mcfirst - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mcfirst that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mcfirst - check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast


mcfirst [ -46vr ] [ -I interface ] [ -c count ] [ -t time ] [ source ] group port


mcfirst can be used to check whether one can receive multicast packets from a host. The
host may send any type of multicast packets, any application, IPv4 or IPv6, ASM or SSM.
mcfirst joins the specified (source) and group, and listens to the specified port.
mcfirst will by default exit when the first packet is received, and print how long it


The options are as follows.

-4 Force IPv4

-6 Force IPv6

-v Print version

-r Print rate information only

-I interface
Interface to join on

-c count
Stop after receiving count packets. Default is 1 unless time limit is specified

-t time
Exit after time seconds. Default is to exit after the first packet. If both count
and time are specified, mcfirst will exit as soon as one of them is satisfied.

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