HTMLLinker - Online in the Cloud

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HTMLLinker - tool to fix up href references in HTML files


HTMLLinker [options] input files [ -l relocation file ] [ -d destination file ]


HTMLLinker is a tool to fix href references in HTML files, typically API reference manuals
generated by extracting the docstrings from source code by tools such as autogsdoc(1).

HTMLLinker accepts the following options (multiple input files, -l and -d options are


--help Prints a short list of available options.

Displays version information.

Prints additional information while processing.

-Warn [YES|NO]
Print additional information about unresolved links.

-LinksMarker [xxx]
Only fix links with attribute rel=xxx

-FixupAllLinks YES
Attempt to fix all links (not only those that are marked with -LinksMarker.

-PathMappingsFile file
Read the relocation mappings from file (in dictionary format).

-PathMappings '{"path"="another_path";}'
Use the specified path mappings.

-BuildRelocationFileForDir dir
Build a relocation file for the directory dir and save it into dir/table.htmlink.
This option is special and prevents any other processing by the linker.

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