mp3_bitrate=<number> (default: 256000)

Nominal Bitrate (ABR/CBR)

Bitrate in bits per second. For CBR, this must be a valid MP3 bitrate

mp3_bitrate_min=<number> (default: 64000)

Minimum Bitrate (ABR)

Minimum ABR bitrate in bits per second. This must be a valid MP3 bitrate

mp3_bitrate_max=<number> (default: 320000)

Maximum Bitrate (ABR)

Maximum ABR bitrate in bits per second. This must be a valid MP3 bitrate

mp3_quality=<number> (0..9, default: 0)

Quality (0 = best)

0: Slowest encoding, best quality 9: Fastest encoding, worst quality

mp3_quality_vbr=<number> (0..9, default: 0)

VBR Quality (0 = best)

VBR Quality level. 0: best, 9: worst

Suboptions for codec=faac

faac_bitrate=<number> (default: 0)

Bitrate (kbps, 0 = VBR)

quality=<number> (10..500, default: 100)

VBR Quality


Supported strings: Low Main SSR LTP

Default: Low

Object type

box_top=<number> (0..65535, default: 0)

Text box (top)

box_left=<number> (0..65535, default: 0)

Text box (left)

box_bottom=<number> (0..65535, default: 0)

Text box (bottom)

box_right=<number> (0..65535, default: 0)

Text box (right)

fg_color=<r>,<g>,<b>,<a> (default: 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000)

<r>, <g>, <b> and <a> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Text color

bg_color=<r>,<g>,<b>,<a> (default: 0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000)

<r>, <g>, <b> and <a> are in the range 0.0..1.0

Background color

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration


Supported options: raw v308 v408 v410 yuv2 yuv4 yv12 2vuy v210 rtjpeg jpeg mjpa png
ffmpeg_mpg4 ffmpeg_msmpeg4v3 ffmpeg_msmpeg4v3_wmp ffmpeg_h263 ffmpeg_h263p ffmpeg_mjpg
ffmpeg_rle ffmpeg_dv ffmpeg_dvcpro ffmpeg_dv50 ffmpeg_ffvhuff ffmpeg_ffv1 ffmpeg_dnxhd
ffmpeg_imx x264 schroedinger yuvs

Default: raw


Suboptions for codec=rtjpeg

rtjpeg_quality=<number> (0..100, default: 100)

Quality setting

rtjpeg_key_rate=<number> (default: 25)

Key frame interval

rtjpeg_luma_quant=<number> (default: 1)

Luma quantiser

rtjpeg_chroma_quant=<number> (default: 1)

Chroma quantiser

Suboptions for codec=jpeg

jpeg_quality=<number> (1..100, default: 95)


jpeg_usefloat=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use float

Suboptions for codec=mjpa

jpeg_quality=<number> (1..100, default: 95)


jpeg_usefloat=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use float

Suboptions for codec=png

png_compression_level=<number> (0..9, default: 9)

Compression Level

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_mpg4

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_max_b_frames=<number> (0..16, default: 0)

Max B-Frames

Maximum number of B-frames between non B-frames

ff_b_frame_strategy=[1|0] (default: 0)

Avoid B-frames in high motion scenes

ff_flag_ac_pred=[1|0] (default: 0)

MPEG-4 AC prediction

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames

ff_b_quant_factor=<number> (-31.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between B-frames and non-B-frames

ff_b_quant_offset=<number> (0.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between B-frames and non-B-frames if > 0 then the last p frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset)
if < 0 then normal ratecontrol will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_flag_cbp_rd=[1|0] (default: 0)


Use rate distortion optimization for cbp. This can only be used together with
trellis quantization.


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_flag_gmc=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use global motion compensation

Warning: GMC is not supported by all decoders

ff_flag_4mv=[1|0] (default: 0)

4 MV per MB allowed

Allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock (slightly better quality). Works better if MB
decision mode is "Fewest bits" or "Rate distoration".

ff_flag_mv0=[1|0] (default: 0)

Always try a MB with MV=<0,0>

ff_flag_qp_rd=[1|0] (default: 0)


Use rate distortion optimization for qp selection. Can only be used if MB decision
mode is "Rate distoration"

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_flag_qpel=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use qpel MC

Use 1/4 pixel motion compensation. Warning: QPEL is not supported by all decoders.



Default: SAD

Subpixel ME compare function

Subpixel motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_sub_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma subpixel ME compare

ff_me_subpel_quality=<number> (1..8, default: 8)

Subpel ME quality

Subpel motion estimation refinement quality (for qpel). Higher values mean higher
quality but slower encoding.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality.0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2 = Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences
0: Default
-1: Allow unofficial extensions
-2: Allow non standarized experimental things

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

ff_thread_count=<number> (default: 1)

Number of threads to launch

Spcify how many threads to launch

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_msmpeg4v3

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality.0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2 = Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences
0: Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

ff_thread_count=<number> (default: 1)

Number of threads to launch

Spcify how many threads to launch

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_msmpeg4v3_wmp

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality.0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2 = Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences
0: Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

ff_thread_count=<number> (default: 1)

Number of threads to launch

Spcify how many threads to launch

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_h263

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_flag_4mv=[1|0] (default: 0)

4 MV per MB allowed

Allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock (slightly better quality). Works better if MB
decision mode is "Fewest bits" or "Rate distoration".

