mh_linkjars - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mh_linkjars that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Maven - Creates links in /usr/share/maven-repo for all jars.


mh_linkjars [option]...


Reads the file debian/$package.poms and create links for each jar file generated by a POM
listed in the .poms file.


-h --help: show this text

-V --version: show the version

-p<package> --package=<package>: name of the Debian package which

will contain the jar files

-e<version>, --set-version=<version>: set the version for the jars,

do not use the version declared in the POM file.

-r<rules> --rules=<rules>: path to the file containing the

rules to apply when cleaning the POM. Optional, the default location is

-v --verbose: show more information while running

-n --no-act: don't actually do anything, just print the results

The <package>.poms file should contain the list of POM files associated with the list of
jars to install in the repository, and each pom file should have either the option
--usj-name, giving the name of the jar (without the extension) to link to and located in
/usr/share/java, or the option --artifact, which should contain the full name of the
source jar to link to.

See also: mh_linkjar(1), mh_install(1)

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