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installdeb-wordlist - debhelper-like utility for maintainers of wordlist Debian packages


installdeb-wordlist [debhelper options] [options]


installdeb-wordlist is a debhelper like program that is responsible for installing
appropriate debconf config and templates files and debhelper snippets in a wordlist
package, according to the Debian Spell Dictionaries and Tools Policy.

For more details, see

The actions executed by installdeb-wordlist are the following:

· Maintainer Scripts

installdeb-wordlist installs the necessary scraps of code in the postinst and postrm

· Language info file

installdeb-wordlist also checks a file containing wordlist information, called
debian/info-wordlist or debian/ If this file is successfully
parsed, it is installed in the /var/lib/dictionaries-common/wordlist directory.

· Substvars substitutions

This script will populate a substvars file, so Depends line in control file can
contain ${wordlist:Depends} to automatically care for dictionaries-common

This requires "Build-Depends" on at least dictionaries-common-dev 1.23.0 and is highly

· Debconf files

o templates and config files
installdeb-wordlist installs the Policy compliant Debconf files from the
information contained in the info-wordlist file. These files are created as
debian/config (or debian/package.config) and debian/templates (or
debian/package.templates). No intervention is needed here, since installdeb-
wordlist will make a call to dh_installdebconf(1).

If the package needs to have special code in the config file, the maintainer
should supply files called debian/ (or debian/ In the file, the string "#DEBHELPER#" must appear alone in one line and start
at the first column. installdeb-wordlist will replace that token with the
necessary Policy compliant code (this works with is either a Bourne
shell or Perl script).

If the package needs to define its own questions via the templates file the
maintainer should either supply files debian/po-master.templates (or
debian/package.po-master.templates) together with the appropriate po files if the
package handles template localization through po-debconf, or debian/
(or debian/ otherwise. See the po-debconf(7) manual page for
more details and remember that the master templates name is now different.

The templates defined in the or po-master.templates files are merged
into the Policy compliant templates by installdeb-wordlist and a call to
dh_installdebconf(1) is internally done.

o The elanguages template field
This field is useful if you want to override the debconf languages string with
something different (since the master string remains the same, this will not
trigger a new debconf call) or if you really think that the languages string
should be internationalized for your package. Note that for most packages the poor
man default localization should be enough, and translators should have another

installdeb-wordlist default behavior is not adding an "elanguages" field to the
templates file. If you want it added you have to call the script with the explicit
--write-elanguages option.

This field will be added with value taken from the "Elanguage" entry in the info
file if present, or after the "Language" value otherwise. Note that this is useful
only if:

- You want to fix a buggy entry
In this case just fill the "Elanguage" field in the info file with the new
value. This will be shown at the debconf prompt.

- You want to fully internationalize your entries
In this case some black magic is needed at first time for smooth use,

(a) Run installdeb-{ispell,wordlist} --no-installdebconf --write-elanguages
for every package whose string should be internationalized. Edit the created
.templates files and remove the leading underscores in the elanguages entry if
(b) Run debconf-gettextize templates_to_be_internationalized. Check that all
the desired .templates files are in debian/po/ and remove old
.config and .templates files.
(c) Run again installdeb-{ispell,wordlist} --no-installdebconf
--write-elanguages and debconf-updatepo (no edit here) to remove references to
non-translatable strings. Check that the desired strings are in the po master
file (debian/po/templates.pot) and remove .config and .templates files. You
are done. If the master "Elanguages" string is changed, repeat (c) afterward.


The usual dephelper(1) options are accepted. Options below are specific to installdeb-

Do not run dh_installdebconf nor remove templates and config file.

Do not install {pre,post}{inst,rm} snippets.

Create the elanguages stuff.

Show some extra info.


This program is not part of debhelper, although it is intended to be used in wordlist
packages using debhelper in its building.

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