multinode_server - Online in the Cloud

This is the command multinode_server that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



multinode_server - Server program to synchronise several instances of MORSE


multinode_server [synchronisation delay]


Socket server program to synchronise several instances of MORSE (nodes) running the same
simulation scenario. This program must be started before launching the simulation in the

All the client nodes will connect with the server and send it the updated positions of the
robots they manage. The multinode_server program will concentrate the positions of all
robots into a single Python dictionary, and then send it back to all clients.

It also permits pausing the simulation, by typing in its terminal p and Enter. The same
command will allow the simulation to continue. This mechanism relies on the fact that the
clients will remain waiting for a reply from the server before continuing with the


[synchronisation delay]
Optional parameter that defines the delay (in seconds) between messages to the
connected clients. A larger delay will slow down the simulation in all clients.
Default value is 0.0

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