mutextrace - Online in the Cloud

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mutextrace - LD_PRELOAD wrapper for tracing pthread mutex acquisition


mutextrace program options


This tool allows you to wrap an existing program and wrap calls to pthread_create and
pthread_mutex_* to display what is happening. Specifically creation, locking, unlocking and
destruction of mutexes as well as creation and termination of threads is displayed. Note
that it does replace pthread_mutex_trylock. Objects are numbered sequentially numbered at
creation and those numbers are used to identify them later on. When a lock is acquired in
one thread which is currently held by another thread, the ownership transfer is explained.

The mutextrace utility sets up the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to load the library into
a program to be debugged. It takes no options on its own and assumes that the first
parameter refers to a program to be executed. All further parameters are passed on to the
wrapped program.

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