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metar - Online in the Cloud

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metar - A METAR downloader/decoder


metar [-dvh] stations


METAR reports are meteorological weather reports for aviation. metar is a small program
which downloads weather reports for user-specified stations and optionally decodes them
into a human-readable format.

Aviation weather stations are commonly referred to by ICAO designator. The ICAO is the
International Civil Aviation Organization, a international standardization body for civil
organization. For example, KJFK is the ICAO identifier for John F. Kennedy Airport in New
York, New York, EHAM is the ICAO identifier for Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, The
Netherlands, etc.


metar requires at least one station identifier to run. A full list of ICAO stations is
available for download at http://weather.noaa.gov/data/nsd_bbsss.txt.

metar supports three additional options:

-d Decode the retrieved weather reports into a human-readable format.
-v Be verbose while retrieving a report.
-h Show a short help summary


If the environment variable METARURL is set, metar will attempt to download the weather
report from that location, rather than from the default (the NOAA web site). The value of
METARURL will be postfixed with the capitalized station ID, followed by the .TXT

For example, if you have METAR reports in your home directory, setting METARURL to $HOME
and asking for the weather report of ehgr will result in the file $HOME/EHGR.TXT to be

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