legit - Online in the Cloud

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Legit: Git for Humans -

Inspired by GitHub for Mac.


GitHub for Mac is not just a Git client.

This comment on Hacker News says it best:
They haven't re-created the git CLI tool in a GUI, they've created something different.
They've created a tool that makes Git more accessible. Little things like auto-stashing
when you switch branches will confuse git veterans, but it will make Git much easier to
grok for newcomers because of the assumptions it makes about your Git workflow.

Why not bring this innovation back to the command line?


Get a nice pretty list of available branches.

sync [<branch>]
Syncronizes the given branch. Defaults to current branch. Stash, Fetch,
Auto-Merge/Rebase, Push, and Unstash. You can only sync published branches.

switch <branch>
Switches to specified branch. Defaults to current branch. Automatically stashes
and unstashes any changes.

sprout [<branch>] <new-branch>
Creates a new branch off of the specified branch. Swiches to it immediately.

harvest [<branch>] <new-branch>
Creates a new branch off of the specified branch. Swiches to it immediately.

graft <branch> <into-branch>
Auto-Merge/Rebase of specified branch into the second branch.

publish <branch>
Publishes specified branch to the remote.

unpublish <branch>
Removes specified branch from the remote.

Installs legit git aliases.


Installing Legit is easy with pip:

$ pip install legit

You'll then have the wonderful legit command available. Run it within a repository.

To install the git aliases, run the following command:

$ legit install


· All remote operations are carried out by the first remote found.

· If a stash pop merge fails, Legit stops. I'd like to add checking for a merge failure,
and undo the command with friendly error reporting.

· Pip install is cumbersome to people unfamiliar with Python. Package. (Py2App +

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