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imagen - Online in the Cloud

Run imagen in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command imagen that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



image - Translate LaTeX documents to GIF images.


imagen <base>


This manual page documents briefly the imagen command. This manual page was written for
the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual

imagen is a simple shell script that translates a LaTeX document into many images. Please
consult the hevea manual for explanation how to use imagen in conjunction with hevea.


A summary of options are included below.

-png Produce images in the png format. This is the default.

-gif Produce images in gif format instead of png.

-pnm Produce images in pnm format instead of png.

-mag nnnn,
Change the enlarging ratio that is applied while translating DVI into Postscript.
More precisely, dvips is run with -xnnnn option. Default value for this ration is
1414, this means that, by default, imagen magnifies LaTeX output by a factor of

-t arg Pass option -t arg to dvips. For instance, using -t a3 may help when images are
truncated on the right.

-pdf Have imagen call pdflatex instead of latex

-extra command,
Insert command as an additional stage in imagen ppm to png/gif production chain.
command is a Unix filter that expects a ppm image in its standard input and outputs
a ppm image on its standard output. A sensible choice for command is one command
from the netpbm package or several such commands piped together.

-quant number
Add an extra color quantization step in imagen ppm image production chain, where
number is the maximal number of colors in the produced images. This option may be
needed in response of a failure in the image production chain. It can also help in
limiting image files size.

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