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality.0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2 = Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences
0: Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

ff_thread_count=<number> (default: 1)

Number of threads to launch

Spcify how many threads to launch

ff_flag_obmc=[1|0] (default: 0)


Overlapped block motion compensation (only supported with simple MB decision)

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_h263p

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_flag_4mv=[1|0] (default: 0)

4 MV per MB allowed

Allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock (slightly better quality). Works better if MB
decision mode is "Fewest bits" or "Rate distoration".

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality.0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2 = Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences
0: Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

ff_thread_count=<number> (default: 1)

Number of threads to launch

Spcify how many threads to launch

ff_flag_h263p_aiv=[1|0] (default: 0)

Alternative inter vlc

ff_flag_obmc=[1|0] (default: 0)


Overlapped block motion compensation (only supported with simple MB decision)

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_mjpg

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality.0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2 = Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences
0: Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

ff_thread_count=<number> (default: 1)

Number of threads to launch

Spcify how many threads to launch

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_ffv1


Supported strings: VLC Arithmetic

Default: VLC

Coder type

Suboptions for codec=ffmpeg_imx


Supported strings: 30 40 50

Default: 50

Bitrate (Mbps)

imx_strip_vbi=<number> (default: 1)

Strip VBI

Suboptions for codec=x264

x264_i_keyint_max=<number> (default: 250)

Maximum GOP size

x264_i_keyint_min=<number> (default: 25)

Minimum GOP size

x264_i_scenecut_threshold=<number> (default: 40)

Scenecut threshold

How aggressively to insert extra I-frames

x264_i_bframe=<number> (0..16, default: 0)


Number of B-frames between I and P


Supported strings: None Fast Trellis

Default: Fast

Adaptive B-frame decision

x264_i_bframe_bias=<number> (-90..100, default: 0)

B-frame bias

Influences how often B-frames are used


Supported strings: None Strict Normal

Default: Normal

B-frame pyramid

Keep some B-frames as references


Supported strings: Constant quality CRF based VBR Average bitrate

Default: CRF based VBR

Ratecontrol method

Ratecontrol method: Constant quality: Specify a quantizer parameter below CRF based
VBR: Specify a rate factor below Average bitrate: Specify a bitrate below Selecting
2-pass encoding will force Average bitrate.

x264_i_bitrate=<number> (default: 0)


Bitrate in kbit/s. 0 means VBR (recommended)

x264_f_rate_tolerance=<number> (0.0..100.0, default: 1.0)

Bitrate tolerance

Allowed variance of average bitrate

x264_i_vbv_max_bitrate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum local bitrate

Sets a maximum local bitrate in kbits/s.

x264_i_vbv_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

VBV Buffer size

Averaging period for the maximum local bitrate. Measured in kbits.

x264_f_vbv_buffer_init=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.90)

Initial VBV buffer occupancy

Sets the initial VBV buffer occupancy as a fraction of the buffer size.

x264_b_psy=[1|0] (default: 1)

Psy optimizations

Psychovisual optimization

x264_f_psy_rd=<number> (0.00..10.00, default: 1.00)

Psy RD strength

Strength of psychovisual optimization: RD (requires Partition decision >= 6)

x264_f_psy_trellis=<number> (0.00..10.00, default: 0.00)

Psy trellis strength

Strength of psychovisual optimization (requires trellis)

x264_b_mb_tree=[1|0] (default: 1)

Macroblock-tree ratecontrol

x264_i_lookahead=<number> (0..250, default: 40)


Number of frames for frametype lookahead

x264_f_rf_constant=<number> (0..51, default: 23)

Nominal Quantizer parameter

This selects the nominal quantizer to use (1 to 51). Lower values result in better
fidelity, but higher bitrates. 26 is a good default value. 0 means lossless.

x264_i_qp_constant=<number> (0..51, default: 23)

Quantizer parameter

This selects the quantizer to use (1 to 51). Lower values result in better fidelity,
but higher bitrates. 26 is a good default value. 0 means lossless.

x264_i_qp_min=<number> (0..51, default: 10)

Minimum quantizer parameter

Minimum quantizer parameter

x264_i_qp_max=<number> (0..51, default: 51)

Maximum quantizer parameter

Maximum quantizer parameter

x264_i_qp_step=<number> (1..50, default: 4)

Maximum QP step

Maximum quantizer step

x264_f_ip_factor=<number> (default: 1.40)

QP factor between I and P

x264_f_pb_factor=<number> (default: 1.30)

QP factor between P and B


Supported strings: None Variance AQ (complexity mask) Autovariance AQ (experimental)

Default: Variance AQ (complexity mask)

Adaptive quantization

x264_f_aq_strength=<number> (0.50..1.50, default: 1.00)

AQ strength

Adaptive quantization strength: Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and textured

x264_f_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.60)

