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ipbori - An Interactive PolyBoRi Shell


ipbori [ -ipythonprefix prefix ] [ ipython-options ]


An interactive IPython shell for interfacing with the PolyBoRi framework. It offers full
support of specialized data structures as well as C/C++- and Python-based algorithms for
treating polynomials over Boolean rings.


This options allows to select a path for the IPython executable in the case of
multiple IPython installations.

Alternatively, the environment variable IPYTHONPREFIX may be set accordingly.

In addition IPython options may be added to the command line.


Defines a path for the IPython executable. It can be overwritten by the
-ipythonprefix option.


The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which is wrapped and extended by a Python
interface. Essentially, ipbori calls IPython together with a profile for using PolyBoRi's
python interface. It can be used as a special purpose computer-algebra system for
computation with polynomials over Boolean rings. In ipbori a global ring is already
predefined and a set of variables called x(0), ..., x(9999). The default ordering is
lexicographical ordering (lp).

For more details, see the PolyBoRi documentation. In particular, have a look at the
tutorial, the doxygen part for the core library, and pythondoc part for the high-level

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