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myloader - multi-threaded MySQL loader


myloader --directory = /path/to/mydumper/backup [OPTIONS]


myloader is a tool used for multi-threaded restoration of mydumper backups.


The myloader tool has several available options:

--help, -?
Show help text

--host, -h
Hostname of MySQL server to connect to (default localhost)

--user, -u
MySQL username with the correct privileges to execute the restoration

--password, -p
The corresponding password for the MySQL user

--port, -P
The port for the MySQL connection.

For localhost TCP connections use for --host.

--socket, -S
The UNIX domain socket file to use for the connection

--threads, -t
The number of threads to use for restoring data, default is 4

--version, -V
Show the program version and exit

--compress-protocol, -C
Use client protocol compression for connections to the MySQL server

--directory, -d
The directory of the mydumper backup to restore

--database, -B
An alternative database to load the dump into

For use with single database dumps. When using with multi-database dumps that
have duplicate table names in more than one database it may cause errors.
Alternatively this scenario may give unpredictable results with

--source-db, -s
Database to restore, useful in combination with --database

--queries-per-transaction, -q
Number of INSERT queries to execute per transaction during restore, default is

--overwrite-tables, -o
Drop any existing tables when restoring schemas

--enable-binlog, -e
Log the data loading in the MySQL binary log if enabled (off by default)

--verbose, -v
The verbosity of messages. 0 = silent, 1 = errors, 2 = warnings, 3 = info.
Default is 2.

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