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mkgeo_ugridrheolef - Online in the Cloud

Run mkgeo_ugridrheolef in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command mkgeo_ugridrheolef that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mkgeo_ugrid -- build an unstructured mesh of a parallelotope, in 1d, 2d or 3d


mkgeo_ugrid options [n]


The following command build a triangle based 2d unstructured mesh of the unit square:

mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 > square-10.geo
geo -mayavi square-10.geo

or in one comand line:

mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 | geo -mayavi -


This command is usefull when testing programs on simple geometries. Invocation is similar
to mkgeo_grid (see mkgeo_grid(1)). It calls gmsh as unstructured mesh generator. It
avoid the preparation of an input file for a mesh generator. The optional n argument is
an integer that specifies the subdivision in each direction. By default n=10. The mesh
files goes on standard output.

The command supports all the possible element types: edges, triangles, rectangles,
tetraedra, prisms and hexahedra. It supports also mixed 2D with triangles and quadrangles:

mkgeo_ugrid -tq 10 | geo -mayavi -

and mixed 3D with tetraedra, prisms and/or hjexaedra:

mkgeo_ugrid -TP 10 | geo -mayavi -
mkgeo_ugrid -PH 10 | geo -mayavi -
mkgeo_ugrid -TPH 10 | geo -mayavi -


-e 1d mesh using edges.

-t 2d mesh using triangles.

-q 2d mesh using quadrangles.

-tq 2d mesh using both triangles and quadrangles.

-T 3d mesh using tetraedra.

-P 3d mesh using prisms.

-H 3d mesh using hexahedra.



-TPH 3d mesh using a mixt between tetraedra, prisms and/or hexahedra.


The geometry can be any [a,b] segment, [a,b]x[c,d] rectangle or [a,b]x[c,d]x[f,g]
parallelotope. By default a=c=f=0 and b=d=g=1, thus, the unit boxes are considered. For
instance, the following command meshes the [-2,2]x[-1.5, 1.5] rectangle:

mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 -a -2 -b 2 -c -1.5 -d 1.5 | geo -

-a float

-b float

-c float

-d float

-f float

-g float



The boundary sides are representd by domains: left, right, top, bottom,front and


This option defines a domain named boundary that groups all sides. By default,
both sides and the whole boundary are defined as domains:

mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 > square.geo
geo square.geo
mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 -nosides > square.geo
geo square.geo
mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 -noboundary > square.geo
geo square.geo
mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 -noboundary -nosides > square.geo
geo square.geo



The whole domain is splitted into two subdomains: east and west, This option is
used for testing computations with subdomains (e.g. transmission problem; see the
user manual).

mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 -region | geo -



The corners (four in 2D and eight in 3D) are defined as OD-domains. This could be
usefull for some special boundary conditions.

mkgeo_ugrid -t 10 -corner | geo -
mkgeo_ugrid -T 5 -corner | geo -


-order int
The polynomial approximation mesh order, as defined by gmsh. This option enable a
possible curved boundary, when applying a suitable nonlinear transformation to the
mesh. Defualt is order=1.


-clean clear temporary files (this is the default).

does not clear temporary files.

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