This is the command jjtree that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
javacc — a java compiler compiler
javacc [option-settings] [inputfile]
jjtree [option-settings] [inputfile]
jjdoc [inputfile]
This manual page documents briefly the javacc, jjtree and jjdoc commands.
This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does
not have a manual page.
javacc is a parser generator for use with Java
jjtree is a tree builder for javacc
jjdoc is a documentation generator javacc
javacc, jjtree or jjdoc without any argument prints a small help with the list of
available options.
"option-settings" is a sequence of settings separated by spaces. Each option setting must
be of one of the following forms:
-optionname=value (e.g. -STATIC=false)
-optionname:value (e.g. -STATIC:false)
-optionname (equivalent to -optionname=true. e.g., -STATIC)
-NOoptionname (equivalent to -optionname=false. e.g., -NOSTATIC)
Option settings are not case-sensitive, so one can say -nOsTaTiC instead of -NOSTATIC.
Option values must be appropriate for the corresponding option, and must be either an
integer or a string value.
For a list of available options, please refer to the command's internal help.
% javacc -STATIC=false -LOOKAHEAD:2 -debug_parser mygrammar.jj
% jjtree -STATIC=false mygrammar.jjt
% jjdoc mygrammar.jj
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