licq - Online in the Cloud

This is the command licq that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



licq - ICQ client


licq [OPTION]... [-- PLUGIN-OPTIONS]...


licq is an ICQ instant messaging client daemon that supports a number of interfaces via
plug-ins, primarily Qt, but also GTK+, console, and other utility plug-ins. At least one
plug-in is required for Licq to function.


-b DIR Set the base directory for configuration and data files (default: $HOME/.licq)

-c Disable color at standard output.

Set what information is logged to standard output:
1 - status information
2 - unknown packets
4 - errors
8 - warnings
16 - all packets
Add values together for multiple options.

-h Print a help screen on standard output, then exit.

-I Force initialization of the given base directory.

Redirect standard error to FILE, which can be a device (e.g., /dev/ttyp4).

Load the given plug-in library.


To start licq with the KDE GUI plug-in:

licq -p kde-gui

This choice is recorded, so next time it suffices to start without any options.

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