QP curve compression

Only for 2-pass encoding

x264_f_qblur=<number> (default: 0.50)

QP Reduce fluctuations in QP (after curve compression)

Only for 2-pass encoding

x264_f_complexity_blur=<number> (default: 20.00)

Temporally blur complexity

Only for 2-pass encoding

x264_i_chroma_qp_offset=<number> (default: 0)

QP difference between chroma and luma

x264_i_luma_deadzone_0=<number> (default: 21)

Inter luma quantization deadzone

x264_i_luma_deadzone_1=<number> (default: 11)

Intra luma quantization deadzone

x264_analyse_8x8_transform=[1|0] (default: 0)

8x8 transform

x264_analyse_psub16x16=[1|0] (default: 1)

8x16, 16x8 and 8x8 P-frame search

x264_analyse_bsub16x16=[1|0] (default: 1)

8x16, 16x8 and 8x8 B-frame search

x264_analyse_psub8x8=[1|0] (default: 0)

4x8, 8x4 and 4x4 P-frame search

x264_analyse_i8x8=[1|0] (default: 1)

8x8 Intra search

8x8 Intra search requires 8x8 transform

x264_analyse_i4x4=[1|0] (default: 1)

4x4 Intra search


Supported strings: Diamond search Hexagonal search Uneven Multi-Hexagon Exhaustive
search Hadamard exhaustive search (slow)

Default: Hexagonal search


Motion estimation method Diamond search: fastest Hexagonal search: default setting
Uneven Multi-Hexagon: better but slower Exhaustive search: extremely slow, primarily
for testing

x264_i_subpel_refine=<number> (1..9, default: 7)

Partition decision

Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality: 1=fast, 9=best.

x264_i_me_range=<number> (default: 16)

Search range

Maximum distance to search for motion estimation, measured from predicted
position(s). Default of 16 is good for most footage, high motion sequences may
benefit from settings between 24-32.

x264_i_frame_reference=<number> (1..16, default: 1)

Max Ref. frames

This is effective in Anime, but seems to make little difference in live-action
source material. Some decoders are unable to deal with large frameref values.

x264_b_chroma_me=[1|0] (default: 1)

Chroma motion estimation

x264_b_mixed_references=[1|0] (default: 1)

Mixed references

Allow each MB partition in P-frames to have it's own reference number

x264_b_weighted_bipred=[1|0] (default: 0)

Weighted biprediction

Implicit weighting for B-frames


Supported strings: Disabled Blind offset Smart analysis

Default: Smart analysis

Weighted prediction for P-frames


Supported strings: None Spatial Temporal Auto

Default: Spatial

Direct MV prediction mode

x264_b_deblocking_filter=[1|0] (default: 1)

Deblocking filter

Use deblocking loop filter (increases quality).

x264_i_deblocking_filter_alphac0=<number> (-6..6, default: 0)

Deblocking filter strength

Loop filter AlphaC0 parameter

x264_i_deblocking_filter_beta=<number> (-6..6, default: 0)

Deblocking filter threshold

Loop filter Beta parameter

x264_b_cabac=[1|0] (default: 1)

Enable CABAC

Enable CABAC (Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding). Slightly slows down
encoding and decoding, but should save 10-15% bitrate.


Supported strings: Disabled Enabled (final) Enabled (always)

Default: Enabled (final)

Trellis RD quantization

Trellis RD quantization. Requires CABAC. Can be enabled either for the final encode
of a MB or for all mode desisions

x264_i_noise_reduction=<number> (0..65536, default: 0)

Noise reduction

x264_i_threads=<number> (default: 1)


Number of threads

x264_b_fast_pskip=[1|0] (default: 1)

early SKIP detection on P-frames

x264_b_dct_decimate=[1|0] (default: 1)

Transform coefficient thresholding on P-frames

Suboptions for codec=schroedinger


Supported strings: Constant noise threshold Constant bitrate Low delay Lossless
Constant lambda Constant error Constant quality

Default: Constant quality

Rate control

enc_bitrate=<number> (default: 13824000)


enc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

Buffer size

enc_buffer_level=<number> (default: 0)

Buffer level

enc_noise_threshold=<number> (0.00..100.00, default: 25.00)

Noise Threshold

enc_quality=<number> (0.00..10.00, default: 5.00)


enc_enable_rdo_cbr=[1|0] (default: 1)

rdo cbr


Supported strings: Adaptive Intra only Backref Chained backref Biref Chained biref

Default: Adaptive

GOP Stucture

enc_au_distance=<number> (default: 30)

GOP size

enc_open_gop=[1|0] (default: 1)

Open GOPs

Choose whether GOPs should be open or closed. Closed GOPs improve seeking accuracy
for buggy decoders, open GOPs have a slightly better compression

enc_mv_precision=<number> (default: 0)

MV Precision


Supported strings: Automatic Small Medium Large

Default: Automatic

Block size


Supported strings: Automatic None Partial Full

Default: Automatic

Block overlap

enc_enable_chroma_me=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME

enc_enable_global_motion=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable GMC

