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log4shib-config - Online in the Cloud

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log4shib-config - Flags for linking with the log4shib library


log4shib-config [--prefix[=dir]] [--exec-prefix[=dir]]
[--package] [--version] [--cflags] [--libs] [--help]


log4shib-config prints out various configuration information for the log4shib library,
such as the compiler and linker flags required to build and link programs against the

log4shib provides a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, and
other destinations. It is modeled after the log4j Java library, staying as close to that
API as is reasonable.

log4shib is a fork of the log4cpp library with additional fixes and modifications to
improve its thread safety and robustness. It is primarily intended for use by the
Shibboleth web authentication system.


Prints a usage message. This is the default action.

Prints the compiler flags required to build software using log4shib.

Prints the linker flags required to link software with log4shib.

Prints the name of the log4shib package.

Prints the version of log4shib from which this script came.

Prints the prefix with which log4shib was compiled. If the optional argument is
supplied, also sets the prefix to dir for any subsequent flags. (This is rarely

Prints the prefix for compiled files with which log4shib was compiled. If the
optional argument is supplied, also sets the exec prefix to dir for any subsequent
flags. (This is rarely useful.)

Other, lesser-used options are also available to print out additional configure-time
information. Run with --help for a full list of available options.

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