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hhvm - Execute PHP and Hack files


hhvm [OPTIONS] [-f] file [[--]args...]
hhvm --php [PHP-OPTIONS] [-f] file [[--]args...]


hhvm(1) (aka the HipHop Virtual Machine) is an open-source virtual machine designed for
executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time compilation approach
to run programs. HHVM should be used standalone for command line (CLI) scripts or together
with a FastCGI-based web server like nginx or apache to serve websites.

This is the command line interface to HHVM.

The simplest way to parse and execute a program is providing a single parameter of a
filename. Specifying -f before the filename does this in a more explicit fashion, and
allows other OPTIONS to follow.

HHVM has its own set of OPTIONS , but also has the ability to behave like PHP 5.x as well.
When the --php flag is specified to hhvm(1) (or the binary is named php ), options
available to PHP 5.x can be used.

You may use:

sudo /usr/bin/update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/php php /usr/bin/hhvm 60

to force hhvm(1) to be used even if PHP 5.x is installed on the system.

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