muse - Online in the Cloud

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MusE - MIDI/Audio Sequencer


muse [ options ] [ file ]


MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer that can also record and edit sound files, apply effects
and filters from an intuitive graphical interface. It is based on the Linux-specific ALSA
interface for audio i/o. The Jack Audio Connection Kit is used for routing. LADSPA-
compliant plugins allow to extend the list of available effects.

The optional file argument denotes a project file in MusE-internal format that is loaded
on startup. Project files can also be loaded later on through the graphical menu.


-a Use a dummy audio backend instead of real audio i/o.

-d Start in debugging mode without real-time threads.

-D Enable verbose debugging messages.

-h Display usage information.

-I Do not attempt to load any DSSI plugins.

-l xx Force locale to the language/country code xx.

-L Do not se LASH.

-m Provide debugging messages about midi input events.

-M Provide debugging messages about midi output events.

-p Do not attempt to load any LADSPA plugins.

-P n Set scheduling priority of real-time threads to n (Dummy only, default 40. Else
fixed by Jack.).

-s Provide debugging messages about sync events.

-v Print version information.

-V Do not attempt to load any VST plugins.

-y Enable Python control support.

-Y n Force midi real time priority to n.

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