muse-song-convert - Online in the Cloud

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muse-song-convert - convert between MusE songfile formats


muse-song-convert songfile


The MIDI Music Editor MusE uses a custom file format to store its song files. This format
has changed between MusE versions 0.6 and 0.7 in incompatible ways. The utility muse-
song-convert is able to convert songfiles from 0.6 to the new 0.7 format, so old songs can
be loaded into new versions of MusE. It is not possible to convert a new song back to the
old format. To prevent data loss, muse-song-convert does not modify the original songfile.
Instead, it copies and converts the original songfile as songfile.converted. The process
is meant to retain all information in the converted songfile, but may not be perfect in
all cases.


muse-song-convert was written by Robert Jonsson <>.

This manual page was written by Daniel Kobras <> for the Debian GNU/Linux
system (but may be used by others).

August 2005 MUSE-SONG-CONVERT(1)

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