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mia-meshfilter - Run filters on a 3D mesh.


mia-meshfilter -i <in-file> -o <out-file> [options] <PLUGINS:mesh/filter>


mia-meshfilter This program runs a series filters on a given input mesh. The filters are
given as extra parameters on the command line and are run in the order in which they are
given. To obtain a list of available filters you may run
'mia-plugin-help mesh/filter' from the command line


-i --in-file=(input, required); io
input mesh to be filtered For supported file types see PLUGINS:mesh/io

-o --out-file=(output, required); io
output mesh that have been filtered For supported file types see

Help & Info
-V --verbose=warning
verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities.
Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:
info ‐ Low level messages
trace ‐ Function call trace
fail ‐ Report test failures
warning ‐ Warnings
error ‐ Report errors
debug ‐ Debug output
message ‐ Normal messages
fatal ‐ Report only fatal errors

print copyright information

-h --help
print this help

-? --usage
print a short help

print the version number and exit

Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower
or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1:
automatic estimation).Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This
number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in
the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).

PLUGINS: mesh/filter

addscale This filter sorts sets the scale parameter for each vertex from a 3D image.
Image and mesh are expected to be in the same physical coordinate space.,
supported parameters are:

img =(required, string)
3DImage that contains the scale values as a volume image..

This filter deletes all triangles that have a normal that differs by the given
angle from the provided direction., supported parameters are:

angle = 5; float
Tolerance angle (in degree) that the normal can diviate from the provided

dir =(required, 3dfvector)
Direction the triangle normals are expected to point to. The orientation
of the vector is taken into account..

scale This plug-in provides a filter to scale triangulat meshes by a given strategy,
supported parameters are:

anisoscale = [[1,1,1]]; 3dfvector
Ansiotropic scaling parameter..

box-end = [[256,256,256]]; 3dfvector
Box end for fitbox scaling..

box-start = [[0,0,0]]; 3dfvector
Box start for fitbox scaling..

isoscale = 1; float
Isotropic scaling parameter..

shift = [[0,0,0]]; 3dfvector
Shift mesh after scaling..

strategy = iso-linear; dict
Isotropic scaling parameter.. Supported values are:
iso-linear ‐ Scale and shirt the mesh by scaling it isotropically as
given by parameter 'isoscale' and apply a shift as given by parameter
iso-fitbox ‐ Fit the mesh into the given box by shifting it and apply
isotropic scaling. The box is given by the parameters 'box-start' for
upper, left, frontal corner, and 'box-end' for the lower, right back
aniso-linear ‐ Scale and shirt the mesh by scaling it anisotropically
as given by parameter 'anisoscale' and apply a shift as given by
parameter 'shift'
aniso-fitbox ‐ Fit the mesh into the given box by shifting it and
apply anisotropic scaling. The box is given by the parameters 'box-
start' for upper, left, frontal corner, and 'box-end' for the lower,
right back corner

selectbig This filter selects the component with the highest number of triangles from a
mesh that is actually composed of disconnected components. Components are
considered to be disconnected if they don't share a common edge (they might
share a common vertex though

(no parameters)

vtxsort This filter sorts the vertices of a mesh according to the given direction.
Specifically, the dot product between the given direction and the vertices will
be ordered ascending, supported parameters are:

dir = [[0,0,1]]; 3dfvector
Sorting direction,.

PLUGINS: mesh/io

datapool Virtual IO to and from the internal data pool

Recognized file extensions: .@

off plugin to load/store some Geomview OFF Files

Recognized file extensions: .OFF, .off

ply Ply triangle mesh input/output support

Recognized file extensions: .PLY, .ply

stl STL mesh io plugin

Recognized file extensions: .STL, .stl

vista Vista/Simbio triangle mesh input/output support

Recognized file extensions: .V, .VMESH, .v, .vmesh

vtk A subset of VTK mesh in-and output: Triangle meshes are written, and triangle
meshes and triangle strips are read. Additional per-vertex attributes are
supported: 'normals', 'colors' for three component colors, and 'scale' for a
scalar value attached to each vertex. The data is written by the
vtkPolyDataWriter in binary format.

Recognized file extensions: .VTK, .VTKMESH, .vtk, .vtkmesh


Run an isotropic scaling on input.vmesh to fit it into the box defined by the corners
<0,0,0> - <128,128,128> and save the result to output.vmesh

mia-meshfilter -i input.vmesh -o output.vmesh


Gert Wollny


This software is Copyright (c) 1999‐2015 Leipzig, Germany and Madrid, Spain. It comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (or later). For more information run the program with the
option '--copyright'.

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