MBK_OUT_FILTER - Online in the Cloud

This is the command MBK_OUT_FILTER that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



MBK_OUT_FILTER - define the input filter


MBK_OUT_FILTER sets the output filter for writting compressed Alliance files. Filter is
typically a string containing filename and options. This filter must read non compressed
data flow on it standard input and write compressed data flow on it standard output. If a
non compressed version of a file exist in the same target directory the designer want the
save a file's compressed version, to ensure that file will be read later and not the non
compressed one, the non compressed file is DELETED. To activate filters, variable
MBK_FILTER_SFX must be set.


Writing compressed files with gzip :
setenv MBK_OUT_FILTER "/asim/gnu/bin/gzip -c"
setenv MBK_FILTER_SFX ".gz"

Use MBK_OUT_FILTER online using onworks.net services

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