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gz - Online in the Cloud

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gz - Gazebo command line tool for control and analysis.


gz command [option]... [argument]...


gz camera [options]

Change properties of a camera. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the
first world found on the Gazebo master will be used. A camera name is required.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-c, --camera-name=arg
Camera name. Use gz camera -l to get a list of camera names.

-l, --list
List all cameras

-f, --follow=arg
Model to follow.

gz debug [options]

Used primarily for bash completion, this tool return the completion list for a given


-h, --help
Print this help message

-o, --option=arg
Show the command options.

gz help [options]

Output information about a gz command.


-h, --help
Print this help message

gz joint [options]

Change properties of a joint. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the
first world found on the Gazebo master will be used. A model name and joint name are


-h, --help
Print this help message

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-m, --model-name=arg
Model name.

-j, --joint-name=arg
Joint name.

-d, --delete
Delete a model.

-f, --force=arg
Force to apply to a joint.

Target angle.

Position proportional gain.

Position integral gain.

Position differential gain.

Target speed.

Velocity proportional gain.

Velocity integral gain.

Velocity differential gain.

gz log [options]

Introspect and manipulate Gazebo log files. The log command can also start and stop data
log recording from an active Gazebo server.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-i, --info
Output information about a log file. Log filename should be specified using the
--file option

-e, --echo
Output the contents of a log file to screen.

-s, --step
Step through the contents of a log file.

-d, --record=arg
Start/stop recording a log file from an active Gazebo server.O=stop record, 1=start

-w, --world-name=arg
World name, used when starting or stopping recording.

-r, --raw
Output the data from echo and step without XML formatting.Used in conjuction with
--echo or --step.

Add a timestamp to each line of output. Valid values are (sim,real,wall)

-z, --hz=arg
Filter output to the specified Hz rate.Only valid for echo and step commands.

-f, --file=arg
Path to a log file.

Filter output. Valid only for the echo and step commands

gz model [options]

Change properties of a model, delete a model, or spawn a new model. If a name for the
world, option -w, is not pecified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be


-h, --help
Print this help message

-m, --model-name=arg
Model name.

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-d, --delete
Delete a model.

-f, --spawn-file=arg
Spawn model from SDF file.

-s, --spawn-string
Spawn model from SDF string, pass by a pipe.

-i, --info
Output model state information to the terminal.

-p, --pose
Output model pose as a space separated 6-tuple: x y z roll pitch yaw.

-x, --pose-x arg x value

-y, --pose-y arg y value

-z, --pose-z arg z value

-R, --pose-R arg roll in radians.

-P, --pose-P arg pitch in radians.

-Y, --pose-Y arg yaw in radians.

gz physics [options]

Change properties of the physics engine on a specific world. If a name for the world,
option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-g, --gravity=arg
Gravity vector. Comma separated 3-tuple without whitespace, eg: -g 0,0,-9.8

-s, --step-size=arg
Maximum step size (seconds).

-i, --iters=arg
Number of iterations.

-u, --update-rate=arg
Target real-time update rate.

-o, --profile=arg
Preset physics profile.

gz sdf [options]

Introspect, convert, and output SDF files. Use the -v option to specify the version of
SDF for use with other options.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-d, --describe
Print SDF format for given version(-v).

-c, --convert=arg
In place conversion of arg to the latest SDF version.

-o, --doc
Print HTML SDF. Use -v to specify version.

-k, --check=arg
Validate arg.

-v, --version=arg
Version of SDF to use with other options.

-p, --print=arg
Print arg, useful for debugging and as a conversion tool.

gz stats [options]

Print gzserver statics to standard out. If a name for the world, option -w, is not
specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-d, --duration=arg
Duration (seconds) to run.

-p, --plot
Output comma-separated values, useful for processing and plotting.

gz topic [options]

Print topic information to standard out. If a name for the world, option -w, is not
specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-l, --list
List all topics.

-i, --info=arg
Get information about a topic.

-e, --echo=arg
Output topic data to screen.

-v, --view=arg
View topic data using a QT widget.

-z, --hz=arg
Get publish frequency.

-b, --bw=arg
Get topic bandwidth.

-u, --unformatted
Output data from echo without formatting.

-d, --duration=arg
Duration (seconds) to run. Applicable with echo, hz, and bw

gz world [options]

Change properties of a Gazebo world on a running server. If a name for the world, option
-w, is not specified the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


-h, --help
Print this help message

-w, --world-name=arg
World name.

-p, --pause=arg
Pause/unpause simulation. 0=unpause, 1=pause.

-s, --step
Step simulation one iteration.

-m, --multi-step=arg
Step simulation mulitple iteration.

-r, --reset-all
Reset time and model poses

-t, --reset-time
Reset time

-o, --reset-models
Reset models

September 2014 GZ(1)

Use gz online using onworks.net services

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