This is the command linkicc that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
linkicc - little cms device link generator.
linkicc [options] <profiles>
lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a
fast transformation between ICC profiles. linkicc is little cms device link generator.
Links two or more profiles into a single devicelink profile. Colorspaces must be paired
except Lab/XYZ, that can be interchanged.
-8 Creates 8-bit devicelink.
-b Black point compensation.
-c <0,1,2,3>
Precission (0=LowRes, 1=Normal, 2=Hi-res). [defaults to 1]
-d description
Description text (quotes can be used).
-h <0,1,2,3>
Show summary of options and examples.
-i profile
Input profile (defaults to sRGB).
-k <0..400>
Ink-limiting in % (CMYK only)
-o profile
Output devicelink profile. [defaults to 'devicelink.icm']
-t <0,1,2,3>
Intent (0=Perceptual, 1=Colorimetric, 2=Saturation, 3=Absolute).
-x Creatively, guess deviceclass of resulting profile.
Built-in profiles:
*Lab -- D50-based CIEL*a*b (PCS)
*sRGB -- sRGB color space
*Gray22- Monochrome of Gamma 2.2
*Lin2222- CMYK linearization of gamma 2.2 on each channel
To create 'devicelink.icm' from a.icc to b.icc:
linkicc a.icc b.icc
To create 'out.icc' from sRGB to cmyk.icc:
linkicc -o out.icc *sRGB cmyk.icc
To create a sRGB input profile working in Lab:
linkicc -x -o sRGBLab.icc *sRGB *Lab
To create a XYZ -> sRGB output profile:
linkicc -x -o sRGBLab.icc *XYZ *sRGB
To create a abstract profile doing softproof for cmyk.icc:
linkicc -t1 -x -o softproof.icc *Lab cmyk.icc cmyk.icc *Lab
To create a 'grayer' sRGB input profile:
linkicc -x -o grayer.icc *sRGB gray.icc gray.icc *Lab
To embed ink limiting into a cmyk output profile:
linkicc -x -o cmyklimited.icc -k 250 cmyk.icc *Lab
For suggestions, comments, bug reports etc. send mail to
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