This is the command i.evapo.pmgrass that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
NAME - Computes potential evapotranspiration calculation with hourly
imagery, evapotranspiration
SYNOPSIS --help [-zn] elevation=name temperature=name relativehumidity=name windspeed=name
netradiation=name cropheight=name output=name [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose]
[--quiet] [--ui]
Set negative evapotranspiration to zero
Use Night-time
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog
elevation=name [required]
Name of input elevation raster map [m a.s.l.]
temperature=name [required]
Name of input temperature raster map [C]
relativehumidity=name [required]
Name of input relative humidity raster map [%]
windspeed=name [required]
Name of input wind speed raster map [m/s]
netradiation=name [required]
Name of input net solar radiation raster map [MJ/m2/h]
cropheight=name [required]
Name of input crop height raster map [m]
output=name [required]
Name for output raster map
DESCRIPTION, given the vegetation height (hc), humidity (RU), wind speed at two meters
height (WS), temperature (T), digital terrain model (DEM), and net radiation (NSR) raster
input maps, calculates the potential evapotranspiration map (EPo).
Optionally the user can activate a flag (-z) that allows him setting to zero all of the
negative evapotranspiration cells; in fact these negative values motivated by the
condensation of the air water vapour content, are sometime undesired because they can
produce computational problems. The usage of the flag -n detect that the module is run in
night hours and the appropriate soil heat flux is calculated.
The algorithm implements well known approaches: the hourly Penman-Monteith method as
presented in Allen et al. (1998) for land surfaces and the Penman method (Penman, 1948)
for water surfaces.
Land and water surfaces are idenfyied by Vh:
· where Vh gt 0 vegetation is present and evapotranspiration is calculated;
· where Vh = 0 bare ground is present and evapotranspiration is calculated;
· where Vh lt 0 water surface is present and evaporation is calculated.
For more details on the algorithms see [1,2,3].
Net solar radiation map in MJ/(m2*h) can be computed from the combination of the r.sun ,
run in mode 1, and the r.mapcalc commands.
The sum of the three radiation components outputted by r.sun (beam, diffuse, and
reflected) multiplied by the Wh to Mj conversion factor (0.0036) and optionally by a clear
sky factor [0-1] allows the generation of a map to be used as an NSR input for the
i.evapo.PM command.
r.sun -s elevin=dem aspin=aspect slopein=slope lin=2 albedo=alb_Mar
incidout=out beam_rad=beam diff_rad=diffuse refl_rad=reflected
day=73 time=13:00 dist=100;
r.mapcalc "NSR = 0.0036 * (beam + diffuse + reflected)"
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