jclassinfo - Online in the Cloud

This is the command jclassinfo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



jclassinfo - Provides information for Java class files.


jclassinfo [option] {classname | filename}


jclassinfo reads a class file and provides all sorts of information about it. file can be
- then jclassinfo reads a classfile from standard input.


--help Output help information and exit.

Output version information and exit.

The path used to search for VM bootstrap classes.

The path used to search for the class if a class name is given.

--xml Output xml (experimental).

--all Prints all information for the class.

Prints some general information about the class.

Print constant pool.

--visibility=<public | package | protected | private | synthetic>
The visibility to use when printing class fields/methods.

Print fields.

Print methods.

Enable code disassembly for methods (if compiled with disassembly support).

Show exception table and max stack and max locals for methods.

Show line numbers and local variables for methods.

Print class attributes.

Print packages referenced.

Print classes/interfaces referenced.

Print methods referenced.

--find-class {classname}
Find the file(s) that contains the given class(es).

Scan dependencies recursively.

Supress status messages.

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