Enable global motion estimation

enc_enable_phasecorr_estimation=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable phasecorrelation estimation

enc_enable_hierarchical_estimation=[1|0] (default: 1)

Hierarchical estimation

enc_enable_phasecorr_estimation=[1|0] (default: 0)

Phasecorr estimation

enc_enable_bigblock_estimation=[1|0] (default: 1)

Bigblock estimation

enc_enable_global_motion=[1|0] (default: 0)

Global motion estimation

enc_enable_deep_estimation=[1|0] (default: 1)

Deep estimation

enc_enable_scene_change_detection=[1|0] (default: 1)

Scene change detection


Supported strings: Deslauriers-Debuc (9,3) LeGall (5,3) Deslauriers-Debuc (13,5)
Haar (no shift) Haar (single shift) Fidelity Daubechies (9,7)

Default: Deslauriers-Debuc (9,3)

Intra wavelet


Supported strings: Deslauriers-Debuc (9,3) LeGall (5,3) Deslauriers-Debuc (13,5)
Haar (no shift) Haar (single shift) Fidelity Daubechies (9,7)

Default: LeGall (5,3)

Inter wavelet


Supported strings: None Center weighted median Gaussian Add noise Adaptive Gaussian

Default: None


enc_filter_value=<number> (0..100, default: 5)

Filter value


Supported strings: Auto VC-2 low delay VC-2 simple VC-2 main Main

Default: Auto

Force profile


Supported strings: Auto Small Medium Large Full

Default: Auto

Codeblock size

enc_enable_multiquant=[1|0] (default: 1)

Enable multiquant

enc_enable_dc_multiquant=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable DC multiquant

enc_enable_noarith=[1|0] (default: 0)

Disable arithmetic coding

enc_downsample_levels=<number> (2..8, default: 5)

Downsample levels

enc_transform_depth=<number> (0..6, default: 3)

Transform depth

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_y4m


Supported strings: auto 420jpeg 420mpeg2 420paldv 444 422 411 mono yuva4444

Default: auto

Chroma mode

Set the chroma mode of the output file. Auto means to take the format most similar to
the source.

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_mpegvideo


Supported strings: mpeg1 mpeg2 vcd svcd dvd

Default: mpeg1


Sets the MPEG flavour. Note, that for VCD, SVCD and DVD, you MUST provide valid frame


Supported strings: auto vbr cbr

Default: auto

Bitrate Mode

Specify constant or variable bitrate. For "Auto", constant bitrate will be used for
MPEG-1, variable bitrate will be used for MPEG-2. For formats, which require CBR, this
option is ignored

bitrate=<number> (200..99999, default: 1150)

Bitrate (kbps)

Video bitrate in kbps. For VBR, it's the maximum bitrate. If the format requires a
fixed bitrate (e.g. VCD) this option is ignored

quantization=<number> (1..31, default: 8)


Minimum quantization for VBR. Lower numbers mean higher quality. For CBR, this option
is ignored.


Supported strings: default kvcd tmpgenc hi-res

Default: default

Quantization matrices

bframes=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

Number of B-Frames

Specify the number of B-frames between 2 P/I frames. More B-frames slow down encoding
and increase memory usage, but might give better compression results. For VCD, this
option is ignored, since the VCD standard requires 2 B-frames, no matter if you like
them or not.


User options

Enter further commandline options for mpeg2enc here. Check the mpeg2enc manual page
for details

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_singlepic


Supported options: iw_jpeg iw_png iw_tiff iw_tga iw_bmp iw_pnm iw_gavl

Default: iw_jpeg


Suboptions for plugin=iw_jpeg

quality=<number> (0..100, default: 95)



Supported strings: 4:2:0 4:2:2 4:4:4

Default: 4:2:0

Chroma sampling

Suboptions for plugin=iw_png

compression=<number> (0..9, default: 9)

Compression level


Supported strings: Auto 8 16

Default: 8

Bits per channel

If you select auto, the depth will be chosen according to the input format

Suboptions for plugin=iw_tiff


Supported strings: none packbits deflate jpeg

Default: none


jpeg_quality=<number> (0..100, default: 75)

JPEG quality

zip_quality=<number> (0..9, default: 6)

Deflate compression level

Suboptions for plugin=iw_tga

rle=[1|0] (default: 0)

Do RLE compression

Suboptions for plugin=iw_pnm


Supported strings: binary ascii

Default: binary


comment=<string> (Default: Created with gmerlin)


Comment which will be written in front of every file

frame_digits=<number> (1..9, default: 4)

Framenumber digits

frame_offset=<number> (0..1000000, default: 0)

Framenumber offset

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_theora


Supported options: vorbis speex flacogg

Default: vorbis


Suboptions for codec=vorbis


Supported strings: vbr vbr_bitrate managed

Default: VBR

Bitrate mode

Bitrate mode: VBR: You specify a quality and (optionally) a minimum and maximum
bitrate VBR (bitrate): The specified nominal bitrate will be used for selecting the
encoder mode. Managed: You specify a nominal bitrate and (optionally) a minimum and
maximum bitrate VBR is recommended, managed bitrate might result in a worse quality

nominal_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 128)

