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goplay - Debian game browser


goplay [options] [options and arguments]


GoPlay! is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that uses DebTags for finding games in Debian


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with
two dashes (`-').

Help options:

-h, -?, --help
print commandline help and exit.

print the program version and exit.

output the goplay manpage and exit.

Other options:

-v, --verbose
enable verbose output.

enable debugging output (including verbose output).

change the interface flavour. Available flavours are: play, learn, admin, net,
office, safe, web, science.

use the given facet instead of 'games'.

use the given facet instead of 'interface'.

comma-separated list of tags that are always required in search results (default:

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