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infoseqe - Online in the Cloud

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infoseq - Display basic information about sequences


infoseq -sequence seqall -columns boolean -delimiter string [-outfile outfile]
[-html boolean] -only boolean -heading boolean -usa boolean -database boolean
-name boolean -accession boolean -gi boolean -seqversion boolean -type boolean
-length boolean -pgc boolean -organism boolean -description boolean

infoseq -help


infoseq is a command line program from EMBOSS (“the European Molecular Biology Open
Software Suite”). It is part of the "Data retrieval:Sequence data" command group(s).


Input section
-sequence seqall

Advanced section
-columns boolean
Set this option on (Y) to print the sequence information into neat, aligned columns in
the output file. Alternatively, leave it unset (N), in which case the information
records will be delimited by a character, which you may specify by using the
-delimiter option. In other words, if -columns is set on, the -delimiter option is
overriden. Default value: Y

-delimiter string
This string, which is usually a single character only, is used to delimit individual
records in the text output file. It could be a space character, a tab character, a
pipe character or any other character or string. Default value: |

Output section
-outfile outfile
If you enter the name of a file here then this program will write the sequence details
into that file. Default value: stdout

-html boolean
Default value: N

-only boolean
This is a way of shortening the command line if you only want a few things to be
displayed. Instead of specifying: '-nohead -noname -noacc -notype -nopgc -nodesc' to
get only the length output, you can specify '-only -length' Default value: N

-heading boolean
Default value: Y

-usa boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-database boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-name boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-accession boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-gi boolean
Default value: N

-seqversion boolean
Default value: N

-type boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-length boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-pgc boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-organism boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

-description boolean
Default value: @(!$(only))

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