Nominal bitrate (kbps)

Nominal bitrate (in kbps) for managed mode

quality=<number> (0.0..10.0, default: 3.0)

VBR Quality (10: best)

Quality for VBR mode 10: best (largest output file) 0: worst (smallest output file)

min_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Optional minimum bitrate (in kbps) 0 = unspecified

max_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Optional maximum bitrate (in kbps) 0 = unspecified

Suboptions for codec=speex


Supported strings: auto nb wb uwb

Default: auto

Speex mode

Encoding mode. If you select Auto, the mode will be taken from the samplerate.

quality=<number> (0..10, default: 3)

Quality (10: best)

complexity=<number> (0..10, default: 3)

Encoding complexity

nframes=<number> (1..10, default: 1)

Frames per Ogg packet

bitrate=<number> (0..128, default: 8)

Bitrate (kbps)

Bitrate (in kbps). Set to 0 for seleting the standard bitrates for the encoding

vbr=[1|0] (default: 0)

Variable bitrate

abr_bitrate=<number> (0..128, default: 0)

Average bitrate (kbps)

Average bitrate (in kbps). Set to 0 for disabling ABR.

vad=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use voice activity detection

dtx=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable file-based discontinuous transmission

Suboptions for codec=flacogg


Supported strings: 8 12 16 20 24

Default: 16


compression_level=<number> (0..8, default: 5)

Compression Level

0: Fastest encoding, biggest files 8: Slowest encoding, smallest files

cbr=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use constant bitrate

For constant bitrate, choose a target bitrate. For variable bitrate, choose a nominal

target_bitrate=<number> (45..2000, default: 250)

Target bitrate (kbps)

quality=<number> (0..63, default: 10)

Nominal quality

Quality for VBR mode 63: best (largest output file) 0: worst (smallest output file)

max_keyframe_interval=<number> (1..1000, default: 64)

Maximum keyframe interval

drop_frames=[1|0] (default: 1)

Enable frame dropping

Drop frames to keep within bitrate buffer constraints. This can have a severe impact
on quality, but is the only way to ensure that bitrate targets are met at low rates
during sudden bursts of activity.

cap_overflow=[1|0] (default: 1)

Don't bank excess bits for later use

Ignore bitrate buffer overflows. If the encoder uses so few bits that the reservoir of
available bits overflows, ignore the excess. The encoder will not try to use these
extra bits in future frames. At high rates this may cause the result to be undersized,
but allows a client to play the stream using a finite buffer; it should normally be

cap_underflow=[1|0] (default: 0)

Don't try to make up shortfalls later

Ignore bitrate buffer underflows. If the encoder uses so many bits that the reservoir
of available bits underflows, ignore the deficit. The encoder will not try to make up
these extra bits in future frames. At low rates this may cause the result to be
oversized; it should normally be disabled.

speed=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Encoding speed

Higher speed levels favor quicker encoding over better quality per bit. Depending on
the encoding mode, and the internal algorithms used, quality may actually improve, but
in this case bitrate will also likely increase. In any case, overall rate/distortion
performance will probably decrease.

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_mpeg


Supported strings: mpeg1 vcd mpeg2 svcd dvd_nav dvd

Default: mpeg1


Output format. Note that for some output formats (e.g. VCD), you MUST use proper
settings for the audio and video streams also, since this isn't done automatically


Directory for temporary files

Leave empty to use the same directory as the final output file


Additional stream 1

Additional stream to multiplex into the final output file. Use this if you want e.g.
create mp3 or AC3 audio with some other encoder


Additional stream 2

Additional stream to multiplex into the final output file. Use this if you want e.g.
create mp3 or AC3 audio with some other encoder


Additional stream 3

Additional stream to multiplex into the final output file. Use this if you want e.g.
create mp3 or AC3 audio with some other encoder

bitrate=<number> (32..448, default: 224)

Bitrate (kbps)

layer=<number> (1..2, default: 2)

Layer (1 or 2)

Audio layer

vcd=[1|0] (default: 1)

VCD Compatible

Make VCD compliant output. This forces layer II, 224 kbps and 44.1 KHz stereo


Supported strings: mpeg1 mpeg2 vcd svcd dvd

Default: mpeg1


Sets the MPEG flavour. Note, that for VCD, SVCD and DVD, you MUST provide valid frame


Supported strings: auto vbr cbr

Default: auto

Bitrate Mode

Specify constant or variable bitrate. For "Auto", constant bitrate will be used for
MPEG-1, variable bitrate will be used for MPEG-2. For formats, which require CBR, this
option is ignored

bitrate=<number> (200..99999, default: 1150)

Bitrate (kbps)

Video bitrate in kbps. For VBR, it's the maximum bitrate. If the format requires a
fixed bitrate (e.g. VCD) this option is ignored

quantization=<number> (1..31, default: 8)


Minimum quantization for VBR. Lower numbers mean higher quality. For CBR, this option
is ignored.


