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l2test - Online in the Cloud

Run l2test in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command l2test that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



l2test - L2CAP testing




l2test is L2CAP testing program.


l2test <mode> [options] [bdaddr]

-r listen and receive
-w listen and send
-d listen and dump incoming data
-x listen, then send, then dump incoming data
-s connect and send
-u connect and receive
-n connect and be silent
-y connect, then send, then dump incoming data
-c connect, disconnect, connect, ...
-m multiple connects
-p trigger dedicated bonding
-z information request

[-b bytes] [-i device] [-P psm] [-J cid]
[-I imtu] [-O omtu]
[-L seconds] enable SO_LINGER
[-W seconds] enable deferred setup
[-B filename] use data packets from file
[-N num] send num frames (default = infinite)
[-C num] send num frames before delay (default = 1)
[-D milliseconds] delay after sending num frames (default = 0)
[-X mode] select retransmission/flow-control mode
[-Q num] Max Transmit value (default = 3)
[-Z size] Transmission Window size (default = 63)
[-F fcs] use CRC16 check (default = 1)
[-R] reliable mode
[-G] use connectionless channel (datagram)
[-U] use sock stream
[-A] request authentication
[-E] request encryption
[-S] secure connection
[-M] become master
[-T] enable timestamps

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