LAmerge - Online in the Cloud

This is the command LAmerge that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



LAmerge - merge .las files into a single sorted file


LAmerge [-v] merge:las parts:las ...


Merge the .las files parts into a singled sorted file merge, where it is assumed that the
input parts files are sorted. Due to operating system limits, the number of parts files
must be <= 252. With the -v option set, the program reports the number of records read
and written.

Used correctly, LAmerge and LAsort(1) together allow one to perform an "external" sort
that produces a collection of sorted files containing in aggregate all the local
alignments found by the daligner(1), such that their concatenation is sorted in order of
(a,b,o,ab). In particular, this means that all the alignments for a given a-read will be
found consecutively in one of the files. So computations that need to look at all the
alignments for a given read can operate in simple sequential scans of these sorted files.

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