Supported strings: default kvcd tmpgenc hi-res

Default: default

Quantization matrices

bframes=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

Number of B-Frames

Specify the number of B-frames between 2 P/I frames. More B-frames slow down encoding
and increase memory usage, but might give better compression results. For VCD, this
option is ignored, since the VCD standard requires 2 B-frames, no matter if you like
them or not.


User options

Enter further commandline options for mpeg2enc here. Check the mpeg2enc manual page
for details

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_ffmpeg_video


Supported strings: mpeg1video mpeg2video

Default: mpeg1video



Supported options: mpeg1video mpeg2video

Default: mpeg1video


Suboptions for codec=mpeg1video

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_max_b_frames=<number> (0..16, default: 0)

Max B-Frames

Maximum number of B-frames between non B-frames

ff_b_frame_strategy=[1|0] (default: 0)

Avoid B-frames in high motion scenes

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames

ff_b_quant_factor=<number> (-31.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between B-frames and non-B-frames

ff_b_quant_offset=<number> (0.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between B-frames and non-B-frames if > 0 then the last p frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset) if < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=mpeg2video

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_max_b_frames=<number> (0..16, default: 0)

Max B-Frames

Maximum number of B-frames between non B-frames

ff_b_frame_strategy=[1|0] (default: 0)

Avoid B-frames in high motion scenes

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames

ff_b_quant_factor=<number> (-31.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between B-frames and non-B-frames

ff_b_quant_offset=<number> (0.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between B-frames and non-B-frames if > 0 then the last p frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset) if < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

Suboptions for video_encoder=e_ffmpeg


Supported strings: avi mpeg vob dvd flv asf mpegts

Default: avi



Supported options: pcm_s16le pcm_u8 pcm_alaw pcm_mulaw mp3 mp2 ac3 wma2 wma1

Default: pcm_s16le


Suboptions for codec=mp3


Supported strings: 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=mp2


Supported strings: 32 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320 384

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=ac3


Supported strings: 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320 384 448 512 576

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=wma2


Supported strings: 24 48 64 96 128

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)

Suboptions for codec=wma1


Supported strings: 24 48 64 96 128

Default: 128

Bit rate (kbps)


Supported options: mpeg4 msmpeg4v3 mjpeg mpeg1video mpeg2video flv1 wmv1

Default: mpeg4


Suboptions for codec=mpeg4

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_max_b_frames=<number> (0..16, default: 0)

Max B-Frames

Maximum number of B-frames between non B-frames

ff_b_frame_strategy=[1|0] (default: 0)

Avoid B-frames in high motion scenes

ff_flag_ac_pred=[1|0] (default: 0)

MPEG-4 AC prediction

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames

ff_b_quant_factor=<number> (-31.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between B-frames and non-B-frames

ff_b_quant_offset=<number> (0.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between B-frames and non-B-frames if > 0 then the last p frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset) if < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_flag_cbp_rd=[1|0] (default: 0)


Use rate distortion optimization for cbp


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_flag_gmc=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use global motion compensation

Warning: GMC is not supported by all decoders

ff_flag_4mv=[1|0] (default: 0)

4 MV per MB allowed

Allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock (slightly better quality). Works better if MB
decision mode is "Fewest bits" or "Rate distoration".

ff_flag_mv0=[1|0] (default: 0)

Always try a MB with MV=<0,0>

ff_flag_qp_rd=[1|0] (default: 0)


Use rate distortion optimization for qp selection

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_flag_qpel=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use qpel MC

Use 1/4 pixel motion compensation. Warning: QPEL is not supported by all decoders.



Default: SAD

Subpixel ME compare function

Subpixel motion estimation compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_sub_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma subpixel ME compare

ff_me_subpel_quality=<number> (1..8, default: 8)

Subpel ME quality

Subpel motion estimation refinement quality (for qpel). Higher values mean higher
quality but slower encoding.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=msmpeg4v3

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=mjpeg

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=mpeg1video

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_max_b_frames=<number> (0..16, default: 0)

Max B-Frames

Maximum number of B-frames between non B-frames

ff_b_frame_strategy=[1|0] (default: 0)

Avoid B-frames in high motion scenes

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames

ff_b_quant_factor=<number> (-31.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between B-frames and non-B-frames

ff_b_quant_offset=<number> (0.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between B-frames and non-B-frames if > 0 then the last p frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset) if < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=mpeg2video

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_max_b_frames=<number> (0..16, default: 0)

Max B-Frames

Maximum number of B-frames between non B-frames

ff_b_frame_strategy=[1|0] (default: 0)

Avoid B-frames in high motion scenes

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames

ff_b_quant_factor=<number> (-31.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between B-frames and non-B-frames

ff_b_quant_offset=<number> (0.00..31.00, default: 1.25)

B quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between B-frames and non-B-frames if > 0 then the last p frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset) if < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=flv1

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

Suboptions for codec=wmv1

gop_size=<number> (0..300, default: 250)

GOP size (0 = intra only)

ff_scenechange_threshold=<number> (-1000000000..1000000000, default: 0)

