mailfilter - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mailfilter that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mailfilter - Filters e-mail, gets rid of spam


mailfilter [OPTION]...


Mailfilter is a very flexible utility to get rid of unwanted spam mails, before having to
go through the trouble of downloading them into the local computer. It offers support for
one or many POP accounts and is especially useful for dialup connections via modem, ISDN,

Mailfilter connects to any POP mail box and compares part of its content to a set of user
defined filter rules. That way the spam gets deleted directly on the mail server.

With Mailfilter you can define your own filters (rules) to determine which e-mails should
be delivered and which are considered waste. Rules are Regular Expressions, so you can
make use of familiar options from other mail delivery programs such as procmail(1) for


The mailfilter program normally returns 0 but -1 if an error occurs. However, if it has
been invoked with the return-value command line switch, it gives back a positive integer
in case there are messages on the POP server. Empty POP accounts would then result in a
return value of 0. Using the switch, mailfilter can be embedded into a shell script more


The behaviour of Mailfilter is controlled by command-line options and a configuration
file. The program will not start without it. Example configurations can be looked up in
the mailfilterex(5) man page, in the INSTALL document or inside the doc/ directory of the
Mailfilter distribution.

By default Mailfilter tries to read $HOME/.mailfilterrc to get all its settings from. This
is the place where all changes should be made, unless it is explicitly specified
otherwise. A comprehensive list of all supported options and keywords can be found in the
mailfilterrc(5) man page.


-h, --help
Display help information

-L, --logfile=FILE
Specify logfile location

-M, --mailfilterrc=FILE
Specify rcfile location

-r, --return-value
Enable additional return values

-t, --test
Simulate deletes

-i, --ignore-time-stamps
Ignore invalid Message-ID time stamps (Do not use unless you know better!)

-v, --verbose=LEVEL
Specify level of verbosity

-V, --version
Display version information

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