murmur-user-wrapper - Online in the Cloud

This is the command murmur-user-wrapper that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



murmur-user-wrapper - User wrapper for murmurd.


murmur-user-wrapper [options]


Murmur is the server component of Mumble, a low-latency, high quality VoIP application.
Murmur-wrapper is a wrapper script to make it easier for normal users to set up their own,
private murmur server.


-d "directory"
Set directory to use. By default, the wrapper script uses $HOME/murmur

-s Check if murmur process is running.

-k Terminate running murmur process.

-i Initialize only, do not start the server.

-p "password"
Specify password for the SuperUser account and exit. SuperUser is the mumble
equivalent of root, a special user which bypasses all access restrictions.


To create your own private server, you first want to run

murmur-user-wrapper -i

Then edit ~/murmur/murmur.ini to set the various configuration settings. The most
important is probably the port; unless you're the only murmur process running on this
server, you'll need to change it.

When you're happy with your settings, you need to set the password for SuperUser, which is
your administrator account.

murmur-user-wrapper -p <password>

Once this is done, simply run


to start the server.

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