Scenechange threshold

Threshold for scene change detection. Negative values mean more sensitivity (more

ff_scenechange_factor=<number> (default: 0)

Scenechange factor

Multiplied by qscale for each frame and added to scene_change_score

ff_flag_closed_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Close all GOPs

ff_flag2_strict_gop=[1|0] (default: 0)

Strictly enforce GOP size

ff_bit_rate_video=<number> (default: 800)

Bit rate (kbps)

ff_bit_rate_tolerance=<number> (default: 8000)

Bitrate tolerance (kbps)

Number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. Unused for
constant quantizer encoding

ff_rc_min_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Minimum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_max_rate=<number> (default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Maximum bitrate (0 means arbitrary)

ff_rc_buffer_size=<number> (default: 0)

RC buffer size

Decoder bitstream buffer size in kbits. When encoding with max and/or min bitrate,
this must be specified.

ff_rc_initial_cplx=<number> (0.0..99.0, default: 0.0)

Initial RC complexity

ff_rc_initial_buffer_occupancy=<number> (default: 0)

Initial RC buffer occupancy

Number of kilobits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before encoding starts.
Must not be larger than RC buffer size

ff_qmin=<number> (0..31, default: 2)

Minimum quantizer scale

ff_qmax=<number> (0..31, default: 31)

Maximum quantizer scale

ff_max_qdiff=<number> (0..31, default: 3)

Maximum quantizer difference

Maximum quantizer difference between frames

ff_flag_qscale=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use fixed quantizer

Use fixed quality encoding

ff_qscale=<number> (1..31, default: 10)

Fixed quantizer

Quantizer for fixed quality encoding. Lower means better, 1 is not recommended

ff_qcompress=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.50)

Quantizer compression

Amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes

ff_qblur=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Quantizer blur

Amount of qscale smoothing over time

ff_quantizer_noise_shaping=<number> (0..3, default: 0)

Quantizer noise shaping

Choose quantization such that noise will be masked by similar-frequency content in
the image

ff_trellis=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use trellis quantization

Use trellis quantization (improves quality)

ff_i_quant_factor=<number> (-31.0..31.0, default: -0.8)

I quantizer factor

Quantizer factor between P-frames and I-frames. If > 0 then the last P frame
quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol
will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset)

ff_i_quant_offset=<number> (0.0..31.0, default: 0.0)

I quantizer offset

Quantizer offset between P-frames and I-frames


Supported strings: Zero Phods Log X1 Epzs Full

Default: Zero

Motion estimation method



Default: SAD

ME compare function

Motion estimation compare function.SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE: Sum of
squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT: Sum of
absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors (low
quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal (slow)
ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared vertical
differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME compare

ff_me_range=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Motion estimation range

Motion estimation search range (0 means unlimited)

ff_me_threshold=<number> (0..4000000, default: 0)

ME Theshold

Motion estimation threshold. under which no motion estimation is performed, but
instead the user specified motion vectors are used


Supported strings: Use compare function Fewest bits Rate distoration

Default: Use compare function

MB decision mode

ff_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME diamond size & shape

Motion estimation diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_pre_me=<number> (0..2, default: 0)

ME pre-pass

Motion estimation pre-pass 0: disabled 1: only after I-frames 2: always



Default: SAD

ME pre-pass compare function

Motion estimation pre-pass compare function. SAD: Sum of absolute differences SSE:
Sum of squared errors SATD: Sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences DCT:
Sum of absolute DCT transformed differences PSNR: Sum of squared quantization errors
(low quality) BIT: Number of bits needed for the block RD: Rate distortion optimal
(slow) ZERO: 0 VSAD: Sum of absolute vertical differences VSSE: Sum of squared
vertical differences NSSE: Noise preserving sum of squared differences

ff_me_pre_cmp_chroma=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable chroma ME pre-pass compare

ff_pre_dia_size=<number> (-9..9, default: 0)

ME pre-pass diamond size & shape

Motion estimation pre-pass diamond size. Negative means shape adaptive.

ff_lumi_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Luminance masking

Encode very bright image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a
sane range.

ff_dark_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Darkness masking

Encode very dark image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.3 is a sane

ff_temporal_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Temporary complexity masking

Encode very fast moving image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled.

ff_spatial_cplx_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Spatial complexity masking

Encode very complex image parts with reduced quality. 0 means disabled, 0-0.5 is a
sane range.

ff_border_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Border masking

Encode image parts near the border with reduced quality. 0 means disabled

ff_p_masking=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Inter block masking

Encode inter blocks with reduced quality (increases the quality of intra blocks). 0
means disabled, 1 will double the bits allocated for intra blocks.

ff_flag_normalize_aqp=[1|0] (default: 0)

Normalize adaptive quantization

When using masking, try to adjust the per macroblock quantizers to maintain the
desired average

ff_strict_std_compliance=<number> (-2..2, default: 0)

Standards compliance

2: Strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
1: Strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences 0:
Default -1: Allow unofficial extensions -2: Allow non standarized experimental

ff_noise_reduction=<number> (0..2000, default: 0)

