mlmmj-process - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mlmmj-process that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mlmmj-process - process mail for an mlmmj managed mailinglist


mlmmj-process -L /path/to/list -m /path/to/mail [-h] [-P] [-V]

-h: This help

-L: Full path to list directory

-m: Full path to mail file

-P: Don't execute mlmmj-send (debugging only)

-V: Print version


This is the binary which processes a mail. Examples of what such processing is:

· Access control

Using the access rules specified in <listdir>/control/access to perform access control
to the list. This is done before headers are stripped, so one can create allow rules
based on headers that are later stripped.

· Header stripping

Headers specified in <listdir>/control/delheaders are deleted from the mail.

· Header addition

Headers specified in <listdir>/control/customheaders are added to the mail. This
could be headers like List-ID: or Reply-To:

· List control

In case there's a mail with a recipient delimiter it's not a regular list mail.
Processing of these happens in mlmmj-receive as well. Examples of such are
subscription requests, mails to owner etc. It will base it's recipient delimiter
detection on the Delivered-To: header if present. If not, the To: header is used.

· Moderation

If the list is moderated, it will happen in mlmmj-process.

When processing is done, it will invoke the needed binary according to whatever mail it
is. If it's a subscription request it will invoke mlmmj-sub, if it's a regular list mail
it will invoke mlmmj-send.

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