mDiffExec - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mDiffExec that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mDiffExec - Re-project and mosaic your images, with background rectification


mDiffExec [-p projdir] [-d] [-n(o-areas)] [-s statusfile] diffs.tbl template.hdr diffdir


Runs mDiff on all the pairs identified by mOverlaps.


-p projdir
Specifies path to the directory containing reprojected input images.

-d Turns on debugging.

-n No-area-images flag. Creates difference image without requiring _area FITS images

-s statusfile
Output and errors are sent to statusfile instead of to stdout


Table generated by mOverlaps for the images in projdir.

FITS header template for output files.

Path to output files.


FITS images representing the differences for each pair of overlapping images. nimages is
the total number of images successfully processed, and nfailed is the number of images
that failed. The most likely cause of failure is that the FITS images overlapped, but
only in areas where they contained blank pixels (especially common in images with large
degree of rotation).


OK [struct stat="OK", count=nimages, failed=nfailed]

ERROR MPI initialization failed

ERROR Cannot open status file: statusfile

ERROR Cannot access diffdir

ERROR diffdir is not a directory

ERROR Invalid image metadata file: filename

ERROR Need columns: cntr1 cntr2 plus minus diff

ERROR mDiff error


First, diffs.tbl is generated using mOverlaps. Then mDiff can be run on reprojected
images, using this template.hdr.

$ mDiffExec -n -p projdir projdir/diffs.tbl template.hdr diffdir
[struct stat="OK", count=42, failed=0]

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