Noise reduction

ff_flag_gray=[1|0] (default: 0)

Grayscale mode

ff_flag_bitexact=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use only bitexact stuff

Use only bitexact stuff (except (i)dct)

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

Suboptions for video_encoder=b_ogg

server=<string> (Default: localhost)


port=<number> (1..65535, default: 8000)


mount=<string> (Default: /stream.ogg)


user=<string> (Default: source)




name=<string> (Default: Test stream)


description=<string> (Default: Brought to you by gmerlin)



Supported options: vorbis speex

Default: vorbis


Suboptions for codec=vorbis


Supported strings: vbr vbr_bitrate managed

Default: VBR

Bitrate mode

Bitrate mode: VBR: You specify a quality and (optionally) a minimum and maximum
bitrate VBR (bitrate): The specified nominal bitrate will be used for selecting the
encoder mode. Managed: You specify a nominal bitrate and (optionally) a minimum and
maximum bitrate VBR is recommended, managed bitrate might result in a worse quality

nominal_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 128)

Nominal bitrate (kbps)

Nominal bitrate (in kbps) for managed mode

quality=<number> (0.0..10.0, default: 3.0)

VBR Quality (10: best)

Quality for VBR mode 10: best (largest output file) 0: worst (smallest output file)

min_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Minimum bitrate (kbps)

Optional minimum bitrate (in kbps) 0 = unspecified

max_bitrate=<number> (0..1000, default: 0)

Maximum bitrate (kbps)

Optional maximum bitrate (in kbps) 0 = unspecified

Suboptions for codec=speex


Supported strings: auto nb wb uwb

Default: auto

Speex mode

Encoding mode. If you select Auto, the mode will be taken from the samplerate.

quality=<number> (0..10, default: 3)

Quality (10: best)

complexity=<number> (0..10, default: 3)

Encoding complexity

nframes=<number> (1..10, default: 1)

Frames per Ogg packet

bitrate=<number> (0..128, default: 8)

Bitrate (kbps)

Bitrate (in kbps). Set to 0 for seleting the standard bitrates for the encoding

vbr=[1|0] (default: 0)

Variable bitrate

abr_bitrate=<number> (0..128, default: 0)

Average bitrate (kbps)

Average bitrate (in kbps). Set to 0 for disabling ABR.

vad=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use voice activity detection

dtx=[1|0] (default: 0)

Enable file-based discontinuous transmission

cbr=[1|0] (default: 0)

Use constant bitrate

For constant bitrate, choose a target bitrate. For variable bitrate, choose a nominal

target_bitrate=<number> (45..2000, default: 250)

Target bitrate (kbps)

quality=<number> (0..63, default: 10)

Nominal quality

Quality for VBR mode 63: best (largest output file) 0: worst (smallest output file)

max_keyframe_interval=<number> (1..1000, default: 64)

Maximum keyframe interval

drop_frames=[1|0] (default: 1)

Enable frame dropping

Drop frames to keep within bitrate buffer constraints. This can have a severe impact
on quality, but is the only way to ensure that bitrate targets are met at low rates
during sudden bursts of activity.

cap_overflow=[1|0] (default: 1)

Don't bank excess bits for later use

Ignore bitrate buffer overflows. If the encoder uses so few bits that the reservoir of
available bits overflows, ignore the excess. The encoder will not try to use these
extra bits in future frames. At high rates this may cause the result to be undersized,
but allows a client to play the stream using a finite buffer; it should normally be

cap_underflow=[1|0] (default: 0)

Don't try to make up shortfalls later

Ignore bitrate buffer underflows. If the encoder uses so many bits that the reservoir
of available bits underflows, ignore the deficit. The encoder will not try to make up
these extra bits in future frames. At low rates this may cause the result to be
oversized; it should normally be disabled.

speed=<number> (0.00..1.00, default: 0.00)

Encoding speed

Higher speed levels favor quicker encoding over better quality per bit. Depending on
the encoding mode, and the internal algorithms used, quality may actually improve, but
in this case bitrate will also likely increase. In any case, overall rate/distortion
performance will probably decrease.

default_timescale=<number> (default: 25)

Default timescale

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default timescale here

default_frame_duration=<number> (default: 1)

Default frame duration

For formats, which support only constant framerates, set the default frame duration

-o <output_options>

Set output options
output_directory=<string> (Default: .)

Output directory

output_filename_mask=<string> (Default: %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)

Output filename mask

Extension is appended by the plugin For the date and time formatting, consult the
documentation of the strftime(3) function

snapshot_directory=<string> (Default: .)

Snapshot directory

snapshot_filename_mask=<string> (Default: shot_%5n)

Snapshot filename mask

Extension is appended by the plugin %t Inserts time %d Inserts date %<i>n Inserts
Frame number with <i> digits


Record to file

-syslog <name>

Set log messages to syslog


The following generic options are available for all gmerlin applications


Print this help message and exit


Print this help message as a manual page and exit


Print this help message in texinfo format and exit


Print version info and exit

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