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musicxml2ly - manual page for musicxml2ly (LilyPond) 2.18.2


musicxml2ly [OPTION]... FILE.xml


Convert MusicXML from FILE.xml to LilyPond input. If the given filename is -, musicxml2ly
reads from the command line.


-h, --help
show this help and exit

show version number and exit

-v, --verbose
be verbose

--lxml use lxml.etree; uses less memory and cpu time

-z, --compressed
input file is a zip-compressed MusicXML file

-r, --relative
convert pitches in relative mode (default)

-a, --absolute
convert pitches in absolute mode

-l, --language=LANG
use LANG for pitch names, e.g. 'deutsch' for note names in German

Print log messages according to LOGLEVEL (NONE, ERROR, WARNING, PROGRESS (default),

--nd --no-articulation-directions
do not convert directions (^, _ or -) for articulations, dynamics, etc.

--nrp --no-rest-positions
do not convert exact vertical positions of rests

--npl --no-page-layout
do not convert the exact page layout and breaks

do not convert beaming information, use lilypond's automatic beaming instead

-o, --output=FILE
set output filename to FILE, stdout if -

-m, --midi
activate midi-block


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Copyright © 2005--2012 by

Han-Wen Nienhuys <>, Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> and
Reinhold Kainhofer <>

This program is free software. It is covered by the GNU General Public License and you
are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Invoke
as `lilypond --warranty' for more information.

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